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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. He reads the threads he's just too afraid to post. Little bald cocksucker is probably rrading this right now. He wants to take a shot, but he knows the moment he posts in here he's self-owned.
  2. Remember all the lemshits at reeeeeetardera pretending they wanted the aqqusition to go through so Activision/Blizzard workers would have better working conditions? how about they beg MS to cancel the buy out and use the 70 billion to keep these 10,000 workers in a job at a time when mass layoffs are making it harder to find enployment in the tech sector? No? I'm betting none of them care about the workers anymore
  3. Its amazing how the retards who were saying it (dynaflop jonb, ghostz etc) keep on going despite being wrong for years. They're still all in on xflop. When they were saying this it was 2016. That was 7 years ago and they haven't had any games since "they're saying them for scorpio!" "they're saving them for XSX!" "They're saving them for 2022!" "they're saving them for 2023!" How many years of drought must the lemshits endure before they acknowledge they have no games and that Microsoft had no desire to give them games? it's a cult at this point.
  4. @Jerrys Hair LineGoing to dicktuck again brah?
  5. Modern gaming is trash. I stopped following gaming as much as I used to mostly because the games changed into this. It feels like if you're not a 13yo lemkid with hundreds of hours to spare and daddys credit card then gaming isn't for you. These games have no love or passion put into them they're purely designed to keep you spending money. Fuck Xbox.
  6. The FTC and EU says its bad for consumers meanwhile the Xkids eat up the propaganda and tell you it's good for consumers and they cry that it's a conspiracy to hold down the underdog, Microsoft, a company with a networth over a trillion dollars who is worth more than Nintendo, Sony and Valve combined, and this poor "underdog" is being persecuted and treated unfairly by everyone who dares to question its business practises or its lack of games. We absolutely should be rounding up these people and taking the next steps.
  7. What do you mean multile gaming droughts? as far as I am aware Xbox has been in one 10 year long drought since the release of Forza 5 (which was paid for and sits at 79% on gamerankings ) But I do remember that GC drought, and PS2 2004, PS3 2007 and PS4 2014. Lemshits went crazy at a 12 month AAA exclusive drought thinking it was the end of the world, if only they knew what was coming
  8. I agree on the PS1 its 3D games were laughable but sone could work around the limitations. MGS, Tomb raider, resident evil, and a whole bucketload of JRPGs. The PS4 though? Jaguar bland? Atari Jaguar? that was always the "it only has AVP" console, which is one more game than xbox one ever had
  9. If PS1 though PS4 have been nightmare gens then objectively no console has ever had a good gen.
  10. Because MS thought they were on top of the world. At the time they figured rehashing HALOGEARSFORZA every year, combined with a slew of kinnect shovelware and 30 day exclusive CoD map packs was all gamers ever needed and therefore to them it didn't matter who made Halo so long as they had a Halo to complete the rehash trifecta. They probably thought all that TV TV TV shit they were planning for Xflop Done was an ace up their sleeves too. Microsoft doesn't understand gaming so you need to look at all decisions they make in that light. That's why none of their decisions make sense, b
  11. Lemmings. The last time they had an AAA exclusive was 10 years ago. Longest drought in sw history which will never be topped and defeats the previous records by about 9 years.
  12. How is cyberpunk a win for xflop? in their side by side it looks blurry when compared to Pro.
  13. I went back and played the original in an emulator. Very quickly you're into the game, there's no forced Gears style walking segments. It's fast, fluid and most importantly it's actually fun! its rare I feel "fun" in a lot of modern AAA games, we really lost something special in the modern era. Most games now just hand you an open world and a checklist to cross off.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IPXMkPdXEo I would watch this.
  15. HHH has gotta be pissed, dude thought he fucked himself into owning an empire and Vince sold it all away as he reaches the end of the average life expectency
  16. It's because you're playing on xbox clown Really though I don't play that often but when I do I find indie games more fun. I've mentioned in here recently I'm nostalgic for the PS2 era. Modern games are too concerned with immersing you in a virtual world, a virtual second life. They can be slow and full of padding. When you play a game from the PS2 era you're into the action much sooner, the games focus more on gameplay than building a virtual world. I can enjoy an AAA budget 30 hour open world game from time to time but you need to set aside a fair bit of time
  17. Damn that was the family inheritence and he flushed it so no-one could take it away from him
  18. Ghostz has 2 strategies when he gets owned for saying something retarded. 1) Double down 2) Avoid the thread In this case you should have gone with option 2_ not 1 Ghostz.
  19. ^This, shouldn't have thrown your money at a morally bankrupt company they will ptobably use it to push more child grooming at local libraries.
  20. They are. Only a lemshit cares about the differences between them, real gamers just see them as identical endless Snorza rehashes.
  21. Son we been doing this for 20 years, you really gonna come at me with such weak bait?
  22. What do you mean it hasn't changed? open world superhero game sure, but different developers and the difference in quality is night and day. Thats fucking retarded even by your standards, its like saying "we had 3rd person action rpgs on the saturn like virtual hydlide so we dont need elden ring". Just because its the same ip it doesn't mean shit when its a completely different developer/publisher dumbass Also forza is the same damn game. If you're not into racing games then the difference is negliable.
  23. I'm absolutely going through the first game on PCSX2 after this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xWSrmwHG14 The PS2 had more gameplay per square inch than anything on modern consoles
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