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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:


    Thats a good thing about Gamepass people don't seem to appreciate. Even if an anticipated game flops, you can still try it for yourself at no extra cost to form your own opinion. Im interested in hearing what you think of it.

    It kind of is at a cost, thats one of your selected games to be added to the months sub that you paid for. A better game could have taken its place.


    I get what you're saying theres no outright purchase price but the trick these subscriptiom services try to fool you with is that "its free".

  2. Twinkie has been living under a rock :freeben:


    A month ago you were shitting on the Deck. Now you're swearing off Ayaneo and wanting to try the Deck. Calm it down.


    You should ask yourself, what would you actually play on the Deck? Or any device. Then check compatability and game performance.


    I mostly play single player games and co-op games, I don't play competitive mp games which are the ones that have anti cheat so Deck compatability is excellent for me. Also I play 99% of games on Steam, and if not then it would be Gog.  Other services were a once in a blue moon thing for me, so again the Deck is a very easy transition. Actually I did do uplay here and there which also runs easy via lutris. The only service I couldnt get to run is Origin but thats the one I never touched so that was a stroke of luck. :drake:


    Theres nothing wrong with trying the Deck but I want you to curb your enthusiasm before you get hooked on the idea of getting one. All I know about you is that you love EGS and Battlefield, oh and Gamepass? I don't think the Deck is the device for you.

  3. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

    I’ve heard nothing but bad things about the deck’s ergonomics. It’s big, heavy, and clumsy to use for longer periods of time. I would question anyone who calls it comfortable :mjpls:

    Where did you hear that? The Nintendo forums? I've never heard anyone have an issue with it - outside of bitter sheep who have never touched one.


    As I said before its like going from a phone to a tablet. The large grips on the side make it great to hold you dont have to cramp your hands around it like with most handhelds. The buttons and sticks are spaced adequately apart. Nothing feels cramped which is how most handhelds feel. Valve used the space well.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The Ayaneo 2 is their true Steam Deck competitor it seems, and it looks smaller as well. However, its going to be sold for $1100 which is egregiously expensive. I realize this a startup that doesn't have Valve's resources or their ability to sell a new product without immediately needing to make a profit but still, they need to work on their pricing



    Theres no perfect device, just a wide range and you pick the one thats best for you.


    I like Deck because its large, great value, and an attempt to get us out of this Windows dependency hell.


    If someone wants smaller thats the Ayaneo Air, if they want the most powerful hardware they can pay out the ass for Ayaneo's premium product.


    Research them well and make your choice. That's your role as the consumer.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    i wanted to push it to see what it was capable of :| and like I said in my review, even for indies it would leave something to be desired because the screen is too small for longer gaming sessions.

    A normal person would have watched the digital foundry video to see what it was capable of being buying it :shrug: Well your options now Twinkadink are to learn to love it or find some sucker who is willing to trade a steamdeck for it.


    You're complaining about screensize but also you want Deck to be smaller lol there is going to be cuts made somewhere. I like the Deck because its a tablet experience - its something comfy that you will carry around your home, not something tiny that suffers in screensize and comfort for the sake of portability.

  6. On 2022-09-26 at 3:05 PM, Twinblade said:




    If I were to get one of these handheld PCs I would definitely go for this


    Has WIndows out of the box, so you have access to every single PC game regardless of launcher/client right from the start 

    Its much smaller and lighter making it more ideal as a portable device

    The 1080p OLED screen absolutely shits all over the Deck's


    Obviously its not as powerful so performance/visuals will be limited for Triple A games, but if the whole point of these systems is to play Indie games on the go, then this definitely succeeds at that role more than the Deck does




    On 2022-09-26 at 3:23 PM, Twinblade said:


    From the perspective of portability, I would fine with sacrificing some screen size for a much higher quality panel that the average indie game would look better on. Of course that would make it harder to play Triple A games that have a lot going on, but again thats not intended to be the focus of these devices.

    I'm sorry twinkie but this thread deserves a bump :D

  7. 13 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Good on you for speaking up about it.  I don't want to be mean or anything, but I knew right when you mentioned that you got this that you'd be disappointed in it.  You had already made up your mind, and I wasn't wanting to put down something you just purchased.


    Like I even said in my Steam Deck thread... as good as the Steam Deck currently is, and it's far and away the best overall device of this type... there's still a lot of work that needs to be done.  I don't recommend it to everyone currently... but for a certain type of person, it's an amazing device.


    Hopefully you can refund it, if that's what you plan on doing... and then my advice would be that if you're still set on having a device like this, then grab a Steam Deck, with the understanding that there's certain limitations currently... but that you can also expect the device to continually improve every month.  There's essentially no more queues for waiting.  Or just hold on to your money and see what comes next.


    Its his own fault, look at this shit.



