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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 28 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon aren’t even made by the same developer and are in different genres you fucking moron. :D 


    First Firepower, now you think Mario Tennis is a rehash of Mario Kart. :mroff:

    Different genres :fatcruise: Fuck outta here with that shit. You're counting a fucking remaster ffs. At least a remaster is low effort, and an easy skip. Ms is releasing fulp price forzs rehashes every year and wasting time and resources releasing the same damn game every year. You're nothing more than a troll, nobody cares about xbox no matter what you say.



    Go sing for your Gamepass supper, little Tommy Tucker :tom: Maybe M$ will throw you annew 6.0 tonplay in place of Resident Evil.


    • Haha 1
  2. Release timeline2005    Forza Motorsport
    2007    Forza Motorsport 2
    2009    Forza Motorsport 3
    2011    Forza Motorsport 4
    2012    Forza Horizon
    2013    Forza Motorsport 5
    2014    Forza Horizon 2
    2015    Forza Motorsport 6
    2016    Forza Horizon 3
    2017    Forza Motorsport 7
    2018    Forza Horizon 4
    2019    Forza Street
    2021    Forza Horizon 5
    2023    Forza Motorsport



    Until Microsofts mismanagement and development problems kicked in, this shit was being rehashed yearly. From 2011 until 2019 they had 9 fucking games :roff: Nothing else comes close to this rehash its EA sports tier but at least those have the excuse of being a roster update.


    "But but some games dont count! :cries:"


    Tell someone who gives a shit. If you're counting a remaster then we're damn sure counting rehashes under a different name.

    • dead 2
  3. Just now, jehurey said:

    We keep on receiving more evidence that Obsidian is not as good as people keep on claiming they will be.

    They never have been. Their gamed are often half finished, buggy messes with an almost non-existant plot.


    The fanboys always have an excuse as to why it's not Obsidians fault, but Obsidian is the common denominator in all these games. KOTOR2, New Vegas, alpha protocol, Outer worlds etc they have been releasing the same janky unfinished games for 20 years, its obvious the problem lies with Obsidian. The only reason they get circle jerked is because some of the devs came from black isle so its haram to talk bad about them, but that was so long ago now it's irrelevant this is not the same company.


    One thing is for sure even though I dont think I have seen anyone ever say they played outer worlds and actually enjoyed it thoroughly, we know for sure the fanboys and media will go into a blitz for outer worlds 2 just because its fauxclusive.

  4. You're not playing it because it's not on your rental service :tom: Like most lemmings you dont buy games, thats why you get lazy ports because xbox isn't worth it. After blowing $30 on your meal, $50 on your shoes (and then coming to systemwars and adding an extra 0 at the end of all prices), and your monthly rental fees for your games, tv, console etc etc I imagine a full price game can't dit in the budget even if it is a 10.


    So back to some 6.0 trash on Gamepass? Or more hours in Sea of thieves and Grounded like the rest of the lemshits? :rofls:


    The fact is you've been begging, screaming, pleading for this game to be best on X and it has all backfired so whether you can afford it or not, you're taking the L on this one for investing so much time into shilling the xbox version :umad: Resident Evil 4 officially WORST ON XBOX.

    • Upvote 1
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  5. 12 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    And all you have to do is plug a mouse and keyboard in and you instantly get PC controls. :tom:


    hes not even playing this on PS5, that’s how pathetic he is :kaz:

    Now you just need a mouse & keyboard :tom: At some point when you're requiring new accessories to make up for inferior ports because 1) your system was badly designed and 2) nobody cares about it, maybe then it's a good idea to throw in the towel and get a better system.


    Anyone who wanted m/kb controls probabpy has a gaming PC anyway and wouldn't look twice at the worst version (xbox).

    • Upvote 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Sorry, plays at a higher resolution and better framerate on Xbox. If I wanted to play, I can correct the deadzone using the elite controller or simply plug in a k/m. 

    Worst on PS, again. Damn… that’s a common theme around here with remakes. Dead space was worst on PS5 as well. :tom:

    Here he is again, "give microsoft an extra 180 for a controller to fix the problem" :kaz:


    Theres no proof that would actually fix it, secondly df said its not just the deadzone, its the acceleration too.


