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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Cool, I've never pirated modern games before but just in case a Bethesda one comes along thats worth playing I'll try to find one. I certainly won't be paying the Microsoft tax.
  2. Good, Microsoft games should not be paid for. How easy is it to pirate? Do you need any cracks, or exe fixes to remove DRM?
  3. What res and framerate? A mid-good card from a few years ago can still blast most games 1080/60, so long as vram isnt a limitation. In comparison we're seeing Series S do 900p/30 fps. Ps5 and xsx are doing 4k bur dropping to 30 in some games fideleity mode, and both use a lot of dynamic resolution. Y'all keep chasing the dragon. 4k/120fps. The most common resolution on the steam hardware survey is still 1080p, and most cards can handle that easy. If you dropped to 30fps like consoles a lot of those cards could handle 4k too. Pc costs
  4. At some point lemmings need to stop making 100,000 excuses and just admit that microsoft, their studios , consoles and all their products just suck.
  5. Sounds more like its a problem with your Dell. As far as I'm aware xbox is the only platform where games are launching with this many bugs.
  6. Performance mode - Same resolution, worse framerate on XSX, lack of occlusion on XSX. Fidelity mode - Flickering on PS5, lack of occlusion and frame pacing issues on XSX It's arguably worst on xflop Seems like the best way to play this on console with the least drawbacks is PS5 performance mode. Not that Cows need to prove anything, it was you lemshits running your furry little mouths about your 12tf beast. No games and devs dont give 2 shits about the xflop versions Lets not even get started on XSS, that's laugh out loud quality. Its so bad le
  7. PS5/XSX - Dynamic 4k/30 or 1080p 60 PS5 has a bug affecting image quality on Resolution mode XSX lacks occlusion (looks like a bug since it affects performance mode too) XSX has frame pacing problems at 30fps XSS - 900p at 30fps, mid 2000's quality textures Performance - mostly 60 on performance mode, PS5 holds it better during demanding areas. What the fuck is the point in Series S?
  8. Self-owned for trying to game on an xbox platform.
  9. He does this all the time but somehow thinks he's "winning". He seems content to take DynaFlops place as the forum clown.
  10. Xbox has worst version of multiplats, worst OS, worst controller, worst ecosystem, worse third party support and a complete lack of quality exclusive games (5 times less in fact).
  11. The only rrason you play them is because they're on your rental servicd. This tard brags about games that flop with 6.0 scores. Then they end up performing worse on xbox. Now he falls back on "but but at least its cheaper " At the same time he shills iphone Well if price is the most important factor for you then android wins. You can't have it both ways you xbox nuthugging little bitch.
  12. The last time xflop had an AAA exclusive was 10 years ago
  13. So is Ghostz going to dicktuck? Or spend months pretending the xflop version is the best just like he did with Elden Ring? Its pointless to argue with fakeboys.
  14. I was referring to bit rot, not disc rot. Disc rot is different. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_rot Realistically though I doubt it was this, it was probably just a bad batch of Persona discs. I remember MGS3 remaster having some dodgy discs across PS3 and 360 too.
  15. From the faction that brags about Crackdown 3, State of decay 2, and Ryse son of rome Lemmings are the onee always glorifying 6.0 flops. Even if many of those exclusives are weak, its cows who have the quality exclusives and lemshits have nothing outside of endless Snorza rehashes.
  16. Wtf is this Dreamcast looking trash? And to think this fgt was trying to make fun of how another game looked the other day.
  17. 5 times more exclusives than you're playing on your Xbox
  18. One of Microsofts own slides Ghostz, Dynatard and LemB want to convince you xbox has all the games and PS has none but even daddy Microsoft calls this bullshit. TLHBK!
  19. I bought the game on release. Its either bitrot, or more than likely it was just a bad batch. I did find one forum post about a PAL Persona disc not playing but by then its too late to get a refund. Either test them asap or leave them sealed forever.
  20. You should have got a SteamDeck, it handles n64 and dreamcast just fine. Most ps2 games too aside from a few demanding ones. I'm backing all the games onto an external HDD. Between a Linux pc, steamdeck and raspberry pi its the perfect combo for everything I grew tired of consoles. You finish one and have to make space for the next. Its even worse with digital games. I cant play anything from wii u or wii for example unless I dig them out and set them up. At least with PC you just install steam on your new hardware, or copy some roms over. Speaking of rare
  21. Its astounding how many lemmings are simply too stupid to understand this, though I suppose if you weren't stupid you wouldn't be a lemming in the first place
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