    "These devices are only for indies" he tells us, then he chooses Days Gone and Cyberpunk as the first games he installs :rofl: You can't make this shit up two of the best looking huge open world games out there.


    I think this device would be ok if he stuck to indies as he originally intended. I don't think he would be happy with a Steamdeck either because he predominantly uses EGS and plays a lot of competitive MP games (anticheat).


    • Haha 1
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  8. Twinkie 2 weeks ago - "I don't care about power I only want to play indies"


    Twinkie when he gets his device - *plays Days Gone* :killzone:


    I don't know what happened between here and there but if you were going to be playing some heavy graphics in 3D open world games a Steamdeck or Ayaneo Pro would have been the better choice :shrug:


    Ergonomics and screen size are why I like the steamdeck. It's not trying to be portable or fit in your pocket, its trying to be comfortable for around the house. Thats what was good about the Wii U gamepad, it was designed as a controller so it was comfy to hold. Some of these handhelds are not comfortable for long periods of play or their screen is too small because they're so focused on being portable.


    In regards to the screen size and bezel they're limited with the screen sizes they can have because it depends what they can source. To order custom OLED screens costs too much to be worth it, they mentioned this in an LTT Ayaneo video.

    • Haha 1
    • dead 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    Days Gone doesn't look or run good on this thing. Im hoping FSR will be supported in more newer games as it seems that it might be a necessity for playing demanding games on this.

    Another benefit of Steamdeck is that as its more popular its easier to find videos of people playing the games, so you can get an idea of what to expect before you buy. I checked a few of my favourites before making the purchase.


    I can see a video of Days gone on the ayaneo pro but not the air. No idea what its meant to perform like.

  10. 2 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    you guys weren't kidding, windows 11 blows on this thing. I wasted so much time fumbling trying to get it to work like I wanted to. It was my first time using Windows 11 but still, I don't think WIndows 10 would have worked any better. A custom OS seems like it might be essential for this kind of system.



    Bill Gates Oops GIF by CBS News



    No shit it sucks :lul: 10 would have probably been worse, buggy pile of shit with those long ass updates at inconvenient times.


    Ayaneo themselves said its no good. The good news however is that whenever Ayaneo OS comes out you should hopefully be able to just install it on there.


    Linux is really the best option. Building your own os is unfeasible, using windows isn't suitable, creating your own Linux distro and tapping into the wide variety of software available for the platform is a no brainer. Linux is great but admittedly it hasn't had as much software support for gaming as Windows, but its why I was saying its probably best to stick it out despite some software incompatibility rather than switch to windows - because if everyone sticks with windows we end up in the same situation as now but if we stick it out as Linux gaming grows the compatibility will grow thus taking care of the problem.


    And from a business perspective it makes a lot of sense. Any company like Valve would want control over the os running on their devices, making a device but allowing a competitor to have complete control over the os on that device is absolutely retarded lol I wish Ayaneo the best of look with their distro :juggle:

  11. 26 minutes ago, ghostz said:

    The majority of people on this site have iPhones, if it was that it would have already been realized :hehe:

    If the majority have iphones then why do you feel the need to brag about having one every chance you get? To fit in? You definitely have one of those "I was bullied a lot in school" personalities.

  12. 34 minutes ago, ghostz said:



    But the sites still running slow. Maybe u guys just don’t have fast enough devices to tell a difference. :umad:

    So who is more owned here? The people whose devices match the speed of the site? Or the chump who just blew his welfare savings on Apples latest rehash but he can only go the same speed as everyone else because thats all the site allows? :mjpls:

  13. We get it Ghostz, you have the Apple Inc. iphone™ 14 Pro Max. Everyone is jealous of your amazing top class, lockeddownbecauseplebscantbetrustedwithsecurity phone. We recognize that having an iphone™ 14 Pro Max makes you a G  and a baller, and a real pimp nigga and all that.


    Happy now?

  14. 22 minutes ago, ghostz said:



    tested on PC too, still running a second slow. Maybe y’all just don’t know the speed it’s supposed to load… with your already slow devices and Wi-Fi  :banderoos:

    An actual PC? Or do you mean a Crapple Mac? :mjpls:

  15. 3 hours ago, ghostz said:

    No, it’s truly running slow. Not slow slow, but when I go to load the page there’s a second or two delay instant of instant like any other site. 

    A normal person would just ask if its running slow, not follow up with "I know it's not my brand new Apple iphone 14 Pro Max®" you're not fooling anyone you little fgt. This is how we know you're a broke bitch because you consider iphone a sign of wealth and success.


    Anyway as said previously it doesn't seem to be affecting anyone else so it must be your shitty iphone :tom: Probably that pile of crap known as Safari. Switch to a chromium based browser....oh wait you can't :rofls:

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