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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 12 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    So then by extension of this poor logic, are you not owned because Killer7 is coming to STEAM?



    I mean when games from 2004 get re-released/re-mastered, I think we need to agree that there is no 'ownage', I mean there has a be a statute of limitations right? 

    You'd think so,but desperate people will take whatever they can get.


    Apparantly getting a game 14 years late from a series that has long been irrelevant is cause for celebration for the sheep.


    The best thing the sheep could do right now is exile holyax.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Horizone Zero Dawn - 'SJW walking simulator'

    Shadow of the Colossus - 'SJW walking simulator'

    God of War - 'SJW walking simulator'

    Detroit: Become Human - 'SJW walking simulator'

    Spiderman - 'SJW walking simulator'


    Quantum Break/Gears 4 - 'solid titles'




    • Haha 1
  3. 27 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

    Like the LGBT+ (LOL The plus).


    No one gives a shit about them, it's a politicized weapon of ideological competition at this point, nothing more. Reminds of the USSR/USA cold war when ideology triumphed any logic.

    They pretend to be for all for science yet apparantly a man saying "I'm a woman" makes him a woman. :grimaceleft:


    Also any discoveries or research that go againt their narrative get buried.


    These fuckers are like the church from the middle ages.

  4. 1 hour ago, bhytre said:

    Certainly not Killzone :fatcruise:




    1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Certainly not Motorstorm :fatcruise:

    Sony isn't trying to pretend those are still relevant though. They've left them firmly in the gaming graveyard.


    Meanwhile Microsoft keeps trying to ressurect Halo like a grieving widow that won't let go :tom: must suck when you don't have new games to move on to.

  5. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I own all of what you do and more

    You've got no idea what I own you absolute autist.


    By more do you mean 6/10 garbage? Because that's true that I don't buy shit games. You however seem to revel in them.


    You are not a gamer. You have abysmal taste. Getting excited over a photomode in a turd of a game :tom: what a non-gamer.

    • Haha 3
  6. 7 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    If anything you could say that it's been PlayStation'd. Saying it's been Xbox'd doesn't even make sense. 

    Yes it does you moron:D


    Series went downhill with Legend - the first one on Xbox. Since then all have been on xbox and none have reached the heights of when it was only on playstation.


    The reboot was pretty good, then the next one was time exclusice to xbox and it sucked. Seems this one sucks even harder.


    Xbox ruins everything. You autistic muppet.

  7. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Sorry, this isn't the PlayStation version. Hopefully they will sort that out soon for you and create a proper console.



    Why are you trying to talk shit?


    You're sat here excited about a 6/10 flop. All year you've been playing 5/10 and 6/10 flops.


    You lemmings have no games and no standards. How dare you try to talk about what is and isn't a "proper" console. You have no fucking kdea what one is because you have shit taste. That's a fact.

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