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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    Windows on a handheld really leaves a lot to be desired. Its such a clunky, unintuitive experience and I think these companies need to move away from it.

    Agreed, but windows on a desktop is also a terrible experience, 10 was one of the worst pieces of software ever written. Its just spyware now designed to make ms even more money and serve the user more sponsored content. 7 was the last one worth using. The industrt as a whole needs to move away.

  2. 6 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    You're referring to Switch 2 or Switch 1?


    Switch one launched with 900p and 1080 games 7 years ago.. Switch 2 will easily surpass that. 

    It has some 1080p games but looking it up its mostly Wii U ports or games which aren't technically demanding.


    1080p nosedives performance on the current handhelds on the market and even Xbox Series S is sub 1080p in a number of games now.

  3. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


    The current switch does 1080p max on a TV.  The Switch 2 will surpass that output threshold while docked.  But yes games that aren't outputting 720p doesn't scale well onn 4K TVs.   The reconstruction method used on big Switch games now solves that as the final output scales better. 


    Docking doesn't have the battery life constraints or the small screens constraints as the handheld mode, so I expect Switch 2 max res on TV to be above 1080p.

    For sure it can output it but will the games be running it is the question. I can forsee a lot going for 900p.

  4. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Switch is a dedicated gaming device, a phone is multi media device, taking pictures, recording videos and watching UHD content.  You're not doing that on Switch doofus. 


    They will be able to create better looking games with more available headroom left over, with better battery life etc... And hit the native res on the screen. 


    Than going after 1080p in portable mode for worse battery life, less resources for a slightly better res at 7 inches and not hit native res as often. 


    Even the deck is in that 720 to 800p range. 


    Every reputable leak so far has said 720p - 800p portable but who knows.

    After looking at these 1080p handheld PCs I agree, it just doesn't seem worth it considering the performance and battery hit the devices takes. 720p or a little higher is still fine for a small screen. Steamdeck looks ultra sharp at just 800p.


    The only thing I would say is that it does need to be able to handle 1080p for output to a tv. 720 looks awful on modern 4ktvs.

  5. 2 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    It’s just on desktop. Not sure why they don’t add it in mobile while viewing horizontally. 

    Because the mobile site is a flop. Half the features, massicw downgrade, its like a Switch port of the desktop site.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Or maybe Xbox users aren’t interested in playing the same game for the 5th time? Lol





    1 hour ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Just got done playing Diablo, downloaded FH5 expansion, tried out MLB last night. Replaying it takes two with the gf (swapped characters), chiv/madden/nhl with friends. In a 32 person madden league currently, winner takes $2,500. 

    "I dont play games a year post release"

    "I dont want to replay games"


    "Currently replaying a game from 2 years ago"


    Animated GIF

    • dead 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    No, answer the question. What is the benefit of owning a game?

    Because I can choose what to fo with it. I can go back and play it at a later date if I choose, without worrying it has been removed from a service, or needing to renew a paid subscription just to play it.


    I guess on good systems it makes sense since they have quality games you would want to go back and replay whereas on xbox you have forgettable filler you'll never touch again, or yearly forza rehashes which might as well be GAAS.

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