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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. The great thing about the T-Rex was how nobody saw it coming. You're just walking along and then all of a sudden this huge building sized beast comes out of fucking nowhere. It took everyone by surprise the first time. Naturally in the remake they had an opening cutscene for it and QTE's. Crystal Dynamics
  2. Of course you do, you're a lemming. Tomb Raider & Netflix, that's all you've had this year
  3. Deeno in tears you can tell it hurts him after xbox games have FLOPPED all year.
  4. I think its more the fact that they've run out of big characters. Thats why they keep padding it with Fire Emblem characters. Banjo would have been good 10-15 years ago but it's completely pointless now. Not only is the franchise dead but it went out on an absolute dud of a game.
  5. Well they had a Rayman trophy so they've already scraped the bottom of the barell I take it you don't approve of Bayo either?
  6. I see a Lemming interrupting it right now I knew at least one of you lemshits was lurking in here. I can smell your kind. Smells like flops. Dirty, sweaty, 6.0 flops. Smells like the inside of old trainers.
  7. lemmimgs you don't even play it on xflop, why so bitter?
  8. All these classic consoles are trash. Overpriced and all you get is a small selection of roms which you may or may not be interested in. Many great games missed off due to licensing issues. If you can hack them and load more, great. Otherwise you'd be better off just getting a raspberry pi pre-loaded with like 1000 games.
  9. Xbox 6.0 update. Sea of Thieves Shadow of the Tomb Raider 5tate of Decay couldn't make it
  10. Yeah I haven't touched Wii U since BotW and I don't have any interest in Switch at the moment. Maybe I can drop the "part sheep" part and bump it up to 200% xbox hater
  11. Good riddance. Trash games for the trash audience (lemmings)
  12. Can someone photoshop Switch on the guys face?
  13. I don't really care about this becauae the last time was disappointing, but still I wouldn't be biying it brand new anyway just to spite them for making it time exclusive last time knew it would hurt the brand in the long run and it has. A lot of people pissed off it seems.
  14. People tend not to refund games like Spider-Man or God of War. I imagine Six of Thieves and 5tate of Decay 2 have a lot of requests for refunds though
  15. Yes it is. You lems are too emotionally invested in a game that isn't even exclusive. Damn you get ONE time exclusive from them and suddenly you're acting like the franchise is one of your own. You lemcels are like those guys that spend one night with the local bar slut and suddenly you're head over heels in love. For you it was deep and emotional, for her it was meaningless.
  16. @DynamiteCop! Stop crying. Man it's just a game. Its not even an xbox exclusive so theres no reason to be this upset. Need a hug?
  17. Xbox claims another victim. Last game was a real disappointment that's why I haven't cared about this one, and the fact that they made it exclusive to xflop just pissed a lot of people off. Good job Square-Enix. Guess CD get to reboot it for the THIRD time? Nah the franchises is probably on a hiatus now. Shame tbey had some really good games but some boneheaded decisions and a weak developer ran it into the ground.
  18. Seems like something Lemmings would do.
  19. but hey, the yearly forza rehash is right around the corner All gamers need is Forza right?
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