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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 1 hour ago, MalaXmaS said:

    I am not even going to talk about Xbox, because I haven't anything remotely worth owning for this console, aside from another Forza Horizon remake which by the tenth hour mark, you realize you have already played this.

    Everything else is a port, or backwards compatibility game.


    I am not even to talk about the service, Gamepass which is good but not worth a console purchase.

    Well at least you're honest. So why the hell do you still consider yourself a lemming? Running defence for xflop all the time.

  2. I knew this was a Ghostz thread just from the title alone. He's still in that phase where he thinks if he tells you how much he's spending in steaks, shoes and iphones you will be impressed. Most people grew out of that phase in their teens but this guy gets excited about seeing an animated childrens mario movie so there's no hope. :trump2:

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Im hoping the full game has better ultrawide support. The constant black bars are annoying.

    Now you're a true ultrawide gamer :blessed:


    Every game I see theres always that one person petitioning for better ultrawide support. Every single time, its why I held off on buying one. I'm "that guy" that petitions for better Linux support so I have my hands full already, I can't add ultrawide on top of that :biggrin:

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


    The GC version was vastly superior hence why it won GOTY and the PS2 version didn't. 


    We're just pointing out how mad cows got when that happened... Lol


    As someone who played both extensively its a retarded decision. The PS2 game plays the same, it feels the same. It was fanboy bait.


    Imagine if Doom won GOTY and it was only PC. Why when the game plays the same on switch? Yes one version is better but (30fps cap aside) its the same game. If it was a busted port like orange box on PS3 I could understand but that wasnt the case.

  5. 2 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    We aren’t slipping back to graphics. When it comes to multiplats, the best version wins… GC version was first and looked better, simple as that. Other games (BOTW, etc) don’t look better anywhere else, because they don’t exist anywhere else… Other than some shitty PC emulation months/years after release that are usually filled with glitches. But we’re talking about consoles, not PC anyway. 


    1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    LOL more like you can't get over it.


    PS2 version was significantly inferior, noticeable back then.


    Missing tons of graphical effects, and way lower character polygon counts.


    And it mattered.


    Gamespot made it clear, even with Alex Navarro making a post to the forum community, the GOTY was given to just the Gamecube version.


    :drake: keep trying to make excuses, 18 years later.

    These are the same people who shilled multiplats on Wii and Switch FYI :umad:


  6. 27 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    It will tho. Regardless, not a performance issue. Series x runs at a (much) higher resolution and a better frame rate. 

    DC that :mj:

    Some people actually want to play the game, not just look at it :lul:

  7. On 3/16/2023 at 10:45 PM, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Of course they are. LOL Cows literally cannot stop owning themselves :tom:


    39 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    Final game doesn't have the controls issues fixed. Sorry lemmings you lose.






    Epic backfire :luff: Rentz can not stop owning himself.


    Look at the lemshit lies. Him and jonb spread lies the xflop version is fixed to try and sell another xbox copy, lemshills have been pulling this shit for 10 years now, they will say anything to get you to buy on xbox.


    If anything the PS5 has more chance of having its issues fixed since it will be the priority as lemmings dont buy games.

  8. 6 hours ago, Ike said:

    Yeah, but then only the GCN version got GOTY and cows were whining then. :hest: 


    2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Yea because the PS2 version was inferior and severely fimped.. Cows were big mad :kaz:

    18 years later and Sheep still can't get over it :drake:


    The PS2 version was fine. It didn't look as good, especially the lighting but if you were used to PS2 games it wouldn't have mattered and it played just fine. Its funny to see Sheep slip back to being graphics whores considering how the next 2 decades would pan out. :killzone:

  9. Plays worst on xflop, "feels bad in comparison to every other version" :tom:


    Then you got the Series Slow being in the same league as the last gen consoles.


    Ms suckered you fools for all you're woeth :drake: Take your xflop back to rent-a-center Ghostz and ask them for a real console.

    • Haha 1
  10. Ok I just watched the video. This clown left out the part about the controls on xbox, apparanrantly they're so bad that df can't recommend the xbox version right now. Its an aiming/sensitivity/deadzone issue.


    Typical ms shill :tom: Purposefully omits information to try and sell an xbox copy.

  11. 4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I setup the alienware last night. The screen is large, sharp, and the colors are fantastic. That said, I had read some issues about text quality and they were definitely accurate. The text has this odd almost fuzzy look to it, especially white text on dark backgrounds (which happens to be the SW theme I use). I will have to get used to it, while this is likely a great monitor for gaming and media its probably not the best option for general use.


    21:9 support for games also still seems like it has a ways to go as well. I've only tried BF2042 so far and it looked great during gameplay, but suddenly decided to render in a small box with black bars on the side during the post match results screen which was jarring. I expect the average indie game to have some real compatibility issues with this aspect ratio as well.


    So yeah its a good monitor but has some noticeable issues which is a bit unfortunate given the price. I think given the size it was worth it for me though, I needed something larger because I have a small couch behind me in my office and I want to be to use it while gaming, instead of just constantly using my chair which has worsened my posture over time. I also wanted a PC monitor that had decent quality HDR and the options for that are still pretty limited.


    edit: The average youtube and twitter video has black bars on the sides which is also going to take some time to get accustomed to.


    How much better is it for gaming? I've been considering one. They look incredible for open world games with the wider FOV, but when you look at a corridor based game it looses its appeal.

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