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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Currently playing Eastenders in preparation for the Xbox One
  2. this is spicoli? :lol: yeah he's a liar, known that since the day he started claiming xbox had good games.
  3. Don't get the big deal over this? if you wanna fuck her just do it. Don't need to get validation from us.
  4. Holy shit. Whipit HBR Here is the full link since Whipit decided to cut that part out. http://sillegamer.co...core-processor/ lmao what a fucking fanboy
  5. Playing Mystical Ninja on the N64 almost makes me want to become a Japanophile
  6. Just got into ebay (a little late I know) so I'm building up my Saturn collection. Nights is just so damn imaginative, I can't believe that gaming got this and Super Mario 64 in the same year. Both games changed everything. Also played Christmas Nights for the first time ever, so awesome I love the theme song too.
  7. So despite making a thread slagging off Fable 2, I played through it again. I dunno what to say....it's not that good, and it doesn't grip me at all like the first did, yet I'm still playing it. Pre-ordered the third game too despite wanting to sell my 360 I'd like to move on to something similar but more advanced after this, but then all these serious rpgs are too stat heavy and lack the light-hearted nature of Fable :(
  8. Just Cause 2 on the Trey and Super Mazza Kart on the Wii.
  9. So was doa 4 :wow: know what fighter wasn't a flop? 9.5 super smash bros brawl :wow:
  10. Don't steal quotes. Who did I steal it from? :-* Well I've posted it on here before about an Xbox/Nintendo game (can't remember which game :) ) and I stole it from Gamespot's review of Superman 64. Joe Fielder did the review of Superman 64, and he stole it from a film review in the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Now if you wanted to use it about a game that deserved it, an example being Smash Bros, then it would be acceptable because it would be called for. However, using it falsely is just plain stealing and I'm sure that Joe Fielder (or whoever created it) would roll over in his gra
  11. 143 pages of pure cow sand sheep ownage, devo I salute you :mad:
  12. Lol, sheep act like they aren't owned by this. Many of you lost hope when "teh bestest game evar!!!" didn't get AAA. If the best game ever couldn't get it, did a minigame compilation with shit graphics stand a chance? Hell no - that's what you were thinking. That's why you all ran to gamerankings and said that gamespot didn't matter anymore :D because in your minds it was doubtful that the wii would have one for a LONG time.
  13. 139 pages and you're still in denial :shakes: DOA is a great game, but the lems got slaughtered in this thread.
  14. ^Once the 32/64 bit era hit, Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat became jokes to most people, and especially Clayfighter...which someone brought up earlier. I have to admit though, DOA owns. Why are sheep hating on it? "it's teh too simple & easy!!! teh n00bs can do good in teh game!!! :scared:" well err....isn't that your whole defense for Wii? That casuals and non gamers can still have fun? Yeah Also, fuck that "BUT BUT TEH JUGGLING!!! :cry:" talk. I want a fighter, not a clown sim. If I wanted a clown sim I'd play Killzone Simply put - I'm turning this thread around The
  15. I feel sorry for you, you're not a bad little furball....you just wanted to defend your xflop. Too bad that you tried so hard, it only made things worse and made the lemmings look even more pathetic. Just go with the flow next time.
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