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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Poorspoken is a good scoring PS game? :hest:

    GT7 is (AA) and you rag on it while defending 6/10 Gamepass flops.


    This all started when ms unleashed their rental service. Boy you really love cheap goods dont you, why not just pirate dumbass? You could be playing better games.

  2. https://www.foxnews.com/media/trans-game-developer-launches-first-person-shooter-player-kills-anti-trans-villains-including-priests


    A transgender video game developer recently launched a game where players can hunt down critics of transgenderism, like anti-trans feminists and Catholic priests, and kill them in a bloody, first-person shooter action




    You can see the screenshots there. Violence and "revenge".


    If this was made by a right winger and it had you shooting drag queen story hour groomers, the game would be banned and the creator would be investigated by armed police. Hate is ok so long as you hate "correctly" it seems. This is no different to the moonman doom mods.


    • Haha 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    It was a new IP that was shadow dropped with no marketing. Not bad at all. :juggle:

    It was given away "for free" (your words) on a rental service on a platform which has been suffering a decade long drought. If anything it's a flop.

  4. 2 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

    I don't even remember what I came for back in 2005.

    Where you a cow back then? Lemming mods took over GS forums that year and purged most of the cows. Looking back, and seeing how microsoft has astroturfed the hell out of the internet, I wouldnt be surprised if they were planted.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Lmao, this fake poseur has been trying to finish a 8 hours game for the past 35 days and still comes here pretending he's a fan. :D 


    I hope I'll finish it soon. 


    Oh No Reaction GIF by Bounce



    Xbox finally got a non-Forza game, he needs to make this game last until the annual forza rehash comes along at the end of the year :hest:

    • Haha 1
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  6. 11 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

    You just torrent them and they're already cracked or a there is a file that hacks the game you need to open.


    Tried Halo Infinite doesnt have a crack file, it just works.



    Cool, I've never pirated modern games before but just in case a Bethesda one comes along thats worth playing I'll try to find one. I certainly won't be paying the Microsoft tax.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Yeah the card isn't even high end and I still had to fork over ~$950 for it. Insane.


    The main card in my last PC was a $500 GTX980 and it pretty much maxed almost everything for 4-5 years without breaking a sweat. Now im less than 2 years into a card that cost twice as much and I find myself constantly turning down settings to avoid stuttering and random framerate drops in current PC games.

    What res and framerate?


    A mid-good card from a few years ago can still blast most games 1080/60, so long as vram isnt a limitation.


    In comparison we're seeing Series S do 900p/30 fps.


    Ps5 and xsx are doing 4k bur dropping to 30 in some games fideleity mode, and both use a lot of dynamic resolution.


    Y'all keep chasing the dragon. 4k/120fps. The most common resolution on the steam hardware survey is still 1080p, and most cards can handle that easy. If you dropped to 30fps like consoles a lot of those cards could handle 4k too.


    Pc costs more yes but people are always chasing way higher settings than the consoles. I don't know or anyone who uses less than 60fps on PC, whereas on consoles 30fps was the norm until recently and most games fall back to it in fidelity mode anyway.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    You didn’t even watch the video :kaz: the entire game flickers on PS5 in fidelity mode :hehe: you have to drop it down to 1080p to remove it :D 

    Performance mode - Same resolution, worse framerate on XSX, lack of occlusion on XSX.


    Fidelity mode - Flickering on PS5, lack of occlusion and frame pacing issues on XSX


    It's arguably worst on xflop :roff: Seems like the best way to play this on console with the least drawbacks is PS5 performance mode.


    Not that Cows need to prove anything, it was you lemshits running your furry little mouths about your 12tf beast. No games and devs dont give 2 shits about the xflop versions :mickey:


    Lets not even get started on XSS, that's laugh out loud quality. Its so bad lemmings want to pretend it doesnt exist even though it makes up a sizeable portion of the xflop userbase.

    • dead 1

    PS5/XSX - Dynamic 4k/30 or 1080p 60

    PS5 has a bug affecting image quality on Resolution mode

    XSX lacks occlusion (looks like a bug since it affects performance mode too)

    XSX has frame pacing problems at 30fps


    XSS - 900p at 30fps, mid 2000's quality textures


    Performance - mostly 60 on performance mode, PS5 holds it better during demanding areas.



    What the fuck is the point in Series S? :tom:

  10. 17 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Android has worse versions of apps functionality wise and relies on SMS, has a worse camera, worse display, and worse battery. :D  It would be equivalent to Xbox getting Madden 07 when ps5 gets Madden 23. 

    You’ve yet to answer, what are you playing?????

    Xbox has worst version of multiplats, worst OS, worst controller, worst ecosystem, worse third party support and a complete lack of quality exclusive games (5 times less in fact).


    Season 4 Game Set Match GIF by The Office

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