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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 30 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Sure, it looks great on PS5 if you like games that look like they’re running at 1080p or less. :mroff:


    21 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Cows are desperate, but I didn’t know they were THIS desperate. Bragging about playing games that look like they run at 720p with an unplayable resolution mode. :hest:


    Holy fuck, a new bottom. :tom:

    He's definitely getting angrier, it went from looks like 1080p to looks like 720p :drake: You can tell he's getting angrier because his claims are becoming more exagerrated the more desperate he gets.


    Its the weekend Tommy Tuck, just chill out, have a beer, and enjoy the superior console version on your PS5 :smoke:

  2. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Yup, Digital Foundry straight up admitted that their pixel count in the Demo was completely wrong.


    And they've officially corrected it.


    The PS5 version was always running at the same resolution as the Xbox Series X version.


    ...........at a higher framerate, basically always within its VRR range.


    ..........and its the one console version that's playable, since it does not have an atrocious dead-zone.


    The dead zone issue is a complete game-breaker.


    AND the PS5 version is the going to be the only one with a VR mode update coming.

    A minor correction, ps5 and xsx are the same resolution in resolution mode, but ps5 has the higher resolution in frame rate mode :smugd:


    And yes the broken controls are a deal breaker. Ghostz wants you to hook up a mouse and keyboard, defeating the purpose of someone wanting the console version in the first place :tom:


    Its funny that such bad controls made it through, its like nobody at Capcom actually bothered to play the xbox version - thats how irrelevant xbox is to developers, especially Japanese developers.

  3. breaking news GIF


    For those of you just joining us allow me to recount the last week on systemwars.


    Ghostz thinks this is a wash, Xbox has it all - significantly higher resolution, holds a more stable framerate, broken RT on PS5, lower image quality on PS5, and the only problem with the Xbox demo is bad aiming which is confirmed to be fixed in the final release.


    Little by little, after 2 more comparison sources  put out their own conclusions, and a retraction by digital foundry we come to realize...


    - Better framerate on PS5 throughout.

    - Higher resolution on PS5

    - Fixed RT on PS5

    - Patches released first on PS5 while lemmings have to wait.

    - Controls still broken on Xbox, NOT patched at all and no news on any kind of fix on the horizon. As usual with lemmings, nobody can point or name any kind of actual source, fanboys just spread lies to sucker people into buying for Xbox.


    And so Ghostz has gone from arguing that Xbox has it all in the bag to telling us that if you simply buy a $180 controller you can maybe alleviate the deadzone somewhat (though it wouldn't fix the acceleration), you can hook up a desk, mouse & keyboard for you living room console and play it that way, and you can perhaps find a way to overclock your xbox and increase the cooling to try and get that more stable framerate, and then at that point maybe, maybe it will all be worth it just enjoy on Xbox with the sharper image :drake:


    Ghostz got owned like never before and the best part is he did it all to himself :kaz: Hall of fame this shit, it reminds me of whippits hyper memory cubes and 16core beast.

    • dead 1
  4. DF put out a comparison of the final version :vince:



    - Backtracks and admits the PS5 runs at 2160p in resolution mode, and 1944p in framerate mode, confirming what the other sources were saying first. (Funny lemshits were calling them sony fanboys, turns out df cant count :reg: )


    - RT fixed on PS5.


    -Controls still broken on Xflop. Terrible deadzone and acceleration curve.


    - This lemming wants to sugar coat the xbox version so bad :tom: Says the PS5 has slightly better framerate, looking at the vgtech video its 5fps ahead quite often, df never refers to this as "slight" if xbox has the framerate advantage.


    He summarizes: Better controls and framerate on PS5, feels much more responsive. Controls like shit on Xbox but has a sharper image.


    John Lemmingman then goes on to spend most of the video comparing the game to the 20 year old original, because he can't bear having to sit and discuss how much better the PS version is now :tom: 


  5. 35 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Wut?  He's now saying to connect a mouse and keyboard?


    TO play a Resident Evil game thats in 3rd person?????????????



    He went from "xbox version is the best" to "Xbox is on par with PS5 if you just purchase a new controller, mouse/keyboard and VRR enabled TV" :drake:


    Next he will tell us if you just hack your xbox and get a new GPU attached it will fix the terrible framerate too :ovolol:

  6. Gonna need some proof on him saying the controls are fixed by using a mouse/kb or elite controller. He's just assuming, the issues go further than just the deadzone.


