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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Actually I got the original free when I bought a PC I certainly wouldn't have paid full price for a janky, unfinished rpg with no plot (typical Obsidian game) This game is inferior to the original version, even df says so. You're here trying to brag about a shit port of a game that didnt need a remaster Thats the utter state xbox is in right now.
  2. Lemmings hiding behind Nintendo Bloodborne is exclusive, and this gen Metroid is MIA and Mario wasn't anything special imo Its a back and forth thing if you're going gen by gen. Nintendo has hit some peaks with MP1, Zelda MM, and SM64, but if we're judging gen by gen they have also floundered (MP2&3, Zelda TP and SS). Either way though you have proven me correct, Xbox isn't even invited to the table, its not part of the discussion because it has nothing to offer. Thats why you lemmings hide behind Nintendo, as if Nintendo putting out a 10/10 somehow mak
  3. 972p on series Super flop Once again Microsoft suckers people into buying a pile of shit. Imagine being promised a next-gen system and then ending up with shit that runs at XBOne resolutions. The game runs like shit on all systems and is clearly not worth purchasing. The first game isn't even that old and it was a boring pile of shit in the first place anyway (typical of Obsidian). No shit you won't be playing this, I don't think many people will It will probably end up being a GOTM game on Gamepass since standards are lower on there.
  4. The 10/10 is irrefutability better on PS5, and the terrible port, of a remaster nobody asked for, runs slightly better framerate wise (but more frame spikes) and little dick tucker is taking this little victory for all its worth I ain't even going to make fun of Xbox, the desperation of its fanbase speaks volumes. Cows can play RE4 remake and you can play outer worlds spacers choice Your terms are acceptable.
  5. This is actually a fair point from Ghostz. When your talking about putting exclusives head to head, its going to be between PS and Nintendo with behemoths like Metroid, Zelda, God of War, Bloodborne etc Xbox doesn't even get to be part of the conversation.
  6. You dont care because the xbox version is a pile of shit. You were all over this game the past week, and now you know the controls suck and still haven't been fixed you're pretending not to care. Can't wait to see you talk up the next Gamepass flop too. "6/10 meta score? Oh well I'd rather play thid than an AAAA anyway, oh and its not on ps lolol tchbr!! 6/10 we eatin this is as good as the $500 steak I just had". Lemshits
  7. Of course you're not getting it, like all lemshits when hit with the thought of paying for an AAAA game you shy away Back to playing 6.0 filler on your 99¢ rental service instead "You can just use mouse & keyboard" At that point why not just play the superior PC version? "You can use an elite controller" Did this clown seriously suggest buying a $180 controller just to make a shitty port playable? Lemmings will say anything to help one of the wolds richest corporations earn a buck. Just buy a better version of the game retard
  8. 2 sources say the resolution isnt that low on PS5, onoy df says it is. But if you want to insist thats true thats fine. Xflop has better image quality but there is now ample video evidence from multiple sources PS5 has the better framerate. But all that is irrelevant, as the game controls so bad on Xbox it's unplayable. Let me be clear, if someone wanted to actually play this game even the decade old base PS4 is a better choice than either of the xbox options. Xlast.
  9. Xbots really thought they had a win Imagine your console sucks so bad you put all your chips in a multiplat being slightly better (but still far behind PC) And they couldn't even get that Xflop stays losing. No wonder Ghostz lost all his hair, being an xflop fan they must be tearing it out every night
  10. You said that last week and yet they haven't been fixed Know what has? The rt issues on PS5. Vgtech and nxgamer disagree with df on the resolution too. Either way it doesn't matter, we buy games to play them not watch the title screen attract mode, and the fact remains the xflop version is an unplayable pioe of shit. Its a non-factor, its not even an option to be considered for playing this game. Do what you do best Ghostz, tuck dick and run
  11. The end of that video We had lemshits here peddling the same lies. It's truly fascinating looking at the xbox fanbase. Gamers abandoned xbox in droves after the 360 era, but theres a group psychological effect in play where they will spread a lie as a form of cope, and they will all play into it. This isn't the first time we've seen them pull information our of theie ass, and then pass it along the group as true. My theory is this helps them keep going forwards, despite having no games for 10 years they convince each other the win is right around the corner. Its like r
  12. Well at least you're honest. So why the hell do you still consider yourself a lemming? Running defence for xflop all the time.
  13. This game was hot garbage Why the fuck is he calling it fun? Why the hell have they even made a video for this forgettable trash? I swear df guys are such fanboys. Only people like jonb would care about these flops in this day and age. There were better platformers from that era.
  14. Eternal Darkness with a full remake would be great. I think outside of that there isn't anything left on the GC that was truly worth it.
  15. I knew this was a Ghostz thread just from the title alone. He's still in that phase where he thinks if he tells you how much he's spending in steaks, shoes and iphones you will be impressed. Most people grew out of that phase in their teens but this guy gets excited about seeing an animated childrens mario movie so there's no hope.
  16. Now you're a true ultrawide gamer Every game I see theres always that one person petitioning for better ultrawide support. Every single time, its why I held off on buying one. I'm "that guy" that petitions for better Linux support so I have my hands full already, I can't add ultrawide on top of that
  17. As someone who played both extensively its a retarded decision. The PS2 game plays the same, it feels the same. It was fanboy bait. Imagine if Doom won GOTY and it was only PC. Why when the game plays the same on switch? Yes one version is better but (30fps cap aside) its the same game. If it was a busted port like orange box on PS3 I could understand but that wasnt the case.
  18. GC ports on PS2 unplayable, but games like Witcher 3 on Switch are perfectly fine. Gotcha Lets not even get started on the 360/PS3 ports you used to hype on Wii. If Sheep didn't have double standards...
  19. These are the same people who shilled multiplats on Wii and Switch FYI
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