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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 6 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    What is the point of developers pouring their all into their games just for Sony to dump a bunch of money into a single popular game and then come away with every award.

    "Why cant all these inferior games beat this AAA that had so much money and talent put into it".


    They're not meant to give awards out of pity  otherwise xbox would sweep the board :den:

  2. 10 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:


    You're an incel, we get it.


    8 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Ok betacuck.


    4 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:


    Yeah, because if you looked up alpha chad in the dictionary you'd see a picture of a dude in his 30s sleeping alone in his twin bed.



    3 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Dude, shut the fuck and stop being such a cringey whiney little betacuck bitch.

    wtf has this thread become? :D

  3. 3 hours ago, Remij said:

    They didn't file a preliminary injunction.. MS has by far the better case and the FTC knows this, which is probably why they didn't file.  Probably hoping for other concessions or some hail mary evidence comes into play that they can use to help their case by the time August rolls around.


    It all hangs on the EU and UK anyway.  FTC's decision today could cause them to block though.. which seems likely now.

    Hopefully. They should go further and dismantle Microsoft.

  4. I took a look at Reeetardera for the first time in years, and all I can say is holy shit there's no way some of these clowns aren't planted there by Microsoft :dead2:


    They're cheerleading a multi-trillion dollar corporation in its fight against the evil FTC. I thought most of them roleplayed as Communists? the current thing is to pretend you're cheering for the sake of the employees and unions, not because you want your favourite plastic box to sell more. Microsoft fanboys are a blight on the planet.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    It would be depressing if COD is still a juggernaut franchise in 10 years. Sony should take the time to produce their own modern fps since the they won't have a cozy relationship to Activision going forward. Just don't bring back SOCOM.

    Well you never know CoD has done well these past 10 years but yeah many other franchses Guitar Hero, Halo etc all fell off ober the course of 10 years.

  6. 5 hours ago, jehurey said:

    LOL this just goes to show how much of a bitch Phil Spencer is.


    He's making PUBLICITY announcements about something he can't legally do.


    If he wants to inform regulators about this to help pass the deal, then he can make those commitments and say that to regulators privately.


    But he's trying to garner fanboys to advocate on his behalf.


    This is some real Elon Musk little-bitch public behavior.

    If you think that's bad check this out, from thr President of Microsoft no less;




    They're worth about 2 trillion dollars and are one of the most powerful corporations on Earth yet they keep painting themselves as the underdog, as the 'little guy'. Its funny to see them come out and admit they're 3rd place in sales and that they have no games and Gamepass is lacking, considering that fanboys like Ghostz and JonB have been trying to argue the opposite for years now :drake:


    I've never seen such a sleazy blatant attempt at a "good guy Microsoft" image. Its sickening to watch grown men grovel, squirm and roleplay like this.

  7. "This price reflects the content, scale, and technical complexity of these titles," a Microsoft spokesperson told IGN. "As with all games developed by our teams at Xbox, they will also be available with Game Pass the same day they launch.”


    If that's the case then shouldn't they have lowered the price of the shit they've been pumping out for the past 8 years? :drake: all that bargin bin Gamepass filler.


    This is the monopoly tax, it has cost them billions to buy up all these developers and publishers, what you thought it was coming out of Microsofts pocket lemmings? :tom: no we told you that you would be paying for this.


    This is a win/win for them because they get lemmings to pay for all the buyouts, or they push more people onto their shitty streaming service.  Either way MS wins and lemshits lose. Don't think this wont happen with Gamepass down the line, they can raise prices on that and stop all these $1 giveaways and at that point you're locked in, refuse to pay and you lose access to everything. Its obvious ehat MS is doing, if you have any wits about you now is the time to walk away.....but of course if you were smart you wouldn't be playing on xflop in the first place :drake:

  8. Hmm I got a feeling... :interesting:


    *Checks a few big name UK retailers*


    Yep just as I expected :tom: PS5 looks mostly sold out, leaving only the bullshit £700 bundles. Xbox series S and X are both easily available. Series S is retailing for literally half the RRP of PS5, and like less than a third of the bullshit bundles that are left :rofls:


    Sony takes an L for still not having enough supply to meet demand and missing out on some black friday sales but lemshits seriously need to get out of this fantasy land where people walk by and ignore Playstation consoles on shelves because they can't wait to get their hands on Xbox and all the games it had like Forza and errr....Forza. :tom:  it ain't happening.

  9. 7 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Thanks for proving my point. To those on the left cp wasn't a problem before but NOW its an issue lets all laugh at the crazy right lolololol fucking disgusting. The fact that you lot can stoop so low as to politicize child abuse says it all but what can you expect from people who have a fetish for having drag queens twerk with children? Or 10 year olds dancing in drag while grown men throw money at them?


    Its been referred to for years that twitter had a problem with illegal content and the left and Apple turned a blind eye and the last management ignored it in favour of profits. We know this. Musk doing or not doing something doesn't change the fact that old twitter management gave no fucks and got away with it.


    Musk said he would fix it. If he doesn't then Twitter is still just as guilty as before and both new and old management should be held accountable. This isn't the "gotcha" you think it is, unlike you I don't find it acceptable just because its #our guy or some shit.


    There seems to be a large crossover between the left, LGBT  and child grooming.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    lmfao This statement so hyperbolic  you are tripping over yourself right now. Breathe. This doesnt even make sense.



    They want their tech to be as proprietary as possible. Probably why Musk made the Telsa have a proprietary charging stations. It's a fucking car, imagine if every car maker had their own specific gas caps?

    That's one thing we can agree on then, I've never looked into Teslas and I hate what governments are doing with electric cars but proprietary charging stations are indeed bullshit. Certain things can get away ith being proprietary and locked down, others can't. Charging stations is definitely one of them. This shit is getting worse as the years go by. Its why I think Apple should allow sideloading, have your own store on there by default and make your own rules but ffs let someone install an app they downloaded from the internet if they want. You can do it on Mac.

  11. 2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Why are right wingers always so fucking mad? lol I have no idea what the CP thing is but I literally never saw anyone including conservatives raising this issue until he brought it a  couple of weeks ago. Also, why are right wing incels so fucking up Musks' ass? It's like you guys rage out anytime people make fun of him.



    lol The Windows store is an abomination. I like android but the android store while leagues better than the windows store is a mess. Apps are personal preferences but the prior two allow complete garbage apps on there store. Last I checked the Windows store, it's a miracle to find apps that have above a 2.0 rating that arent meta apps like Netflix of YouTube. 

    It absolutely was brought up but nobody gave a shit. Nobody gave a shit until orange man was unbanned and now you can see the left starting to pick up on this, funny they never had a problem with it until Musk bought the platform, fucking disgusting but what can you expect from people who support and endorse grooming.


    Now its all coming out how little the execs there gave a fuck about it.


    I don't know why you're assuming I give 2 fucks about Twitter or Musk. This thread was Apple vs Twitter in which case Nu-Twitter >>> Apple every time. Nu-twitter is just a meme. Credit to Musk for killing it though Twitter was an evil beast. If he makes something of it good for him, if it bankrupts him oh well at least Twitter is dead.


    As for Apple the idea that they have the final say in what applications you can run on a smartphone is ridiculous. It Apple decide you can't have an App for any bullshit reason then you can't have that app. Then they pretend sideloading is too dangerous, yeah maybe for Apple idiots like Ghostz. Again Its Fisher Price My First Smartphone® they have to limit everything because Apple users can't be trusted.

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