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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Ever heard of the boy who cried Wolf? Even if this is true I automatically disbelieve most of the shit the left says now after years of lies upon lies upon lies. I mean some of you here swore down that Trump was handpicked by Putin and conspired with the russians to win the election still waiting on that impeachment. Lets not forget that the left are NOTORIOUS for faking hate crimes and shit and death threats and doing it all to themselves in the end. So excuse me if I just yawn and wait to see where this goes
  2. This is where lemmings cry it doesn't count then proceed to tell us how great SoT and SoD2 have been
  3. They've been co-ordinating with Clinton, Obama and the rest for years, what makes you think they've suddenly stopped now?
  4. Lmfao probably done it themselves like everything else they've co-ordinated after all the shit the paat few years I can't believe anything they say. and loofles at the left being like "Look its those evil right wingers!!! i told you they were violent!!!" look at yourselves over the past two years. You're conpletely unhinged.
  5. Jump in 2018? Are they fucking serious? After the year they've had?
  6. DynamiteCop (the game, not the autistic sw member), Zombie revenge and powerstone? Would be great.
  7. Lol gonna say it seemed like an overreaction from him, but the kind of hyperbole you'd expect from Reeeesetera.
  8. Change the Lemming colour to black since Xbox is dead
  9. Boogerman sucks TJ & Earl 2 is meh Go for GT
  10. Yeah i know it's sales but I don't get why people are still buying it? it's dead. It has no games. PS4 is just a far better option. The fact that this shit still manages a "good 2018" despite being literally one of the worst consoles ever made says there's something wrong with America.
  11. How the hell has xbox had a good 2018? Who the hell has been buying a console whose only decent scoring games for the past few years have all had Forza in the title?
  12. JonB would eat it up like he did Voodoo Vince. shit its funny looking back. Blinx and Voodoo vince were a joke back in the day but in the year of SoT and SoD2 they'd be a godsend
  13. You go further back every year. Last year it was games from 2010. This year its games from 2007. Next year during your drought it will be OG xbox games from 2004. Why not just buy a real console?
  14. JonB excited about decade old games again. Xbox - game like it's 2007 all over again. LOL!
  15. Two Forza games. Fucking hell, even Microsoft is admitting they have nothing else at this point
  16. It's 2018? Who gives a fuck? I was the biggest Rare fanboy on here back in the day and even I couldn't care less.
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