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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 6 hours ago, Michael85 said:

    Guys, I just checked my post history and I haven't posted for 10 years.  I'm married now.

    dafuq happened to us, bros? :sad:

    Also i'm recognizing names, but i'm not really remembering shit other than cow/sheep/lemming.  I'd be surprised if anyone remembered me. :]

    I remember you. You were a filthy sheep.

  2. 9 hours ago, AdrianWerner said:

    My desktop broke down, but instead of replacing old parts I decided to save up for full on upgrade. So now I'm sticking to playing on laptop, which is a good excuse to catch up on older and low-end games from my backlog.  Played through No One Lives Forver GOTY edition (holds up surprisingly well). Tried playing SW: Republic Commando, but it's trash, so now I'm playing Shadowrun Returns and it's pretty fun, altough extremely linear for RPG. 

    King Hermit reduced to low settings :ben: its like the fall of Rome.

  3. On 10/8/2017 at 10:38 PM, SheepKilla said:

    Stfu lowtcp, you didn't own anyone. you can't even say what happened you clown :mj: just a baseless assertion you broke him somehow, with no other details at all

    Lmao lowtcp making up a false event that he broke a troll for internet cred :mj: you're not even in the same league as SM you fool. you got played.

    lmao in the finaly days before the last of us left this forum in 2014, this bitch was made mod and went on a fucking power trip banning EVERYONE who took the piss out of him in even the slightest way :D must have been his way of enacting revenge after being nothing but a target for years.

  4. Discrete sources at GDC also confirmed to the publication that developers expect Sony’s Playstation 4 to be more powerful than the next Xbox, and that various studios are aiming to unveil their next generation software at E3 2012 in June, regardless of whether “Microsoft and Sony are ready or not.”

    Holy shit. Whipit HBR


    Here is the full link since Whipit decided to cut that part out.



    lmao :lul: what a fucking fanboy
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