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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. lemmings love the raping they're getting right now, they must think it's manly to take it up the ass
  2. lmao lemmons hiding behind a different game now If VF is from another planet. Tekken is from another universe. Itagaki doesn't approve.
  3. This thread pretty much skullfucked the lemmings hard. Notice how it was mainly Tekken vs DOA? No-one dared to touch Virtua Fighter. That game feels like it's from another planet. lmao lemmons hiding behind a different game now
  4. Lemmings failed just as hard as the xbrick did Good night guys....and furballs.
  5. DOAX2 owns them all Beating off over videogames ftw! right lems?
  6. Good old lemming ownage it's funny how they always prove that they have never played a PS2/certain PS2 games Lemmkids really are 12 year old fanboys :shakes:
  7. False, lemmings have always had a bad taste for fighters. clayfighter owns you:-* ...........................
  8. Someone should snitch on the lemmings Use the tehterlo signal.
  9. I'm pretty sure that lemmings enjoy having dog meat in their mouth in a different way though...
  10. Lemmings they dig their holes and then grease the sides. I've tried it out before, pressed both for only a split-second, and got two different results depending on how hard I pressed them. Explain GTA: San Andreas - When you're driving you're always holding down the X button, if you press it fully you're car goes at full speed, but if you press it gently then it goes slower and the engine is quieter.
  11. This whole thread became a disgusting display of bad taste in fighters. It's good to see that lemmings haven't consumed you completely STFU, you're both closet cows
  12. Superior juggling system ftw. :D I just proved how shitty Tekken is with its floaty combos. Stupid retards ftl (you). You can't even pull off those juggling unless you know what you're doing. Again, juggling system in Tekken requires timing because the buttons are pressure sensitive. YOU CAN'T just juggle around. And there are moves that initiate a juggle, which, again, are hard to pull off. You played Tekken, and you probably know this. If you disagree, you're a damn moron. the ps2 controller does not have pressure sensitive buttons though LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  13. Superior juggling system ftw. :D I just proved how shitty Tekken is with its floaty combos. Stupid retards ftl (you). You can't even pull off those juggling unless you know what you're doing. Again, juggling system in Tekken requires timing because the buttons are pressure sensitive. YOU CAN'T just juggle around. And there are moves that initiate a juggle, which, again, are hard to pull off. You played Tekken, and you probably know this. If you disagree, you're a damn moron. the ps2 controller does not have pressure sensitive buttons though
  14. stop making accusations, you don't know shit. He's right, most lemmings think Halo is the best game ever made, and most of them actually do think practically everything was started with xbox. They will often say "Halo was the first game to do ______" despite the fact that it was probably in quite a few games years before that.
  15. Even though DOA is fun, I have to admit... The Lemmkids Have Been Raped! "but....but...it has teh spartan!!! teh halo makes it gud!1 "
  16. Tekken owns hard, have you even played Tekken 5? Yes, I like it more than the previous games...bu tit's still a little The one thing it really deserves credit for is all of the content that they put into the game
  17. Yes they do All fighters have that though....it's just that some put a little more focus on that part than others do
  18. DOA is alright if you just treat it as light hearted fun...the sheep use this sort of excuse for Smash Bros, so basically everyone needs to shut up lawl @ Eva hating on it "but...but...i'm teh lemmon!!! :scared:"
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