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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Well just because you wait 10 months post release to play games doesn’t mean everyone does. 

    The only rrason you play them is because they're on your rental servicd. This tard brags about games that flop with 6.0 scores.


    Then they end up performing worse on xbox.


    Now he falls back on "but but at least its cheaper :cry: "


    At the same time he shills iphone :cruise: Well if price is the most important factor for you then android wins. You can't have it both ways you xbox nuthugging little bitch.

    • Geese 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    I honestly never heard of disc rot, wtf are you guys doing with your games? I got games that I bought at launch date since the PS1 time, around 1998 and they all works. All of them. Even the fucked up ones with deep scratches, though they may glitch at some point. 


    It's not like I particularly took care of them all these years. Although sometime forgotten in a closet or box, better that way, I guess. 

    I was referring to bit rot, not disc rot. Disc rot is different.




    Realistically though I doubt it was this, it was probably just a bad batch of Persona discs. I remember MGS3 remaster having some dodgy discs across PS3 and 360 too.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    Let's not pretend like most of these excwoosives aren't absolutely mediocre or straight up trash lmao delulu cows

    From the faction that brags about Crackdown 3, State of decay 2, and Ryse son of rome :tom: Lemmings are the onee always glorifying 6.0 flops. Even if many of those exclusives are weak, its cows who have the quality exclusives and lemshits have nothing outside of endless Snorza rehashes.

    • Geese 3
  4. 12 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Skies of Arcadia on the go would be so cool but Steam Deck is pretty expensive. I might get one eventually anyway, considering I have amassed a 325+ games collection on steam in the past two years. lol


    I feel you. I got a PS3, a PS4 and a PS classic under my TV collecting dust. It looks pretty ridiculous. It was even worse when I had my PSVR/PS camera and all the cables that goes with that. Clutter is annoying but it can be arranged neatly with the proper place/furniture. 


    Lmao, I just remembered Dili and Aza hyping up Rule of Rose. 


    WTF, how is that possible? :D Fake sealed game, huh?


    Man anything old school Atlus is worth collecting, I made quite a bit of money selling Persona 1, Persona 2, SMTIII Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 and that was a long time ago. 

    I bought the game on release. Its either bitrot, or more than likely it was just a bad batch. I did find one forum post about a PAL Persona disc not playing but by then its too late to get a refund.


    Either test them asap or leave them sealed forever.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Cool. Sega Saturn games are worth a lot. I still have Shining the Holy Ark, I actually never played it though. lol


    I'm also buying digital games, I actually keep most of the physical games I buy sealed that way. 


    Speaking of emulators, I got one of these things. Still waiting for it to get shipped but I'm pretty excited. No need to risk damaging my classics when I have them all on one device. Hehe. Too bad the N64/Dreamcast emulation blows but it's fine, I just want to play PS1 RPGs.



    You should have got a SteamDeck, it handles n64 and dreamcast just fine. Most ps2 games too aside from a few demanding ones.


    I'm backing all the games onto an external HDD. Between a Linux pc, steamdeck and raspberry pi its the perfect combo for everything :aitch:


    I grew tired of consoles. You finish one and have to make space for the next. Its even worse with digital games. I cant play anything from wii u or wii for example unless I dig them out and set them up. At least with PC you just install steam on your new hardware, or copy some roms over.


    Speaking of rare games I remember seeing Rule of Rose a french copy or something. I didnt buy it at the time because the rumour was it woulf be released in the UK soon, well it never did and now that shit costs £200+ :scared: So long as I can get the rom and play it im happy, but my advice is to jump on anything you can because you might not get another chance.


    Also never open sealed games. I opened Persona 3 PS2 about 10 years after I bought it because I actually intend to play them, not just store them, but the fucking disc was a dud :kaz: Its value when from like £80 to £0 upon discovering that.

    • Upvote 1
  6. It's not a bad investment. My dad sold a lot of old megadrive, snes, ps1 games and other retro game and made thousands. Like 5 digits. It just depends which games are going to increase.


    I'm going the opposite way. I dont want a man cave and games are just taking up too much space. I made a good profit on all the Saturn games I bought around 2010-2012, but theres too much clutter so I'm selling most games and going all digital. I'm going to back up PS2, Dreamcast, Gamecube and a lot of retro roms since emulation is so good, and stick to a mostly digital PC library, with an exception for playstation consoles - I'll be keeping those games physical. Now I can still play most games bar Saturn because emulation is shitty but I dont have to deal with storing them all. PS2 looks real nice at 4k, and I have all the pre 32 bit era games loaded onto a raspberry pi.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    In all fairness, I don’t remember Jon searching for people’s private info. Sure he trolled, but who hasn’t? 

    He stalks game profiles. If you post it here he will bookmark and stalk it for years. He also digs through posts looking for personal informatiom he can use for personal attacks. He was one of the worst for this! He acts like an insane, rabid fanboy but then tries to play grown up whenever Xbox is being laughed at.

  8. 10 hours ago, JonbX said:

    There were quite a few people that got personal info and pictures and tried finding me on other websites and shit. Thats when i realized for a lot of people here are actually in fucking sane. 



    world of warcraft legion GIF

    • Upvote 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    The game was made in Cyprus, not Russia. But it does have ties to Russian investors which is where part of the controversy lies. Personally I think there's a much greater reason to boycott this than Hogwarts Legacy. There was also a disclaimer in their privacy policy where they straight up said that users' data could be shared with the Russian government. That in and of itself is a huge red flag.


    Im still probably going to play it since its on GP anyway but the data sharing shit is still a problem.

    Meanwhile everything else you own backdoors data to your own government. I've less reason to be concerned with Russia and more reason to be concerned with the British government spying on me.

    • Thanks 1
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