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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. AAA exclusives just fall into our laps. I can barely keep track of them at this point. Meanwhile lemmings haven't had one in five fucking years xbox
  2. 2 developers known for PC style rpgs. All that will happen is their games will be multiplat, or MS will just force them to make dumbed down games and piss a lot of people off. Expect Halo, Gears and even Forza yearly rpg rehashes
  3. These people made Hunted? That game was xbox tier garbage.
  4. The guy whose been playing up State of Decay 2 all year trying to rip on 5.0 games
  5. So many little details yet dull gameplay and missions.
  6. Holy shit the democrats are straight up cheating elections now The left will be ok with it too because deep down they don't give a fuck about democracy. They just want their side to win so they can have a socialist utopia like Venezuela.
  7. Calling BF a bad game after a year of playing six of thieves and 5tateof decay
  8. Nah sounds like the 360 in general. That thing was so shit it cant even break properly sometimes you'd get the RROD, sometimes not but either way it was fucked.
  9. The salt in here all these classic consoles are garbage. just get a PI, smaller and has like 1000 more games.
  10. Lamepass no matter what microshit does, sony is always one step ahead.
  11. Not bad. Only 3 points lower than State of Decay 2 and I heard that was pretty good.
  12. Uh oh lemmings, especially Deeno.....might want to switch to PC
  13. Xbox was a mistake. 5 fucking years withour an AAAE
  14. This cunt "Blame Trump" apparantly. The fucking nerve. No fucker takes responsibility these days. The fact that they had their head so far in the fucking sand that they didn't see this coming is astounsing. Diablo 3 was a boring pos anyway.
  15. No, but at least they have CoD and Battlefield now. Back in the day there were no alternatives on xbox so lemmings had to make do with Failo.
  16. literally the worst level design in videogame history. Going through the same room 12 times because it's all copy and paste
  17. TLHBO


    Microsoft is going to control the industry..... Deeno actually believes this :kaz:
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