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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. Xbox claims another victim.


    Last game was a real disappointment that's why I haven't cared about this one, and the fact that they made it exclusive to xflop just pissed a lot of people off. Good job Square-Enix.


    Guess CD get to reboot it for the THIRD time? :D Nah the franchises is probably on a hiatus now. Shame tbey had some really good games but some boneheaded decisions and a weak developer ran it into the ground.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:

    let's recap this week in games:


    spiderman releases

    dragon quest 11 releases {Xcluded}

    week long beta for cod bo4 on PS4

    judge eyes announced {Xcluded)

    catherine full body announced (Xcluded)

    resonance of fate remaster (Xcluded)

    katamari remaster announced (Switch exclusive)

    10 final fantasy ports announced (half are not on xbox one)



    "im saving xbox"

    but hey, the yearly forza rehash is right around the corner :cruise:


    All gamers need is Forza right?

  3. 17 hours ago, -GD- said:

    Lol some of you guys take gaming way too seriously. It’s subjective. Just agree to disagree. While I think GoW is the “better game”, I enjoyed  Detroit a lot more - and it’s a 7.0 flop. I also couldn’t get into Zelda BOTW after 3 tries. Some things resonate with certain gamers, while others don’t. Nobody’s taste is an absolute. If you think “your taste” is better than another’s, get over yourself.  Also, stop dissecting these games and just enjoy them. :smoke: 

    Welcome to the "Detroit > GoW" club :tom5:

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  4. 38 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    ITT: Cow on cow violence. :vince:

    They radically changed one of playstations best games. Of course it's going to divide opinion.


    I don't think it was a bad game, I just don't think it was as amazing as people make out. 8/10 from me.


    If they tightened up the combat and worked on that it would great.

  5. 4 hours ago, Bodycount NX said:

    you know bhytre is just baiting. I'm sure he plays on PS4 but is trying--for SW nostalgia sake--to rep the xbox for jokes. I was the same, somebody's gotta be green. but fuck, the console sucks so much ass it's just too hard this gen.


    JonB and Dyno I'm actually worried about. they have too much pride and are too stubborn to abandon the act.


    jump out guys, Xloaf is dead. :D 

    JonB is too proud to change, fact is he doesn't play xbox one games though. He's stuck playing xbla games and old 360 fighting games from a decade ago. Hes nothing to play on xbox one but is too proud to touch another system.


    Deeno is legit autistic so his brain worls different to ours :shrug:

  6. The fact is God of war was a bit of a disappointment for me, but SotC, Detroit and Spider-Man all delivered.


    At the same time I'm sure there are people who think God of war is GOTG but Detroit sucked balls.


    This is why PlayStation owns, because there's something for everyone. They don't tend to pin all their hopes on one game as much as Microsoft and Nintendo do. That's whats important :reg:


    As a Cow I couldn't care less about Naughty Dog games or racing games yet I still find the most good exclusives on PlayStation.


    Now imagine Xbox if you didn't care for Halo or racing games....yeah it completely falls apart.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:

    i don't care who you are. there hasn't been a console worse than xbox one before, ever. zero fucking exclusives, worst 1st party fucking ever, zero japanese support, abysmal 3rd party support.


    it's a fucking laughing stock for a reason. 

    We tried telling you this for the past 5 years.


    Oh well, at least it FINALLY sunk in. Now we just need to help Autisticcop and LemB understand.

  8. @Sabo


    I wouldn't be as harsh as you but yes I too was a little disappointed by it. The combat was my biggest gripe. It was 'fun' in the old games. People can whine about how tge combos were performed but it worked well, flowed well and it was fun.


    In this new game there less variety but my major gripe is that it feels stiff. Like when you hit an enemy it feels like you're hitting a brick wall. It just sapped a lot of fun out of it for me.


    Beyond that I enjoyed the game mostly enough. I'd agree that the lakc of puzzles and platformings was also disappointinting though.


    At times I felt like I was being robbed of gameplay. Everytime I walked along and had the game slow down while Kratos and his kid had a convo I coulnd't help but think "in the old games I'd be having an extra fight/puzzle at this point".


    I know Bodycount rips on Sony for only having these types of games. I never believed it but God of War did make me question if he was right lol


    I don't mind TLOU or Uncharted being like this because that's what they are. God of war however isn't like that and doesn't need to be like that.


    The one thing I will give the game is it had some of the best side quests ever. I ignored them until late in the game and then realized how good they were. They didn't feel like pointless thrown in missions, each one would take you to a new area in the map and all had its own story. It was much more than I was expecting.


    I'd probably still give it an 8/10 but I enjoyed the old games more. Can't see myself replaying this one to be honest.

  9. So 2006 - FF XII releases, sheep and lems call it shit.


    Post 2006 - If ever that game is discussed, sheep and lems assure us it was shit


    PS4 remaster comes out - lems and sheep laugh at cows for playing old games


    2018 - lems and sheep cream themselves that they're finally getting a PS2 game they've called shit for the past 12 years :D it's their biggest news this year.



    Some people really are desperate as fuck RL fanboys :mj: imagine being so bitter and jealous of another factions games that you call them shit for over a decade despite secretely wanting them.

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