    It would be like me saying if I just increase the sharpness on the tv it fixes the ps5 softer image - essentially pulling something out of my ass with no evidence.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    The controls are fine with a mouse/keyboard or using the elite controller. VRR works best on Xbox as well, so any dips are negated entirely. :blessed: 

    Enjoy the blurry mess on LS5…. Oh wait, you’re not playing on PS5. :tom:

    Xbox, after spending £500 for the console (Series S is a joke), you then only need a mouse, keyboard, extra controller and vrr tv to end up with ports that are still inferior to the PS5 version :tom:

  8. 48 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    We go by DF here

    Where is that rule written on here? :vince:


    The game is unplayable on xbox due to shit controls, the framerate is evidence as being inferior, xflop can barely hold 60, and now it appears the resolution is lower too.


    Have fun watching the trailers of the xbox version :tom: We know the game falls apart once you try to actually to play it on xbox.

  9. Oh and I almost forgot to include this


    PS5 in Prioritise Frame Rate Mode renders at a resolution of approximately 3435x1932.


    Xbox Series X in Prioritise Frame Rate Mode renders at a resolution of approximately 3214x1808.


    Xbox Series S in Prioritise Frame Rate Mode renders at a resolution of 1920x1080.


    PS5 and Xbox Series X in Prioritise Resolution Mode render at a resolution of 3840x2160.


    Higher resolution AND framerate on PS5 :vince: AND actually usable controls AND it receices updates first :blessed:

  10. 2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Just pre-ordered the PC version from GMG. As usual that version is discounted so im getting the deluxe edition for $60.


    Best graphics + Ultrawide + being able to plug in a Dualsense and use those features = Best way to play the game :wow2:

    Ultrawide except for the times its going to pull you away and show you those thick black bars :smugd:

    • Sad 1
  11. It needs to be repeated - XSX and XSS can not handle next-gen gaming.


    The game plays best on PS5, better framerate and playable controls.


    "But but teh chromatic abberation!! :cries:"


    As for the patch, if xbox is waiting that's not my problem as Reggie would say :reg: Not only did PS5 play better on release day, but its the first version to receive the patch while second class "gamers" on xflop are still waiting lmfao

  12. 10 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:


    Let me tell you the story of 7-year old Aiyana Stanley-Jones.


    A high school boy was shot and killed. The suspect's girlfriend lived in a duplex in the second floor apartment and the suspect's girlfriend's sister, niece (Aiyana), and grandmother lived in the bottom floor apartment. A SWAT team raided the first floor apartment beginning with a flashbang being thrown through the living room window where Aiyana was sleeping.


    The police claimed they were blinded by their own flashbang upon entry, the grandmother then grabbed an officer's submachine gun upon the SWAT team's entry of the home, and the grandmother accidentally caused the gun to fire, killing Aiyana via a shot to the neck. 


    That would be the end of the story, but the SWAT team was being followed by a camera crew for a cop show. When the police story came out and it was clear it was going to be covered up, a videographer for the show released video that showed the police story was bullshit. What actually happened was the flashbang landed close to where Aiyana was sleeping, setting her blanket on fire. The police knocked down the front door and quickly opened fire. A single shot went through Aiyana's head and out her neck, killing her.


    Police entered the wrong apartment, killed a 7-year old girl, and blamed the grandmother for her death. Pretty gross, right? Well, that cop got off scot free and is back working for the Detroit PD. The videographer got 2 years probation and a $2,000 fine for 'obstruction of justice.' 🙂

    Theres the problem, there is never any repurcussions for them. Cops should face tougher charges and scrutiny than civilians but the opposite is true.


    Power always seeks to protect itself. They're there to protect the government at the end of the day and enforce their will, not protect the citizens so it will never change as the government will always go easy on its henchmen. Got to say I shed no tears when I read stories about these cops being shot on one of their raids.

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    Vgtech framerate comparison of PS5, XSX and XSS.


    PS5 looks to have the framerate advantage throughout, with Series S coming in last.


    Video evidence :blessed: Lets watch little dick tucker deny and spin this.



  14. 31 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    In turn, the police are suing for invasion of privacy and misappropriation of their likenesses, and are claiming the music video has caused them emotional distress, ridicule, humiliation, loss of reputation and embarrassment.

    Imagine how much of a bastard you have to be to be a cop and say this with a straight face. They record everyone, buy up data, push the surveillance state, cause distress with bullshit raids without caring about the suspects reputation, these are the worst kind of hypocrites and it makes my blood boil. Its a shame they rarely get harmed in the "peaceful protests" America is known for, fucking SCUM every single one of them.

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