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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 2 hours ago, Ramza said:



    But man, I would have never said something like that to my parents after receiving a console, even if it wasn't the thing I wanted. Kids these days are so spoiled. 

    Its an xbox. An xbox!


    Getting an atari jaguar, 3DO or ngage I could understand being disappointing but keeping quiet, but an xbox? thats just child abuse.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Because it's trash. You manage to finally get the game running perfectly after a couple of hours of fiddling with various plug-ins, only to find out that at a certain point in the game, a specific cutscene makes the emulator crash every time and you can't proceed further. This happened to me more than once, especially for PSX emulation.


    Spare me this fucking crap, emulating anything other than 2D arcade, NES, SNES, GBA roms is just way too annoying for me. I just want to chill and play some old games for nostalgia sake, not damnation in the pit of emulation hell. Please.  


    On STEAM I only have to install the game and play it, unless it hasn't been updated since like 2010. In which case, there's probably an easy fix or something. Like using backward compatibility mode that is built in the new Windows OS. Easy peasy.


    It just comes down to how user friendly things are. 

    When did you last use an emulator 2008?


    Most games play perfectly, especially PS1. N64 may be a bit spottier but old ass Steam ports can be too, hell even the nintendo virtual console has been worse for emulation issues :D


    I do both. I'd still buy the games on steam because they're dirt cheap most of the time (aside from Square-Enix) but emulation is generally more reliable than old PC ports I have found.

  3. 3 hours ago, JonbX said:

    The same reason everyone left. This forum never grew up. It grew down tbh. You know what you get here cause its the same shit we got when we were teenagers. The only normal people left here are GD, TB and Remij. The rest of yall are literal mental patients that repeat the same shit day in day out. Nobody wants to repeat the same console war BS that has been repeated for decades.  The reason why everyone left, is yall 🤷‍♂️

    Case in point. I can't tell if this clown is serious or running a long act.


    You're one of the most childish little fanboys here and then you scream and cry lioe you are now when everyone laughs at xbox. You have no problem with immaturity until its turned on you and then you make personal attacks against everyone.

    • Haha 1
  4. Not surprised at all, MS is an ad company. When you set up an xbox this becomes clear when they try to force a mobile app on you and tell you that you have to accept data sharing or fuck off. This is why you should never buy a console from an ad company. They will shove this in and still expect you to pay for Xflop live.

  5. When MS bought Rare 20 years ago fans were salivating for a Conker sequel.


    We got a remake...of a game that was only 4 years old. Whatever, still a decent game though and the demand for a sequel grew.


    What happened? nothing the ip was shelved for about 12 years as MS told the fans to go kick rocks.....and then they showed off that bastardized hololens bullshit that nobody asked for. Then they teased Conker again and it was dlc for a "build your own game" littlebigplanet wannabe that nobody cared for. "MS to fans: build your own fucking game"


    After half a decade of silence they bring Conker back for this. "MS to fans: Drink shit you little fucks"


    MS has zero respect for any of the lemshits but lemshits keep grovelling thinking daddy will eventually love them :rofl:

    • Haha 1
  6. What happened to all those new studios lemmings talked about? what about all the games being worked on? it sounds like MS know they're a bag of shit and thats why they now want to blow $70 billion on Activision. :roff:


    They are such pathetic childish cunts to try and say its "fair". Using that 70 billion to make their own exclusives would be " fair" all they want to do is what they have done for the past 20 years - pay to take games away from other platforms.


    MS execs are the sleaziest shits on Earth I wish the worst for every single one of them.

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 hours ago, ghostz said:

    No they didn’t. This is Europe only, Apple could simply leave Europe if they wanted and then google would be tried as a monopoly. :tom:


    either way, massive L for android 

    Imagine the optics on that if they left europe in a huff because they cant run a monopoly on their phone anymore while staying in China and helping the CCP trample human rights :drake:

  8. 7 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    Aside from humble bundle, what’s the point? Most of my Android friends don’t even bother with anything other than Google Play. 

    Play store is full of shit. Either free apps full of spyware and ads or paid apps...with spyware and ads.


    Something like F droid is way better. I can watch youtube with no ads, no age verification  and no account needed. Its a much better experience.


    6 hours ago, ghostz said:

    How have I been owned? No there is literally ZERO reason to own an android :tom5:

    Not so fast it sounds like Apple might still try to pull some dirty shit  also custom android roms mean android is still a superior option to iphone. All this means is that if you own an iphone you aren't completely boned anymore. I bet third party apps are still restricted in ways that Apples apps arent. (when you cant make good apps, just limit what the competition can do).

  9. https://www.macrumors.com/2022/12/13/apple-europe-alternate-app-store-support/


    "Apple is planning to allow for alternate app stores on iPhones and iPads ahead of European legislation that will require the company to support sideloading, reports Bloomberg."


    GhostzHBR! :deadkoolaid:aaron GIF

  10. On 2022-12-06 at 11:39 PM, Twinblade said:

    Finished Burnhouse Lane. That was a hell of an emotional ride :mjcry:, definitely my favorite game that the Michalski brothers have put out since Cat Lady. These guys are some of the most talented indie devs in the business, and I think this game has some of the best storytelling this year. I got some real David Lynch/Stephen King type of vibes from a lot of the scenes.



    I bought it to show support but I havent played shit recently as December always has me working literally every day up until Christmas. This is definitely the first game I'm playing on my week off though. Good to hear its another banger, Cat Lady was definitely my favourite too.

    • Like 1
  11. The Jerry & Lemij feud has to be the longest running feud I've ever seen on the internet :rofl:nobody knows when, why or how it started, they just know they need to keep going until the end of time.


    If they have kids I can see the little jerry and little lemij growing up to continue this beef. Its some real cartoon shit.

    • Haha 1
  12. 12 hours ago, jehurey said:

    It really is amazing that there are people who don't remember Microsoft and their reputation from the 90's.


    Especially people on social media sites actually ROOTING for Microsoft. They must be under 25 years old.

    You would hope so but then you see all the idiots that are 40+ or thereabouts like Deeno, Jonb and more.


    Microsoft and Apple have effectively created and trained a private army of cheerleaders and cocksuckers just by marketing alone. We're at the point now that marketing and press releases should be more heavily regulated since it basically brainwashes a significant portion of the general public into becoming religious zealots.

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