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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Lemmings pretending anyone gives a fuck about Snorza Next time MLB: The Show gets AAA we cows should brag about it as the biggest game of the year.
  2. Great comeback. You really proved me wrong there.
  3. Fucking hell. 5 years for an AAA exclusive. That's half a decade of nothing. 2 years for an AAA that isn't on PS4. Xbox One really is one of the worst consile of all time. This is N-Gage/CDi/3DO tier.
  4. Lmfao I love it when lems do this *Other faction gets games all year, Lemmings get none* *Lemmings finally get a Forza game after a year long drought* Cows are losing their marbles!!! They're shook!!
  5. I like how lemmongs hold this in such high regard as if it isn't equivalent to yearly FIFA rehashes. Lemmings think it's a real game
  6. Or if lemmings had had something other than Forza games to play for the past 5 years It literally is just a Forzabox.
  7. And nobody cares because it's just another racing game, and the 11th Forza game.
  8. Oh that game yeah I remember that game.
  9. Nah yours was worse. Also, grubbynails can be your new nickname
  10. It's a shit developer who makes boring souless games and Microsoft rarely ever publishes anything good aside from generic "safebets" crap.
  11. That's what happens when you trust Kotaku. Disgusting, lying website full of shills and vermin.
  12. Going crazy over late ports long after everyone else has stopped caring about the game. You can change the faction but you can't change the fanboy
  13. Oh great, now we might get yet another Forza spin-off
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