    Shitz really wants you to spend your money on Microsoft :tom: Look at how badpy he's trying to shill the inferior version.

    • Haha 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    MLB 23 is on gamepass and will be a top 10 selling game on PS in 2023. So no, there are better games to play. 

    And like I said, Series S is the better platform compared to 15FPS5 if you want to play this game. Yikes. 

    Oh, and you paid $60-$70 for the original too. :tom:

    Actually I got the original free when I bought a PC :trump2: I certainly wouldn't have paid full price for a janky, unfinished rpg with no plot (typical Obsidian game)


    This game is inferior to the original version, even df says so. You're here trying to brag about a shit port of a game that didnt need a remaster :tom: Thats the utter state xbox is in right now.

  8. 6 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    lmfao Bloodborne exclusive.

    Talk about Souls instead.

    PS5 has nothing on the level of Nintendo exclusives like Metroid, Zelda and Mario, at least this gen.

    Lemmings hiding behind Nintendo :lul:


    Bloodborne is exclusive, and this gen Metroid is MIA and Mario wasn't anything special imo


    Its a back and forth thing if you're going gen by gen. Nintendo has hit some peaks with MP1, Zelda MM, and SM64, but if we're judging gen by gen they have also floundered (MP2&3, Zelda TP and SS).


    Either way though you have proven me correct, Xbox isn't even invited to the table, its not part of the discussion because it has nothing to offer. Thats why you lemmings hide behind Nintendo, as if Nintendo putting out a 10/10 somehow makes xbox relevant. - it doesn't, nor does it nullify PS getting AAA games making it still a superior choice over xbox. A nintendo and ps system isnt a bad choice, theres no reason to ever consider an xbox.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    runs significantly better, did you not watch the video? It literally drops to 15fps on PS5. 

    You’re better off playing on Series S than PS5, lol. 

    But no, I won’t be playing this. 

    972p on series Super flop :lul: Once again Microsoft suckers people into buying a pile of shit. Imagine being promised a next-gen system and then ending up with shit that runs at XBOne resolutions.


    The game runs like shit on all systems and is clearly not worth purchasing. The first game isn't even that old and it was a boring pile of shit in the first place anyway (typical of Obsidian). No shit you won't be playing this, I don't think many people will :kaz: It will probably end up being a GOTM game on Gamepass since standards are lower on there.

    • Haha 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Shit game, but even shittier on PS5. Big surprise.


    6 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Doesn’t even hit 30fps reliably on PS5. :holeup:

    The 10/10 is irrefutability better on PS5, and the terrible port, of a remaster nobody asked for, runs slightly better framerate wise (but more frame spikes) and little dick tucker is taking this little victory for all its worth :lul:


    I ain't even going to make fun of Xbox, the desperation of its fanbase speaks volumes.


    Cows can play RE4 remake and you can play outer worlds spacers choice :rofl: Your terms are acceptable.

    • dead 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Why are you talking about Xbox? 

    This is actually a fair point from Ghostz.


    When your talking about putting exclusives head to head, its going to be between PS and Nintendo with behemoths like Metroid, Zelda, God of War, Bloodborne etc


    Xbox doesn't even get to be part of the conversation.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    No I’m not suggesting buying one. I already have one. 

    and I’m not playing it because I’ve beat the game like 5 times already… I’m not desperate enough for a game to play like Cows LMAO. 



    You dont care because the xbox version is a pile of shit. You were all over this game the past week, and now you know the controls suck and still haven't been fixed you're pretending not to care. :tom: Can't wait to see you talk up the next Gamepass flop too. "6/10 meta score? Oh well I'd rather play thid than an AAAA anyway, oh and its not on ps lolol tchbr!! 6/10 we eatin this is as good as the $500 steak I just had".


