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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 4 minutes ago, Goukosan said:




    You were responding to a post that said DF will gush over it and that people will be pissed.... Fast forward to today. 


    DF gushed over it and you guys were pissed as seen in the DF thread. :umad:

    I said what lostfool said was stupid, and that it was hard to be excited when a 4k/mouse version existed. At the time I wasn't aware this had waggle, which is something.


    You then sperged like all the sheep because you can't tolerate someone not worshipping what Nintendo puts out. 900p remaster in 2023 :Jeff:Forgive me if I don't cream myself.


    I've never seen a faction as emotionally invested in making sure everyone recognizes their games at the best, as the Sheep do.


    Hey at least it did end up budget priced :bena:

  2. 9 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Yes we get it, you prefer to play it with 20 year old assets, geometry and textures.. Good for you. 


    Why are you so emotionally invested that you felt the need to come in the thread to try to convince others that's better? :sass1:

    I didnt try to convince anyone, just gave my opinion and its the Nintendo zealots who are unable to accept anyone not willing to worship Nintendo's offering.


    9 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Man, you are just ignorant. The reworked assets make the game looks way better than YOUR upres emulated Gamecube game, even if you are playing it in 8K. 


    I'm not arguing controls or performance. 

    Go back and read the original post, I said the graphical changes look nice, but I also mentioned controls as one of my gripes :trump2: Why freak out about something I said but then take out half of my comment?


    Fwiw native 4k vs 900p is going to make a hell of a difference in image quality if you're viewing it on a 4k display.


    Luckily it came to light that Metroid Switch has motion controls. Mouse and/or wiimote controls made this game feel a lot more immersive and after playing Wii and PC versions I could not go back to original Prime, and not fumblesticks either.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    You have it backwards.  This is a Metroid Remastered thread.  


    You're the one who is so emotionally invested that you came into a thread about the remaster to tell us you prefer to play the upres GC version on PC. (while this for some weird reason doesn't apply to deck)..... Ok good for you. 


    We didn't come in a thread about the PC emulated version to try to convince you that the Switch version is better, you came in here to for some reason tell us that you prefer to play games at 4K on PC *excluding deck of course*



    How a remaster should be done....900p in 2023 :grimaceleft:


    You'll have to excuse me for not being as impressed as the Nintendo faithful.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Quad Damage said:

    a souped up gamecube  game and its still 900p with no AA. i guess i shouldn’t be surprised 

    Wtf its actually 900p? :killzone: But they said 1080p!


    Nintendo actually lied? Or is the df guy wrong? Man there really is no reason to be excited for this. 900p and switch quality fumblesticks. They should have held the remaster back for the next system.

  5. On 2/13/2023 at 10:17 PM, Ramza said:

    He tried to tell you that it was more than your typical upres port, which is infinitely better than whatever you can do with your Gamecube emulated game. 


    At best you can compete with the Wii port. Lmfao. 

    What is it with sheep getting so emotionally invested in making sure people acknowledge Nintendos version to be the best? :hest:


    I found the game a lot more immersive with a mouse, and I stand by the fact that I'd take a 4k+mouse version over 1080p and dual fumblesticks. If you prefer the Nintendo version good for you.

  6. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Holding you to your own logic is being Jerry lite? Lmfao. 


    You couldn't even answer the same questions you posed... It's ok, your hypocrisy got the best you:umad:




    I said it was hard to be excited for a 1080p remaster with switch fumblesticks when a 4k+mouse/kb playable build already existed.


    You then proceeded to sperg :reg:


    Enjoy your remaster.

  7. On 2023-02-12 at 3:31 PM, Goukosan said:


    Well first off Prime is not your typical FPS game.. Its an Adventure game in first person and it does not control like a typical dual stick FPS game and was originally designed to play on console controllers. 


    2nd of all this isn't just an uprez game... The assets, geometry, lighting etc was all remade and the contributers to the PC hacked Metroid Prime said the Switch version is currently better than the PC one because all the assets were modernized. 


    Where as the current PC hack version is the just and uprez GC game. 


    Now in a couple of months when this version runs properly on PC, then you may have a point. 


    But as right now... Prime plays best on Switch. 



    The reason I brought up deck is because outside of indies... All those games on Deck weren't made for small screens, deck also has fumble sticks, you're playing at 720p on deck when the PC has a superior experience of all those games.... Yet that somehow didn't apply.... Interesting. 

    I see now why they call you Jerry-lite :reg:

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    I'm not bitching about the deck, I'm using your logic to ask you the same question you posed.... Im just asking questions :umad:




    As you said.. Its 2023 why are you playing games in 720p when you can play it in 4K on a PC? :sass1:



    Outside of indies, Which "some games" are better suited for the small screen on deck when no games are made specifically for deck?


    Whereas the Prime Remaster was made specifically for Switch so the small screen was factored in to the portable mode for this game. 

    The remake was made for Switch because it's the only system Nintendo has. Prime was originally made for the big screen. Inwas more referring to the controls, playing Prime with a mouse I couldn't go back to fumblesticks especially not Switch fumblesticks. I read later it will have waggle so thats something I guess, depending on how good those mini wagglesticks feel.


    I'd just rather take 4k and mouse/kb for this game but that's me :ahmad:

  9. On 2023-02-09 at 11:26 AM, Goukosan said:


    With that logic, It's 2023 why are  playing games at 720p on deck then when you can play it on PC at 4K with mouse controls and better textures, RT, better lighting etc? :umad:

    Some games are better suited to the small screen, metroid prime is not ine of them especially not with switch fumblesticks. :puke: It turns out you can imitate the wiimote so I guess thats something.


    Not sure why you're bitching about Deck  by that logic we can skip the Switch entirely.

  10. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    people are going to be pissed when digital foundry's video comes out, and they gush over this.


    i am already calling it.

    The graphical enhancements are nice but it's 2023, I see no reason to play this when you can play it on PC at 4K with mouse controls and some texture enhancements.


    Hopefully Nintendo has some decency and releases this at a budget price.

  11. 1 minute ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    *looks at PSNs classics tier being $18 a month*


    Whats your point? I havent even looked at whatever the fuck that is.


    One shitty thing doesnt justify another, try to stay on topic numbnuts. Theres zero fucking reason for the slow drip feed of games for the 3rd? Generation in a row, games like metroid and f-zero should be there day 1. As for those who paid for the gameboy games on wii u and 3ds, lol fuck you you're paying again! :roff:


    Even microsoft isnt that greedy  even Microsoft!!!

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