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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 15 hours ago, sugarhigh said:

    A few WiiU exclusives don't make up for basically all AAA 3rd party games.  Of course PS5 gets all that, but Nintendo consoles don't. WiiU is the worst console from a major 1st party of all time.

    But WiiU had a reason to own one, Xbox doesn't which goes back to what I was saying that you would only get an Xbox over a PS/PC if you didn't know any better.

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  2. 54 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:


    Still better than WiiU even if it never gets a AAA exclusive.

    WiiU had games though and reasons to own one. Xbox One/X/Series is just your walmart brand console next to luxury items like PlayStation, except strangely xflop never costs all thst much less.

  3. 6 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I swear everywhere I go people can't stop talking about Vampire Survivors :| nothing about the game seems appealing to me, but I guess I might be missing something. Maybe I should finally play it.

    I thought it looked dumb too but here I am playing the hell out of it. Its not what I was expecting, its kind of automatic. You'll play it and tjink "this is ok" the first few times maybe but then it will click, the unlocks, the combos, the builds and strategies. There's a lot more under the surface than you would expect.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    How did it flop? It was made by a team of 20 people and ended up being one of the higher rated survival/crafting games this year.

    They dragged this shit out for years and in the end it was a completely forgettable flop. MS bought a developer known for RPGs and had them make the most bland pointless shot you could ever imagine.


    "I bought an xbox to play grounded" - said no-one ever.

    • Haha 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Hardly the type of stuff you expect out of Obsidian. I love their RPGs more than any other company, but I have zero interest in this or Grounded. 


    It's a good thing they are producing two RPGs right now or I would be worried that Obsidian would be a totally different company under MS. 

    Grounded Lindsay Lohan Reaction GIF by MOODMAN


    I almost forgot about that flop :rofls: What the fuck were they thinking?

  6. 24 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    I disagree. How is it I listen to rock and reggae from the 60’s and 70’s? I even love Sinatra. This is one of my favorite songs ever: 


    I don’t think new music is all bad. Shit, I mainly listen to new EDM, which I love. Bob Moses and Rufus Du Sol :wow2: Some new gen rappers like Denzel Curry have as much militant conviction as Public Enemy, but the silky smooth flow of 90’s native tongue artists. 

    As for rock, I hear some stuff I like. However, the soul isn’t there. It’s not a generation thing, because I think 80’s hairspray rock is the worst thing ever lol.

    I think it was a generalized thing, and more fitting for pop than specialized genres. It makes sense because that's definitely aimed at a younger market.



    I did a quick search and here's an article talking about a very similar thing - https://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/culture/culture-news/a21588895/why-your-music-tastes-change-when-you-hit-30/

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  7. You. I remember reading 30 is the cutoff, music is designed for younger more impressionable audiences and as you reach a certain age you just outgrow it. Every generation swears music isn't as good as it was in their days.


    Pop music is the worst as its definitely a period of its time, modern pop music is horrendous. From top to bottom, the lyrics, the beats, everything its pure horseshit, generic crap aimed at the lowest common denominator. I'd rather listen to white noise.

  8. These comparisns are always funny.


    God of war vs A plague tale

    Horizon zero dawn vs Assassin's Creed

    Infamous vs Prototype

    And more...


    Lemmings get butthurt seeing a popular playstation exclusive so they immediately start to compare it to some third party game.


    Ok if you think Plague Tale looks better just buy it on your PlayStation alongside God of war


    "No! Thats not how it works :cries: Its meant to be about Xbox" - lemshits.


    This is why Xbox is worthless even if there's a good looking game on the system you can pick it up on PC or PS quite easily and skip the Xbox. There's never anything good that's actually exclusive.

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  9. 6 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Can we be honest here, and admit that the open world design of New vegas is actually not that good?

    The questlines are good. But FO3 had a much more interesting open world.

    Obsidian fanboys are a cult. No matter how many half baked games they release their fans will claim they're way more talented than any other RPG developer.

  10. Its funny when the lemmings come crawling out from under their rocks to try and take shots at Switch  and try to be a relevant oart of the system war.


    Here's another shitty Sonic game that nobody here is going to play and it runs poorly on switch lolololol but at least the sheep have had games this year. Ehat has xbox had? Seriously what have you had? Nothing :tom: Not a single fucking thing  not even the annual Forza rehash to hide behind.


    You're still the bottom of the food chain.

  11. 17 hours ago, Ramza said:

    D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die

    Forza Horizon 4 (I haven't played 5)




    Dead Rising 3 and Sunset Overdrive? I mean, you're not paying for them so. 

    Dr3 and So aren't even worth pirating. DR3 is a drab looking cliché pile of shit, and SO was basically a tech demo.

  12. This has been the case for years but lemmings cant see it. The problems started in the 360 days, Microsoft just doesn't *get* gaming. They went off chasing that Wii market with kinnecg and thought gamers would be satisfied with HALOGEARSFORZA ever year, and a few of us called it out back then but I dont think everyone understood the extent of the problem. Fast forward to the XBO era and the third party games started to dry up, shit like Fable and Rare flopped out entirely and you could see Microsodt was still expecting gamers to be satisified playing the same Halo, gears and forza rehashes every year. Whem Gears and Halo flopped out too because the devs got bored of rehashing and left, this is what you end up with - forza every year....and now in 2022 they dont even have that!


    Microsoft does not know how to run a gaming division so its absurd that lemmings want them to buy out all publishers and run the industry. These are people who would rather see gaming dead than not have their favourite trillion dollar corporation in first place. Fucking tools.

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