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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Well you never know CoD has done well these past 10 years but yeah many other franchses Guitar Hero, Halo etc all fell off ober the course of 10 years.
  2. Consumers are salty because an anti-consumer megacorp which abuses its monopoly is trying to buy out large publishers because after 20 years in the industry they dont have shit to show for it so need to buy already successful games because they can't make their own?
  3. If you think that's bad check this out, from thr President of Microsoft no less; https://www.wsj.com/articles/microsofts-activision-blizzard-acquisition-is-good-for-gamers-competition-sony-cross-play-ftc-11670260780 They're worth about 2 trillion dollars and are one of the most powerful corporations on Earth yet they keep painting themselves as the underdog, as the 'little guy'. Its funny to see them come out and admit they're 3rd place in sales and that they have no games and Gamepass is lacking, considering that fanboys like Ghostz and JonB have been trying to argue t
  4. I know the type you mean. People with those kind of haircuts should be shot.
  5. No shit? ehat have you been doing since 2013?
  6. "This price reflects the content, scale, and technical complexity of these titles," a Microsoft spokesperson told IGN. "As with all games developed by our teams at Xbox, they will also be available with Game Pass the same day they launch.” If that's the case then shouldn't they have lowered the price of the shit they've been pumping out for the past 8 years? all that bargin bin Gamepass filler. This is the monopoly tax, it has cost them billions to buy up all these developers and publishers, what you thought it was coming out of Microsofts pocket lemmings? no we told
  7. Seriously what the fuck? how can anyone support this bastard organization? lemmings should be rounded up and put into camps.
  8. lol they're trying to count this as some sort of win, does anyone remember the shit they were saying before it launched? with what the lemmings were saying this should have been a 100% win with xbox games beinh 2x as good as the PS versions.
  9. Hmm I got a feeling... *Checks a few big name UK retailers* Yep just as I expected PS5 looks mostly sold out, leaving only the bullshit £700 bundles. Xbox series S and X are both easily available. Series S is retailing for literally half the RRP of PS5, and like less than a third of the bullshit bundles that are left Sony takes an L for still not having enough supply to meet demand and missing out on some black friday sales but lemshits seriously need to get out of this fantasy land where people walk by and ignore Playstation consoles on shelves because t
  10. Thanks for proving my point. To those on the left cp wasn't a problem before but NOW its an issue lets all laugh at the crazy right lolololol fucking disgusting. The fact that you lot can stoop so low as to politicize child abuse says it all but what can you expect from people who have a fetish for having drag queens twerk with children? Or 10 year olds dancing in drag while grown men throw money at them? Its been referred to for years that twitter had a problem with illegal content and the left and Apple turned a blind eye and the last management ignored it in favour of profits. W
  11. That's one thing we can agree on then, I've never looked into Teslas and I hate what governments are doing with electric cars but proprietary charging stations are indeed bullshit. Certain things can get away ith being proprietary and locked down, others can't. Charging stations is definitely one of them. This shit is getting worse as the years go by. Its why I think Apple should allow sideloading, have your own store on there by default and make your own rules but ffs let someone install an app they downloaded from the internet if they want. You can do it on Mac.
  12. It absolutely was brought up but nobody gave a shit. Nobody gave a shit until orange man was unbanned and now you can see the left starting to pick up on this, funny they never had a problem with it until Musk bought the platform, fucking disgusting but what can you expect from people who support and endorse grooming. Now its all coming out how little the execs there gave a fuck about it. I don't know why you're assuming I give 2 fucks about Twitter or Musk. This thread was Apple vs Twitter in which case Nu-Twitter >>> Apple every time. Nu-twitter is just a mem
  13. They charge £200 for 8GB Ram. You're a tool though so nobody expects you to see how far Tim Cook has his hand up your ass.
  14. Twitter literally did fuck all about child abuse :| you deserve a bullet in the head if you think Elon acting like a child or unbanning controversial figures is worse than that. Apple is scum and a lapdog for the CCP. Iphone isn't a one track device like a games console, this is a general purpose computer the fact that you can only install apps from the app store is fucking retarded imagine if you could only use the MS store on windowsm Kiddy ass My First Smartphone® Fisher Price shit. There are some things Apple does that make even Microsoft look good and pro-consumer in compariso
  15. No they're not, Apple is fucking scum look at their entire track record in China. I bet you didn't have a problem with Twitter this time last year. When they host child abuse that's ok but the moment they unban orange man it needs to be taken down.
  16. This just highlights how much Apple sucks.
  17. This company is one of the richest and most powerful and far reaching in the history of the planet. It's net worth is $2 trillion dollars. Yet they go into these discussions painting themselces as the small guy an underdog, a victim in the face of Sony's monopoly. I would personally tear out the spines of everyone from Phil Spencer and above in the MS chain of command if given the chance.
  18. We should start rounding up Microsoft employees....in Minecraft. This company needs to be taken down once and for all...in Minecraft.
  19. Are they actually acting like having a shitty little map pack 30 days early is on the same level as having the entire fucoing game exclusive? They're such slimy little bitches. Reading everything abiut this activision case we can see the old Microsoft is still there, no matter how much their fanboys insist they have changed. Imagine fanboying for a slimy piece of shit company like this. Imagine wanting them to own everything. Lemmings deserve to have their head bricked in, fucking retards.
  20. Bingo thats exactly what MS will do. Then the subscription will be raised to $20 per month or beyond, dont like it? Then dont pay...and lose access to everything. The rumour is the ftc are going to make moves against this. I dont know what happened to America, 20 years ago they were pretty aggressive with this kind of thing but these days they let anything happen and the only resistance comes from Europe.
  21. Also worth noting the last Perfect Dark game was 17 years ago, the last worthwhile Fable game (even if it was a half assed flop) was 14 years ago and Forza was rehashed almost every single year for 17 years. These franchises are the bottom of the barrel.
  22. I'm not sure what's worse, when Microsoft dhows nothing at all or when Microsoft shows mediocre trash and Lemmings pretend they're all AAA quality.
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