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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. It's because you're playing on xbox clown :grimaceleft:



    Really though I don't play that often but when I do I find indie games more fun. I've mentioned in here recently I'm nostalgic for the PS2 era. Modern games are too concerned with immersing you in a virtual world, a virtual second life. They can be slow and full of padding. When you play a game from the PS2 era you're into the action much sooner, the games focus more on gameplay than building a virtual world.


    I can enjoy an AAA budget 30 hour open world game from time to time but you need to set aside a fair bit of time for those games. It's more of an experience than a game. For my go to games I will play indie games, they're easier to pick up and play.


    It was said years ago but a lot of mid tier games slipped away, leaving just the big AAA titles filling store shelves. Maybe its the types of gamed you're playing. Games are so expensive these days nobody takes risks and all the AAA games feel cookie-cutter.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:




    these two games are two gens apart :D outside of visuals, they’re nearly identical :Jeff: and I’ve played both. :reg:


    Can you tell me what’s different?

    ….because I’ve already told you how forza is different. It’s a completely different genre of racing games. I guess you think need for speed and gran turismo are the same games too :hehe: 


    it wouldn’t even matter if they’re the same genre. 3 forza games will have been released from 2018-2023. Meanwhile we are approaching our 4th Spider-Man, all within the same genre with similar gameplay. Bu bu.. he’s black in one of them!!!1 😭



    anyway, hype recorded for forspoken. Anything less than AAA and @FIREPOWER has been raped :cruise:

    Son we been doing this for 20 years, you really gonna come at me with such weak bait? :pffft:

    • Haha 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    Halo sucks and forza is two different brands. The last Motorsport came out in what, 2017? Even halo 1-2-3 were released 6 years apart. Not sure what you’re getting at. 

    Spider-Man came out in 2018. Then a remaster (lol) in 2020. Then miles morales in 2020. Now Spider-Man 2 in 2023. 3 in 5 years. Or…4 in 5 years if you want to count the remaster. 

    all while Spider-Man hasn’t changed since like, Xbox and ps2. It’s the exact same game across 3 gens. They’re creatively bankrupt for this franchise and it shows by how quickly they’re pumping them out. 

    What do you mean it hasn't changed? open world superhero game sure, but different developers and the difference in quality is night and day.


    Thats fucking retarded even by your standards, its like saying "we had 3rd person action rpgs on the saturn like virtual hydlide so we dont need elden ring".


    Just because its the same ip it doesn't mean shit when its a completely different developer/publisher dumbass :cosby2:


    Also forza is the same damn game. If you're not into racing games then the difference is negliable.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Yeah, I went back and browsed through some footage of GoW3 and it hit me just how much more interesting it seemed. The boss fights in particular had a real sense of excitement and scale to them. Ragnarok's felt so tame and boring in comparison (outside of one cool fight later on)



    I'm absolutely going through the first game on PCSX2 after this. :glad:




    The PS2 had more gameplay per square inch than anything on modern consoles :trump2:

  5. 9 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

    Nah the combat is great. It's dynamic like the classic PS2 action games but deliberate like From games. It'll punish you for button mashing but still give you tools to chain combos and juggle bitches. This is how melee combat should feel.

    The way I would describe it is it feels like the enemies are made out of steel. The feedback, the amount of hits they take, the sound effects, it's like you're hitting solid steel. My biggest probpem is how spongey each and every enemy feels. The mini-bosses :scared: omfg set 30 minutes aside for these! even with everything upgraded, and if you choose to prioritize strength everything feels like they take far more hits than they should. Its like the difficulty in the game comes from keeping concentration, you hit, you dodge their attacks, repeat, but by the 30 minute mark on the mini bosses I find myself bored and desperately hammering the attack buttons just trying to make it end and thats when you're open to their attacks. It feels like a test of concentration rather than skill.


    You know what the most retarded part about the game is? the gane establishes Atreyus is weaker than Kratos when he tries to punch through a chest, yet the kid can take down an enemy in 5 hits with his bow and it takes Kratos 300 hits with a fucking blade or hammer to defeat the same kind of enemy :|


    It really feels out of place how easy the kid can smash through multiple enemies at lightning speed because Kratos can't do that. It's as strange as the gimmick where they put that purple/pink glass all over the walls and encourage you to reflect axe throws into enemies...it just seems out of place, like they were throwing shit at the walls to see what sticks.


    I felt this way about the first game but decided to give the second a try hoping they changed some things or hoping there would be more exciting realms than the first game but its the same, and from where I am so far in the game dare I say this game night actually be inferior to the first (one of these atreyus parts is far outstaying its welcome).


    I guess its just now for me I really miss the old god of war games. They were fast, fluid, fun, and they were straight down to business none of these walking around chatting nonsense. This game feels like it had been "Gears'd", the camera, the forced chatter, just the general feeling of the combat.


    I miss the PS2 era in general. It was more fun and less fluff.

    • Haha 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Jerrys Hair Line said:

    The article in the OP is saying Sony will have a great year because of forspoken (awful demo, massive downgrade), Final Fantasy (1997 called and wants its franchise back) and Spider-Man 2… which will be the third Spider-Man game in 5 years.  

    I’m still left wondering what PS5 has in 2023 after reading it. 

    third spider-man game in 5 years? compared to what the fucking yearly forza rehashes? halo was run into the ground too. the only reason ms isnt rehashing yearly anymore is because xbox is a diaster and none of the teams xbox has can produce anything anymore.

  7. Well at least someone enjoys it, I thought it was just the usual padded reviews you see for many AAA games.


    I can't help but think to myself "this game would be good if the combat didnt suck". Like it sucks, it really sucks and I'm not enjoying it :( I'm just playing for the story at this point. The norse stuff really sucks too the elf realm makes me want to die its looks like one of the repetitive covenanant levels from Halo 2. I hated the elf realm in the first game and I hate it here it hss thst awful Halo/Too Human aesthetic. Beyond that you got THORGINGOR, MMILJJOOORRNR and THURRRSUUNNNGAARDD and all those stupid norse names, you have talking squirrels, blacksmith dwarves, snot spitting from men, magic acorns and world trees. Norse is the gayest shit ever made. To think we could have had Egypt and we get this trash instead.


    Small spoilers


    What I remember of the original games is Kratos smashing shit up, minotaurs  hydras, giant statues, medusas, anything that stood in his way, the game was balls to the walls fun meanwhile in this game I'm riding a fucking Yak picking fruit from trees. Kill me now :ccruise:


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  8. You just know if this waa the other way around the oeft would be crying misognyn and that its targeted harassment because she's a woman, but for some reason it's ok when the soyboys do it.


    You can't put shit on your social media anymore. Theres no point having your real name tied to anything. The best thing to do is to fight fire with fire, don't buy anything from limitied run games and let those fucks know they're getting boycotted. They cuck to pressure because only one side is giving them pressure.

  9. 15 hours ago, Ramza said:

    I replayed that on PC recently and it's just a shallow, repetitive and unimaginative platformer. You guys are looking at PS3 era trash with rose nostalgia tinted glasses. 


    Alice Madness Returns is a 5/10 platformer at best. The gothic art style spin is nothing special as well. Fuck that game and fuck your 'KGB' classics. Lmao, shit fucking taste. 

    wtf am I reading? :dame:


    Obsidian fanboys wouldn't know good gameplay if it slapped them in the face :lul:

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