    Lemshits :ccruise:

    • dead 1
  13. 58 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    DF also says better framerate on Xbox. :juggle:


    Either way, I’m not getting this. And if I was, I have an elite controller that lets you correct deadzone…. Or I could just plug in a keyboard and mouse to the Xbox. So boom, controller issue fixed. :hehe:

    Of course you're not getting it, like all lemshits when hit with the thought of paying for an AAAA game you shy away :drake: Back to playing 6.0 filler on your 99¢ rental service instead :lawl:


    "You can just use mouse & keyboard"


    At that point why not just play the superior PC version?


    "You can use an elite controller"


    Lindsay Lohan Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


    Did this clown seriously suggest buying a $180 controller just to make a shitty port playable? :rofls: Lemmings will say anything to help one of the wolds richest corporations earn a buck. Just buy a better version of the game retard, it's not hard to figure that out.


    Theres nothing you can say that makes xbox worthwhile. It's an indefensible pile of shit and has been for the past 10 - 15 years or so.

    • dead 1
  14. 2 sources say the resolution isnt that low on PS5, onoy df says it is.


    But if you want to insist thats true thats fine. Xflop has better image quality but there is now ample video evidence from multiple sources PS5 has the better framerate.


    But all that is irrelevant, as the game controls so bad on Xbox it's unplayable.


    Let me be clear, if someone wanted to actually play this game even the decade old base PS4 is a better choice than either of the xbox options.



    • Thanks 1
  15. 28 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    NXGamer rapes Ghostz even harder here. The VRR on PS5 is better too :hest:







    Xbots really thought they had a win :tom: Imagine your console sucks so bad you put all your chips in a multiplat being slightly better (but still far behind PC)


    And they couldn't even get that :tom: Xflop stays losing. No wonder Ghostz lost all his hair, being an xflop fan they must be tearing it out every night :lul:

    • Haha 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:



    Controls are fixable

    You said that last week  and yet they haven't been fixed :tom: Know what has? The rt issues on PS5. Vgtech and nxgamer disagree with df on the resolution too.


    Either way it doesn't matter, we buy games to play them not watch the title screen attract mode, and the fact remains the xflop version is an unplayable pioe of shit. Its a non-factor, its not even an option to be considered for playing this game.


    Do what you do best Ghostz, tuck dick and run :smoke:

    • dead 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    They fixed the RT and image quality issues in the full version of the game but the ShitBox version still hasn’t been fixed :hest:




    :cruise: TLHBFR!!







    The end of that video :hest: We had lemshits here peddling the same lies.


    It's truly fascinating looking at the xbox fanbase. Gamers abandoned xbox in droves after the 360 era, but theres a group psychological effect in play where they will spread a lie as a form of cope, and they will all play into it. This isn't the first time we've seen them pull information our of theie ass, and then pass it along the group as true. My theory is this helps them keep going forwards, despite having no games for 10 years they convince each other the win is right around the corner.


    Its like religious cults where they predict the end of the world and how they're going to be taken to heaven/valhalla/paradise, and when the date comes and goes they pull out a new one, it doesnt really matter what the date, or in this case the information is, what matters is the carrot on a stick, the idea that salvation is right around the corner.


    Xbox is a cult.

    • Haha 1
    • dead 1
  18. On 3/16/2023 at 6:08 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:



    it will be fixed, unlike PS simply being strong enough 


    On 3/16/2023 at 6:31 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    the controls will be fixed.


    On 3/16/2023 at 7:49 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:




    Then you have @TLHBO and @jehurey claiming ownage over a sensitivity issue that will easily be fixed. It’s gonna be HILARIOUS to see the end result when Xbox has another easy W over the shitty PS5 version


    On 3/16/2023 at 10:31 PM, JonbX said:

    People are saying the controls are fixed on the full game on xbox. Thats good to hear because the PS5 demo looks bad in comparison.


    On 3/16/2023 at 10:45 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Of course they are. LOL Cows literally cannot stop owning themselves :tom:


    On 3/17/2023 at 10:56 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    It will tho. Regardless, not a performance issue.


    Still not fixed :umad:



    On 3/16/2023 at 7:38 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:



    On 3/16/2023 at 7:38 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    He got busted making shit up again :hest:

    You mean like the entire xbox fanbase including yourself making up runours the controls were fixed to sucker people into buying the inferior version? :umad:

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