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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 1 hour ago, FIREPOWER said:




    Majority sold on PS5 just like with Spiderman Miles Morales. Your attempt at damage control always fails in these PS games sales milestone threads :mj:


    PS4 game sales fell off a cliff a long time ago so using them as damage control is futile. This game was a big reason Sony had their best holiday ever last year as they sold millions of PS5s on the back of God of War Ragnarok.

    Everytime @Jerrys Hair Lineopens his mouth to spit some salty damage control he gets slapped.


    Just stay down Ghostz.

  2. 23 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Its filler TO YOU. Which is funny since all you buy anymore is filler indie junk on steam since thats all you play.


    Even when you are selectively choosing prices the total cost of those games is more than 6 months of GamePass. So buy all those games and get nothing more than a license,  or buy Gamepass, get those games are hundreds of others. Are you dumb?


    Most people dont care about collecting games. Especially digitally. Im not gonna be bored in 2 years and want to go back and play 300 hours of persona games.


    You can have your opinion but just remember it is subjective. Stop trying to present it any other way. Makes you look dumb and bitter.

    Its filler to anyone who isnt into mediocre flops like you :tom: lemmings will play any old shit if its on Gamepass we have seen this evidenced many times. Its the netflix approach, where instead of watching Jurassic Park you're watching a Canadian film made on a budget of $500,000 called Dinosaur Island :bena: thatd what Gamepass is, its filler.

  3. 5 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:


    Look at this filthy cow trying to play the "but you are too retard to own me" card at the last resort just to save himself, without success.

    For basically two pages I've been destroying the shitty cows with the fact that Gamepass  offers more value than anything offered on PS5.


    Their main "point" was them trying to say that Gamepass offers budget gaming full of 5.0s while cows get the superior AAAs and AAs, but they have to fork out $70 a pop.


    What they forgot to say was that Gamepass ALSO gets those AAAs and AAs, except the shitty Sony exclusives obviously, but then again, you can't play the Xbox exclusives on PS5 like Halo, Gears, Forza and other franchises.


    Looks like one of their 2023 pillar exclusive flopping hard has turned the cows mad, and their main excuse is "if it sucks, then don't play it ;("


    What are you going to do when your other exclusives flop too? Then you will have nothing to play on 2023 then.

    Nothing to play on 2023? you mean like you've had nothing to play on Xbox since 2013? if you lemmings can survive a 10 year drought I'm sure Cows can cope with 12 months :tom:


    Why the fuck are you acting like PS and Xbox exclusives are comparable? PS exclusives are AAA blockbusters  industry defining top of the line games. Xflop barely has any exclusives and the ones it does have are fucking trash :rofl: GTFO acting like they're in the same league. Nobody cares about your shitty rental service and shovelware filled subscription bullshit.

  4. 10 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Yeah you don't have to buy them, or not buying anything at all.

    Enjoying staring at your ps5, while Xbox owners are playing whatever they want on gamepass.

    You are like that muscle guy that thinks can beat any imports, but when we go meet his car, its still in his garage with no wheels, sitting on bricks and with the engine missing parts.


    You're such a fuciing idiot :tom:


    If a game sucks we don't buy it. You're saying you get them on Gamepass which is the point which has been proven by all the lemmings here, you will still end up playing the 5.0 "turds" just because they're on Gamepass.


    Here's a hint skippy PS5 had more good games than xflop. Most of the good games on Gamepass are on PS, and some of the shit games on PS find their way into Gamepass too. If there was a case of nothing to play on PS5 then I can assure you there would be nothing to play on Gamepass since xflop had no good exclusives all those good gamepass ganes would be multiplat.


    I think you're trying to argue value but you're too retarded to pull it off.


    You don't get to play 'whatever you want" on Gamepass you play whatever games Microsoft has chosen as your selection that month. They could be good, they could be bad, they could be new, they could be old, but most of them will be available on PS or PC anyway. One thing is for sure you will end up playing them brcause they're available, good or bad. Whereas us hermitd and cows with superior taste buy the good games and skip the crud.

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  5. 1 minute ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Like I said, you cows love to talk shit about gamepass budget games, but again, we pay $15 a month and get to play a plethora of them, unlike you guys who pay $70 for a turd.

    Actually no, most people skip on the "turds" because we're still buying based on value. Unlike lemmings who do play the filth because they're now in the habit of playing whatver is in the Gamepass sub that month. :geese:

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  6. Are we getting into an old school Halo argument? that pile of shit set the fps genre back 10 years and it would take another 10 years to recover. Halo was slow as fuck with insane amounts of auto-aim, thats ehat made console shooters look viable. Perfect Dark had more features and objectives. Halo was padded out by its insane copy & paste level design (which has never been topped in 20 years, halo stands head and shoulders above every other game in this regard).

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