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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 1 hour ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Gabe and MS can eat my ass. I'm not paying for their digital air.


    My money is going towards real Playstation physical releases. Sony deserves my money for being awesome.

    I agree with you but sadly it's the way everything will go, even playstation eventually. At least on PC games aren't tied to hardware unlike consoles.

  2. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    LOL the power of butthurt.


    Just to prove that people butthurt over me is SO POWERFUL, notice that your butthurt post attracted Bald Cucky Dick Tucky out of hiding to like your post.


    Once again..........the power of people butthurt over me.:blessed:

    I meant Jim, as in Jim Ryan :| Because GD opted for Steam above PS.


    I can't believe you just lashed out at me like that :sad: Man that feels really bad. What did I ever do to you?

  3. They could not have picked a worse gamw to start their $70 pricing :grimaceleft:


    The parent company has $70 billion to throw around to buy Activision but they need to squeeze $70 out of you for this in order to stay afloat. Lemmings love to brag about how filthy rich Microsoft is, they could have gifted this for free to every Xbox owner and the whole development cost would have been pocket change to them, but no in typical M$ fashion they will squeeze every penny out of the schmuks stupid enough to use their products.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Cell said:

    Also I like the thinly veiled shots he fired at Sony for doing deals “which make being Xbox hard”. This fuckwit tried to buy the biggest publisher out there to literally create a monopoly. 

    Live by the sword, die by the sword Phil. 



    They're so salty over that after pulling that shit all the time in the 360 days. :hest: Fuckers dont like it when it happens to them.

  5. 33 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    Everybody talks about "Netflix of gaming" and don't connect that most Netflix originals are mediocre fluff.

    And their movies are terrible. Instead of say Jurassic World you get "Dinosaur Island", a Canadian film with a tenth of the budget and actors you've never heard of and will never hear of again. The only time they can show sometjing you've heard of is when it's 30 years old and cheap enough for them to put in their library.



  6. I was ready to rip on this guy as being a shill and looking him up he wrote for an Xhox magazine for some years, and has connections to Activision/Blizzard so it's obvious where his passions lie. However I came across his linkedin and this guy has been working like 50 random jobs over the years, recently in care and fast food delivery. All his articles on that website are random junk too. Dude just seems like he's trying to earn a buck, its not surprising he doesnt want to rock the boat.

  7. Just now, sugarhigh said:

    The funny thing is that Jerry has softened up to PlayStation over the years, because even he needs some current gen experiences. But where Im Steam/PS and would like to just get to 100% Steam, he's the legacy console defender. He's a bigger Cow than me!

    I noticed that too, even he knows having a handheld alone is dull.


    Thats why I'm glad PC/Steamdeck are 2 seperate devices. Costs a fortune sure but you don't feel any compromises. Nintendo's approach makes the most sense for the market, but you end up with a severely crippled home console because of it. Its why I never got a Switch, first Nintendo console I haven't owned.

  8. Now look, jerry earned another "HOT" tag. They're like forum achievements to him.


    Achievement unlocked 50g "Get 2 forum users at the same time to ride the jerry-go-round"

  9. 13 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    Also I don't have to have to choose between the compromised portable version or the high end, 4k version. It's the same version. It's not an "impossible port", it's just a PC doing what it does. My save lives forever without a subscription.  In a couple years, Ill have an even more powerful PC that runs the same game at 8k. Nintendo hardware is prehistoric compared to this.

    Lol exactly. Most of us have a PC/PS as a primary platform, and the handheld is the side platform. The only people who have the handheld as their primary platform are sheep because....they have no choice.


    This is just Jerry once again trying to tell people how they must play their games. If someone wants to run a next-gen game at low settings/30fps then let them if they're happy with the tradeoff. This is no different to when he got buttblasted that Steamdeck stole the Switch's reputation as the handheld indie machine, so he made up some ridiculous rule where you're not allowed to play indie games on Steamdeck, no you MUST play AAA games only....oh and those AAA games must be no less than higj settings and 60fps......and you must also only play them on even numbered weeks of the year. Now you see? With those stipulations jerry has proven that Switch is the best handheld (even if it cant run any of the games itself).

  10. That's sugarhigh. If he wants to play it thats his choice, its a PC so you have choice. I don't even like TLOU numbskull so I won't be playing it eother way.


    Meanwhile your stance is still "I don't want to play a game that looks like 2013's TLOU......but I'll happily play Switch games that look like 2003's Manhunt"


    • dead 1
  11. More bad news for the lemmings


    Towards the end he says xbox is done for, it cant catch up, and then he cries sony is purposefully holding xbox down :aitch: And he says making great games (as if he could :tom:) wouldn't make a difference.



    Ghostz has been skullfucked :kaz: Even king lemshit himself just threw in the towel.




    • dead 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    Sheep were beaming with pride when "impossible" ports like Witcher 3 came to Switch, deeply compromised compared to the best these games can look.

    Exactly. He's trying to say there's no point playing Tlou on a handheld because it looks terrible.....as he once proudly boasted about Doom and Witcher ports that looked and ran worse than the PC version on the lowest settings. He asks "whats the point" but funny he never asked that when he was playing ports on Switch.


    Then he uses the idea of ppaying indie games as an insult when previously he was gloating about how popular indie games were on Switch.


    Basically he's grasping at whatever he can. Sheep are used to handhelds being more powerful than Nintendo's, but this is the first time they've had to deal with a handheld which has a bigger and better library than Nintendo's handheld. We're now at over 9000 games rated as verified or playable :aitch:

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