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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 16 minutes ago, Spicalicious said:

    Actually these are my three favorite game characters


    1. The guy driving the car in Forza

    2. Master Chief

    3. Marcus Fenix




    Pretty much the only 3 choices you had but shout out to the runners up: Voodoo Vince, Blinx, generic pirate from Sea of Thieves, fat woman from bleeding edge, and kid from grounded.

  2. PSP emulation is The Simpsons Kiss GIF by FOX International Channels


    I cba digging out the PSP so all these games can have a second wind on a more advanced handheld.


    Vita emulation is there too, looks like its early days with regards to compatability but like any sane person I skipped the Vita so it would be nice if the handful of games it had could be emulated perfectly.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


    Can't find the other side by side comparisons but this one is a decent example. The Deck's image is so much more washed out in comparison



    Fwiw there is a difference between the 64/256 deck and the 512 deck. The anti-glare screen has better colours but doesn't go as bright.


    This video from 4:51 onwards highlights this:


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  4. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


    Are you comparing better looking native 800p game to non native game and using that to say the screen is better? Lol    of course better looking games will look better on the same class of screen. 


    Obviously if your playing a non native game in portable its going to not look sharp.  But if you're playing a native 720p game on Switch in portable it will be sharp on the display, not much difference than a 800p native screen. 


    The deck and the OG Switch display are literally in the same class of display despite the OG Switch being almost 6 years old. 


    The knock against the deck screen is not that it's shit, because as you can see yourself it's perfectly fine.... it's that 6 years later they could have sourced a much better screen than that... It didn't necessarily have to be OLED. 

    720p vs 720p, shit 1024 x 768 on deck looks ultra sharp. Your bud was telling us it was unplayable.

  5. I still can't believe how sharp the display is. I had the chance to compare it to a Switch directly, with the switch you can tell your looking at a glass display, with the deck it looks so sharp it feels like you could reach your hand through. Its also far brighter and more vibrant on Deck. The games themselves are night and day, double the framerate and a much cleaner image on deck with higher settings.


    I know you're gonna say "bu bu what about the oled" and sure maybe that would fix up the display of switch somewhat but you're still left with a blurry low res image. That requires buying a new switch though, the Decks display runs circles around the og Switch.


    Basically, Jerry is full of shit :D

  6. Wow it really is huge, but in a good way. It's like phone vs tablet, it's not as portable but its much more comfy to hold and navigate.


    Also I can't get over how sharp the picture is. The screen is underrated as fuck, its not OLED but its extremely crisp and clear, looks way sharper than an 800p display would suggest.

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  7. 17 hours ago, Remij said:

    Let Twinky have his fun.


    I just find it cute that the guy that was talking shit about PC and boasting about how awesome the Switch was this year... is spending $500 on a "Switch-like" PC :hest: 

    It wouodnt be that bad but Im pretty sure he was shitting on the Steamdeck as the actual concept of a handheod PC.....now hes buying a niche one :drake: How quickly he turned around.

  8. This was obvious to everyone but the deluded lemshits. Sony still wants to move hardware, games like God of War and Spider-Man are system sellers. These games will go on to sell millions, it makes sense to use them to their full potential on PlayStation and then bring them to PC when the fust has settled.


    For Microsoft it's different. When your games are forgettable trash like Grounded and Sea if Thieves these games aren't moving shit and will likely get buried and forgotten if they remain xbox exclusive. These games need to be spread out for as much exposure as possible and nobody other than a moron like jonb is buying an xbox to play flops like these.

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  9. 32 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    They're going to have a lot of success as there isn't much competition at the moment. Ayaneo is still too niche and still relying on crowdfunding to produce its devices.


    Razer and Verizon are apparently teaming up for a 5G handheld that can play games locally and through the cloud, but im not sure thats going to make a huge splash either.


    Logitech has a few devices that have been getting some buzz but they can only handle cloud based games so they're not really in the same league.

    The razer/verizon product seems like it will use Android, and the problem is Android games are kind of limited. Steamdeck got buzz because it was a full fledged PC with PC games. In fact it sounds like a lot more people are using these as desktops than Valve initially expected - which is great.


    In other steamdeck news Valve saw what people were doing with custom bootvideos and decided to make it easier :vince:https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/10/valve-makes-steam-deck-custom-boot-screens-easier/ the joys of having an open device.



  10. 3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I came across this article and its interesting. It seems that games will generally run a bit better on Windows when installed on the Deck vs the custom Steam OS it comes with


    https://www.tomshardware.com/news/windows-steam-deck-performance-testing#:~:text=The delta was the largest on the "Favor,three-frame difference)%2C but Windows always came out ahead.


    It seems that a standard Windows OS is still the way to go for these kind of devices if you want to maximize the performance you'll get in games.

    Windows 10 is bad enough on desktop :kaz: The fuck I'm installing it on a handheld.


    Reading that article some games appear to run better on SteamOS, games that aren't even native. Like Lemij says it's pointless to lose everything that makes SteamOS good for the sake of a few games having a small framrate increase.


    The only reason to install windows would be if you really wanted a handheld PC but mostly for games that use anticheat, or you mostly play via other launchers like EGS or Origin. Basically someone like you who is going to get it and jump on Battlefield and Destiny most of the time.


    Windows is a terrible fit. Thats why Ayaneo is moving towards rheir own Linux os too. Hopefully the success of these consoles forces companies like Epic, EA, Ubisoft to have official support. That would be the better option as it woulf make the handheld PC market much easier, rather than trying to force windows to fit.

    • aitch 1
  11. 14 hours ago, -GD-X said:

    shiiii florida man is the toughest man out there. wtf you smoking? lol

    Your state looks beautiful no doubt about it but hurricanes, alligators in your backyard and whatever else you got? it ain't worth it man.

    • Haha 1
  12. 13 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    I thought getting this shit would be a shortcut to avoiding a huge of queue of orders like with the steam deck but they're having the same holdups with manufacturing and shit :meh: They're shipping out small batches little by little and it might be a month or even 2 before I get mine.

    I ordered a Deck on the 21st, a few days back on the 29th I was asked to complete the order. Those Steamdeck waiting periods really came down.  :sass1:

  13. 15 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    I couldn't imagine living in these places where hurricanes are guaranteed to come at some point :dame: 


    The virgin Americans suffering through hurricanes vs the chad Europeans with nothing but gray skies and rain 350 days of the year :banderoos:


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