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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. The way I would describe it is it feels like the enemies are made out of steel. The feedback, the amount of hits they take, the sound effects, it's like you're hitting solid steel. My biggest probpem is how spongey each and every enemy feels. The mini-bosses omfg set 30 minutes aside for these! even with everything upgraded, and if you choose to prioritize strength everything feels like they take far more hits than they should. Its like the difficulty in the game comes from keeping concentration, you hit, you dodge their attacks, repeat, but by the 30 minute mark on the mini bosses I find mys
  2. third spider-man game in 5 years? compared to what the fucking yearly forza rehashes? halo was run into the ground too. the only reason ms isnt rehashing yearly anymore is because xbox is a diaster and none of the teams xbox has can produce anything anymore.
  3. Well at least someone enjoys it, I thought it was just the usual padded reviews you see for many AAA games. I can't help but think to myself "this game would be good if the combat didnt suck". Like it sucks, it really sucks and I'm not enjoying it I'm just playing for the story at this point. The norse stuff really sucks too the elf realm makes me want to die its looks like one of the repetitive covenanant levels from Halo 2. I hated the elf realm in the first game and I hate it here it hss thst awful Halo/Too Human aesthetic. Beyond that you got THORGINGOR, MMILJJOOORRNR and THUR
  4. "trannies" is a bigoted slur which is violence towards the trans community. Be better, be an ally.
  5. When Harry Potter became an icon of far right ideology you can't reason with these clowns.
  6. You just know if this waa the other way around the oeft would be crying misognyn and that its targeted harassment because she's a woman, but for some reason it's ok when the soyboys do it. You can't put shit on your social media anymore. Theres no point having your real name tied to anything. The best thing to do is to fight fire with fire, don't buy anything from limitied run games and let those fucks know they're getting boycotted. They cuck to pressure because only one side is giving them pressure.
  7. I'd love to try this out but lost interest when they were pestering for a phone number. Everything these days makes things a bitch for one-off use.
  8. I finally got around to God of War Ragnarok. Not gonna lie, it had all the same probpems as the first game It does make me nostalgic for the old games. To think we could have been fighting spartans, minotaurs and hydras and instead we got igaunas and snot spitting frog-men
  9. Lemmings are like __________, only their news (propaganda) is true everything else is fake news and disinformation. Let me guess, Japanese bot farms reporting fake PS5 sales numbers?
  10. wtf am I reading? Obsidian fanboys wouldn't know good gameplay if it slapped them in the face
  11. I'll be drinking Lemming tears we see out the year 2022 with not a single game of note for Xflop.
  12. I think the bigger question is why was Az in a church? For sure you're possed Az thats why you hear voices and shit. Being in Church will be good for you it will cleanse your soul.
  13. Its an xbox. An xbox! Getting an atari jaguar, 3DO or ngage I could understand being disappointing but keeping quiet, but an xbox? thats just child abuse.
  14. Wrong, killzone 3 fucking owned. I remember all the battlefield vs cod arguments that year and its funny they both got 8.5 same as killzone 3. It was an underrated gem. Shadowfall was a misstep I dont think anyone would disagree with that.
  15. When did you last use an emulator 2008? Most games play perfectly, especially PS1. N64 may be a bit spottier but old ass Steam ports can be too, hell even the nintendo virtual console has been worse for emulation issues :D I do both. I'd still buy the games on steam because they're dirt cheap most of the time (aside from Square-Enix) but emulation is generally more reliable than old PC ports I have found.
  16. I sometimes think about quitting my job to flip consoles and scalp for a living, then I remember I don't want to be Ghostz.
  17. How do you fucks manage to sperg up the most innocent of topics?
  18. So on one hand lemmings are laughing at Cows playing 2022 PS4 games, but at the same time they're bragging about a 7 year old game running better om Xbox. I guess this is what you're playing then? since xbox has absolutely nothing else this year.
  19. Well this thread backfired. Look at all the hate PlayStation haters are so bitter.
  20. Because when you game on systems other than Xbox you end up with too many good games and too little time to play them all. On Xbox its easier to manage when you only have to complete the one Forza game per year.
  21. Of course they don't, lemshits have no taste and xbox is the walmart brand console for people who couldn't care less so a service of mediocre filler like GameAss is perfect for them.
  22. Case in point. I can't tell if this clown is serious or running a long act. You're one of the most childish little fanboys here and then you scream and cry lioe you are now when everyone laughs at xbox. You have no problem with immaturity until its turned on you and then you make personal attacks against everyone.
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