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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    Twitter didn't have an erratic sole owner going through both a midlife crisis and some sort of divorce who was tweeting himself into parody last year at this time.

    Hillariously Twitter fact checked Musk and disclosed that an Ad Agency advised all of their clients...Apple included to reduce their investment in Twitter advertising. Apple is a bigger name to call out, even though I think Musk did also call out this ad company  and it's CEO a couple of weeks ago. (Again, GENIUS MOVE ELON!) 


    Twitter doesn't manufacture goods. You're an idiot if you think they would have better working conditions for their factories than Apple does. This is a retarded point to make. 


    I say Apple as they have a pretty good customer satisfaction rate as a company/brand. Shit is definitely overpriced these days and innovation under Cook too a nose dive but Twitter is just a cynical billionaire's LIveJournal.

    Twitter literally did fuck all about child abuse :| you deserve a bullet in the head if you think Elon acting like a child or unbanning controversial figures is worse than that.


    Apple is scum and a lapdog for the CCP. Iphone isn't a one track device like a games console, this is a general purpose computer the fact that you can only install apps from the app store is fucking retarded imagine if you could only use the MS store on windowsm Kiddy ass My First Smartphone® Fisher Price shit. There are some things Apple does that make even Microsoft look good and pro-consumer in comparison.

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    They're better than Twitter lol. 

    No they're not, Apple is fucking scum look at their entire track record in China.


    I bet you didn't have a problem with Twitter this time last year. When they host child abuse that's ok but the moment they unban orange man it needs to be taken down.

  3. This company is one of the richest and most powerful and far reaching in the history of the planet. It's net worth is $2 trillion dollars. Yet they go into these discussions painting themselces as the small guy  an underdog, a victim in the face of Sony's monopoly.


    I would personally tear out the spines of everyone from Phil Spencer and above in the MS chain of command if given the chance.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    Oh by the way, the document makes it perfectly clear


    Microsoft cancelled the Activision Call of Duty Exclusive DLC marketing deal back in 2015.


    No more of this "Sony moneyhatted" bullshit history.


    That deal practically fell into Sony's lap at a cheap price.


    That's 100% on Phil Spencer.



    Are they actually acting like having a shitty little map pack 30 days early is on the same level as having the entire fucoing game exclusive? :|


    They're such slimy little bitches.



    Reading everything abiut this activision case we can see the old Microsoft is still there, no matter how much their fanboys insist they have changed.


    Imagine fanboying for a slimy piece of shit company like this. Imagine wanting them to own everything. Lemmings deserve to have their head bricked in, fucking retards.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, FIREPOWER said:

    publishers and putting their games exclusively on ShitPas. When they are the only option, they will then raise prices for the cheap retards that are stupid enough to fall for this scam. Walmart model through and through. Everyone with brains can see this coming including the FTC and especially the CMA. Question is whether FTC will let corruption blind them to this obvious fact and let the deal go through.

    Bingo thats exactly what MS will do. Then the subscription will be raised to $20 per month or beyond, dont like it? Then dont pay...and lose access to everything.


    The rumour is the ftc are going to make moves against this. I dont know what happened to America, 20 years ago they were pretty aggressive with this kind of thing but these days they let anything happen and the only resistance comes from Europe.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 13 hours ago, Sabo said:

    This is a multi-billion dollar franchise, it's made more money than Star Wars. Theres literally no excuse for such lackluster entries besides lack of talent, lack of vision, and lack of passion. It's just pure laziness and no motivation to even try to do better.


    Just hand the series off to someone else. Gamefreak clearly doesn't give a shit and only cares about doing the bare minimum for maximum profit.

    We call this the Microsoft approach :monosmug:

  7. This years World Cup should probably go in the politics section.


    It's just old white men going to foreign countries and telling brown people how to live. Seems like racist colonialism to me.

    • Haha 3
  8. 57 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    i don't really understand how this helps Microsoft.


    How do they not look like they wish to engage in anti-consumer behavior by buying Activision?


    They're basically saying "our competitors have grown and creators studios that create better products than us...........therefore we need to buy out the third party publisher that puts games on their platforms."


    They are saying that Microsoft cannot compete in terms of quality, so they are leverage their money to buy out the competition.

    Well no offense but America seems to not give much of a fuck about this. Hopefully the UK puts a stop to it. Although they have no authority over MS, they were enough to get Facebook to sell giphy.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Xbox fucking invented that concept during the 360 era. They paid a fortune for CoD exclusive marketing and DLC content on Xbox first. A myriad of third party exclusives throughout the whole generation from Japanese publishers on 360 and they weren't doing it because it sold well in Japan.


    But now that the competition does the same it's unfair? :pavarotti:

    Yeah the nerve of this fucks, they would pay just to make cows wait 30 days for map packs ffs



    The sad part is despite MS admitting PlayStation is better in every way you just know Xbox fans will still go online on forums and social media and beat their chest about how Xbox has the best games :rofls: I've never in all my life seen a set of fucks as sad and cult like as xbox/Microsoft fanboys.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Remij said:

    Every aspect of that game is deliberately designed to be satisfying.  The sound it makes when you kill enemies, the gem collection sound.. the powerup sounds... everything.


    Don't sleep on Kings Bibles either.  I used to lean heavy on Garlic when I was first starting out too, makes some runs a lot better to begin with, but you quickly learn there's better things out there.

    The bible is legit when evolved :banderoos:


    For the newcomers, its a grindy game if you like ublocking things. The better weapons come when you unlock more characters and discover the evolutions. Eventually you will become opyimal at evolving and maxing weapons during a run and going in with specific builds in mind.


    The pentagram when evolved + cooldown is on another level but its probably not worth pursuing when you're new because it will take long to upgrade and hurts you early levels due to destroying xp gems.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Crying about the possibility of Apple tracking users via data fingerprinting when you have to be logged in to actually use the app store is peak stupidity.

    I thi k its because their privacy policy is misleading but yeah you're right, if you're using these kinds of app stores and operating systems/devices that require account creation and login you shouldn't be surprised by any of this.

  12. 3 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

    I don't get the business interest for MS to stay in videogames. In 2004 the rush to get computing in the living room was real. Now, the computer in the living room isn't even PlayStation. It's mainly Smart TV systems, Chromecast, Apple TV, etc. So MS could fuck off with gaming and focus on making a media puck.


    If you have to buy up half the industry to stay in an industry, you're probably not getting great return on investment. The payoff to MS isn't obvious here.  If it's just Gamepass revenue, they could open up the service to a lot more platforms.


    In the near future SteamOS is gonna make Xbox a redundant platform.



    I'm starting to think their ad business is part of it. Microsoft tries to push ads and services on you at every opportunity, having that data in the living room about what you're playing, watching, how much time you spend on xbox, and having it all linked to your windows account must be doing something for them. Add in their desperation to get people to install their mobile app.


    I'll never use a service from an ad company ever again its fucking awful :lul: You're just hombarded with shit at every opportunity.

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