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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    he's trying to lie and change his own bet


    He took an article in which Sony said they are still on track to sell 18 million PS5.


    That number is for their fiscal year, which runs April 2022 to end of March 2023


    He tried to LIE and establish a bet of 18 million within Calendar 2022


    He's still trying to lie now


    He lost the bet, and he's hoping he can lie his way out of it.


    The key part about all of this is that HE SPECIFICALLY references Sony talking about 18 million in sales.........and they've only talked about that when referencing FISCAL year.


    Sony sold 19.1 million consoles during fiscal year.


    He clearly lost the bet. Look at him dick tuck on a level never seen before.:trump:

    The title and his first post also state "FY 2022"


    If he's going to dick tuck, he needs to explain what "FY" means.


    This reminds me of "Ghostz standards", aka the original dick tuck :lul:

    • dead 1
  2. On 2023-02-08 at 2:21 PM, Tears of the Cows said:

    UK only dictates UK. I don’t live in UK, couldn’t care less, LOL. 


    On 2023-02-08 at 3:07 PM, Tears of the Cows said:

    He’s getting nervous :D this deal will go through, I have zero concerns. :juggle:


    On 2023-02-08 at 3:25 PM, Tears of the Cows said:

    The deal is as good as approved. The entire argument is about the cloud. All MS has to do is say they’ll keep COD on competition’s cloud services, which is likely all they were going to get anyway. :mickeyj:


    On 2023-02-08 at 8:49 PM, Tears of the Cows said:

    Where has my stance changed?? The deal will go through :banderoos:


    On 2023-02-08 at 8:52 PM, Tears of the Cows said:

    It will go through in the entire world :blessed:


    and considering you LOVE COD, and pay $15 a month for gamepass, I’m sure you’re rooting for it to :mj: 


    On 2023-02-16 at 3:56 PM, Tears of the Cows said:

    MS just made Sony look like clowns. If the deal does go through, I wouldn’t be surprised if COD is gone from PS based on Sony denying the deal. :D 

    MS says that Sony's motion should be denied and provides 10 pages of arguments. MS says that:

    - Sony has unleashed its executives and high-priced economists to petition the Commission, as well as regulators around the world, to block the transaction. MS mentions 4 redacted examples.

    - Sony's campaign has worked because the Commission's theory of harm relies almost exclusively on the facially implausible claim that the acquisition is anticompetitive because Microsoft will withhold from Sony a single game (Call of Duty).

    - Despite leading the charge to stop the transaction, Sony claims it should not be required to produce documents on the very topics it has put at issue.

    - Sony should produce documents from Lin Tao and Hideaki Nishino because Tao is the key custodian with information about SIE's financial health and plans and Nishino is the head of SIE's hardware business, another topic of central importance.

    - Sony relies on blanket assertions of privilege and the burden of reviewing McCurdy's files because he is a lawyer. But, according to his job posting, McCurdy is also responsible for SIE's public policy engagement.

    - Sony has refused to provide a predecessor custodian for Christian Svensson, who manages SIE's relationship with Activision, even though Svensson has only been in his position since 2021. MS says that that relationship is of the upmost importance, and SIE has not supported its assertion that Svensson's manager would have the same documents as Svensson's predecessor.

    - Regarding the requests for data about the performance of SIE's gaming business, Sony has not explained why pulling and producing data from its central files, without any need for responsiveness or privilege review, would be unduly burdensome.

    - Requests 14(d) and 19 are about specific documents—valuations, board documents, and regulatory submissions—related to SIE's cloud-gaming acquisitions of Gaikai in 2012 and OnLive in 2015. MS says that providing targeted information about SIE's own cloud-gaming efforts is relevant to assessing the viability of that claim and is not unduly burdensome.

    - Microsoft seeks performance reviews for SIE custodians. Microsoft is not seeking to embarrass SIE's leadership; it seeks to understand the metrics on which SIE's executives and business are evaluated.

    - Request 35 seeks executed copies of content-licensing agreements between SIE and third- party gaming publishers. MS says that these contracts are relevant. Microsoft says that they are aware that PlayStation requires many third-party publishers to agree to exclusivity provisions, including preventing the publishers from putting their games on Xbox's multi-game subscription service. But that they do not fully understand the extent of SIE's arrangements or how they impact the industry's competitiveness.

