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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. "I hate this forum im moving to a better place....oh but im going to keep logging in every time I read positive xbox news " I've said it before and I'll say it again DynaFlop...
  2. If that were true and you moved on that would be fine, but dont bullshit us. You and jonb the sensitive emotional xbox fanboys fled here in a fit of rage because people made fun of xbox and the moment you think you have a win you come running back. We have all moved on from forums in the past thats natural, but we dont go running back the moment we have ammo Thats all the proof we need thst systemwars is on your minds and you're driven by the thought of revenge.
  3. Your last post was in November where you were gloating about Starfield being exclusive, and before that it was March. You have been hiding because xbox has no games and nothing going for it. Its a joke of a system and Microsoft has proven beyond any doubt they dont undeestand gaming, cant produce shit worth owning, and cant manage videogame development studios. All they can do is buy out existing successes and hope their management doesnt fuck things up best thing they can do is keep arms length from any videogame company they buy.
  4. Him and jonb literally bide their time on their hubgox safe space forum and then immediately run back here the moment they think they have ammo. Actual IRL losers
  5. Lemmings They flee the site because they're fed up of all the bad news and xbox being a laughing stock but the moment they think they have something they rush back hear to gloat. Imagine being that pathetic, that you dont want to log in because you're tired of being owned and seeing your console exposed as a pos, so you lay low on another forum but you're still hell bent on getting revenge so you bide your time refreshing your xbox news feed waiting for the day you can log back into system wars and laugh at someone. This is the peak of his weekend
  6. And yet they haven't apologized for the controls on xbox which the entire fanbase has been crying about for the last week. What does that tell you about their opinion of xbox? You just keep setting yourself up Clown. Take the night off.
  7. So let me get this straight.. They become aware of a light flickering issue on PS5, which must be niche as nobody else has come across it up until now, and they immediately announce they plan to fix it. Whereas everyone has said the controls are unplayable and ruin the entire game on xbox and Capcom has had radio silence on the subject thus far And you think this is a "gotcha" Good lord I always knew Xbox was irrelevant to devs but I didn't know it was this irrelevant. Funny with the deadzone too, nobody notices it, not a single person ha
  8. Just as a reminder, here is what JonB said as his initial impression (before realizing broken controls were exclusive to xbox) "I was really excited for this game until i played the demo. Wow. This is one of the worst controlling video games i have played in recent times. Everything else about it seemed awesome but i dont think i can stomach how it controls for 15+ hours." Oh boy One of the worst controlling video games ever, and Ghostz thinks this is a non-issue in the grand scheme of things
  9. "It controls like ass and feels much less responsive but at least it looks sharper :lemming:" He considers this a win Thats how utterly desperate the lemming faction is. It's a far cry from where Ghostz was a week ago.
  10. This forum has a terrible mobile site thats why. The amount of times I try to hit submit reply and it clicks the fucking notification button, if it didnt save replies I would stop posting
  11. Edit: wrong thread How the fuck does a regulator do such a huge u turn so suddenly? I guess Microsofts repe must have moved them...
  12. He's definitely getting angrier, it went from looks like 1080p to looks like 720p You can tell he's getting angrier because his claims are becoming more exagerrated the more desperate he gets. Its the weekend Tommy Tuck, just chill out, have a beer, and enjoy the superior console version on your PS5
  13. A minor correction, ps5 and xsx are the same resolution in resolution mode, but ps5 has the higher resolution in frame rate mode And yes the broken controls are a deal breaker. Ghostz wants you to hook up a mouse and keyboard, defeating the purpose of someone wanting the console version in the first place Its funny that such bad controls made it through, its like nobody at Capcom actually bothered to play the xbox version - thats how irrelevant xbox is to developers, especially Japanese developers.
  14. For those of you just joining us allow me to recount the last week on systemwars. Ghostz thinks this is a wash, Xbox has it all - significantly higher resolution, holds a more stable framerate, broken RT on PS5, lower image quality on PS5, and the only problem with the Xbox demo is bad aiming which is confirmed to be fixed in the final release. Little by little, after 2 more comparison sources put out their own conclusions, and a retraction by digital foundry we come to realize... - Better framerate on PS5 throughout. - Higher resolution on PS5 -
  15. DF put out a comparison of the final version - Backtracks and admits the PS5 runs at 2160p in resolution mode, and 1944p in framerate mode, confirming what the other sources were saying first. (Funny lemshits were calling them sony fanboys, turns out df cant count ) - RT fixed on PS5. -Controls still broken on Xflop. Terrible deadzone and acceleration curve. - This lemming wants to sugar coat the xbox version so bad Says the PS5 has slightly better framerate, looking at the vgtech video its 5fps ahead quite often, df never ref
  16. He went from "xbox version is the best" to "Xbox is on par with PS5 if you just purchase a new controller, mouse/keyboard and VRR enabled TV" Next he will tell us if you just hack your xbox and get a new GPU attached it will fix the terrible framerate too
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