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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. No you'llsay whatever it takes to defend xflop. Never works though because xbox sucks
  2. They don't even have the proper Nazi flag.
  3. Basically....you flip-flop when it benefits xbox. Like all lemmings do.
  4. The level of detail in the game is astounding. You can go down to the streets and read the smallest detail on cars, posters, shop windows etc most non-open world games struggle to top this.
  5. Roff this clown. Constantly talks shit about PS being 1440p, suddenly when it comes to his beloved Forza 1080p is "gud enuff"
  6. Well deeno has made it clear that 1440p and under is unplayable so....
  7. I like how the libtards are quick to point out how people will be angry about this, but go look for any thread about a movie/book where they make a dark character white and watch them rage out about "TEH WHITEWASHING!!!".
  8. Autisticcop trying to claim that Bloodborne, Uncharted, Horizon and Detroit are all the same game because they're all 3rd person Just fucking kill yourself. Disgusting lemshite.
  9. OMFG This coming from a guy who bums a company that has given him fuck all but endless HALOGEARSFORZA rehashes for the past decade. This gen all you've had is forza. All those racing games are SO DIFFERENT breh!!
  10. So basically "xbox has no games so we need to hype whatever we get" and lets wait and see if this has actually been "upgraded". A week ago you lemshits were convinced that Spider-Man had been downgraded but that wasn't the case.
  11. Wait till the libtards find out about this they'll be callibg for boycotts
  12. Switch is so good that this fucker was trying to hide behind the PS4 the other day
  13. Nobody plays xflop exclusives because you've got none
  14. Lemmings so desperate for games they're playing cookieclicker $500 on the X well spent!
  15. Remember back in the day when lemmings told us this game was garbage and that Splinter Cell was better?
  16. Just tried Spider-Man. The level of detail in this game is insane. Just walked around the city and you can notice the smallest details.
  17. Every game needs to align with their world view otherwise the developer is hateful and bigoted. The rest of us just have to go along with it. We need to conform with 70+ different genders and treating mental illness as healthy and normal.
  18. Lmao Sunset Oversrive was a joke of a game. Style over substance. Grind around on a wire and kill 10 zombies. Ok now grind around and kill 15 zombies. Game was just a tech demo. Luckily Spider&Man feels like they made a proper game now
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