    - Microsoft requests that Sony produce documents that SIE submitted to these regulatory authorities in connection with this transaction. SIE has refused, agreeing only to produce submissions to the European Commission and United Kingdom's Competition and Markets Authority, based on claims of burden.

    - Contrary to the allegation that Microsoft will make Call of Duty exclusive to Xbox, since announcing the deal, Microsoft has repeatedly offered to enter into an agreement to license Call of Duty to SIE—first for five years (this is new!) and then for ten, an unheard-of duration in the industry. SIE has refused. Microsoft seeks documents about these negotiations, including SIE's internal consideration of Microsoft's offers and why it has refused them.

    - Request 14(f) seeks information about SIE's investment in virtual reality technology for its console, which SIE executives have highlighted as a strategic imperative and "a giant leap forward in the way we play games.


    On 2023-03-24 at 5:57 PM, Tears of the Cows said:



    On 2023-03-25 at 12:57 AM, DynamiteCop said:


    Lemmings :kaz: Raped hard for 8 pages, then they bump it a month later thinking they won, just so we can bump it again now and rape them even harder.



    Ghostz is hands down the most owned person I've ever seen on this board in its 20 year history :mroff:

    • dead 1
  3. 4 hours ago, FIREPOWER said:

    Turns out the main reason CMA blocked the deal was because of "teh cloudz"


    :lawl: MS was running around handing out 10 year COD contracts with smaller cloud services. What they didn't mention was that in the agreements they signed they would be keeping 100% of the revenue from these deals.




    :kaz: What a shitty company. Good thing the CMA saw through their bullshit and fucked them up. Retards like Cuckstz and the other lemshits and media shills were telling us this deal was good for gaming and that MS was making things fair for their competitors by making COD widely available. Truth is they were turning their cloud rivals into their customers indirectly!




    You'd really have to be a retard to trust in the "good guy ms" image :kaz: This is still one of the most greedy and evil corporations on Earth.


    Sure some of the other big tech companies can be bad, but at least some of them actually have good products :hest: Unlike Microsoft.

    • Haha 1
    • Ben 1
  4. Watching CEOs of multi billion dollar corporations meltdown and throw tantrums sure feels good :sass1:


    Almost as good as imagining the look on dyanflop and jonbs face :tom: You just know they had already pictured logging into SW and claiming ownage. I bet they already thought what they were gonna time out, probably imagined the responces they were going to get. Bitches probably had it planned out like a wedding.....and now....they get to sit and sulk :omglol:

    • Haha 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

    on the bright side this wasnt all for nothing. it did give us these gems







    "Microsoft goes on to say: "In addition to having outright exclusive content, Sony has also entered into arrangements with third-party publishers which require the “exclusion” of Xbox from the set of platforms these publishers can distribute their games on." Microsoft takes issue with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Bloodborne, Silent Hill 2 Remastered, and Final Fantasy 16 here. "


    "there were over 280 exclusive first- and third-party titles on PlayStation in 2021, nearly five times as many as on Xbox", says Microsoft in its reply




    Microsoft admits sony has far better games and far more exclusives....as the retard shills still tell us " xbox has all the games" :D


    Xbox fanboys are not gamers.

  6. Xbox was dogshit at launch, peaked when it lived its dream of being a PS clone circa 2004-2008 (shame the RROD ruined all that) and then went into irrelevance once they started chasing the Wii and the Tv bullshit and its never recovered.


    Even being generous, the fact is in the 22 years that Xbox has existed it has sucked more than it has been good. Lemmings are still stuck in 2007 mentally but that was 16 years ago now, Xbox hasn't been relevant for a long time. They remind me of all those weird ass wrestling fans who are still stuck in that period when wrestling was relevant and pop culture, like 1997-2001, even though its just a few years out of decades of irrelevance.


    Let it go lemmings....let it go.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, sugarhigh said:

    As if ASUS making a powerful semi-affordable gaming handheld isn't great for Valve. They don't want to be the hardware leaders, they want to push the industry in line with their goals. The Ally is a great example of it working.

    I'm curious how Asus will handle this. Ayaneo sells consoles, thats why there are so many Ayaneo models. Valve sells software, which is why they want Steamdeck to be more generational like a console i.e. next one is years away.


    Asus selling hardware I guess this will see more hardware refreshes than not.


    Shame its Windows that shit needs to die already.

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