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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. This years World Cup should probably go in the politics section. It's just old white men going to foreign countries and telling brown people how to live. Seems like racist colonialism to me.
  2. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/11/report-ftc-likely-to-file-suit-to-block-microsoft-activision-merger/ Uh oh lemmings, your last hope for xflop looks to be on rocky ground
  3. As much as I want to mention an Xbox game I have to give it to Duke Nukem. Some of those games were OK but overhypedz some were mediocre, Duke Nukem Forever was bad...like really bad. 10 years of delays, an almost mythical aura surrounding it, and we ended up with an absolute pile of
  4. Well no offense but America seems to not give much of a fuck about this. Hopefully the UK puts a stop to it. Although they have no authority over MS, they were enough to get Facebook to sell giphy.
  5. Yeah the nerve of this fucks, they would pay just to make cows wait 30 days for map packs ffs The sad part is despite MS admitting PlayStation is better in every way you just know Xbox fans will still go online on forums and social media and beat their chest about how Xbox has the best games I've never in all my life seen a set of fucks as sad and cult like as xbox/Microsoft fanboys.
  6. The bible is legit when evolved For the newcomers, its a grindy game if you like ublocking things. The better weapons come when you unlock more characters and discover the evolutions. Eventually you will become opyimal at evolving and maxing weapons during a run and going in with specific builds in mind. The pentagram when evolved + cooldown is on another level but its probably not worth pursuing when you're new because it will take long to upgrade and hurts you early levels due to destroying xp gems.
  7. Another convert I was the same I thought it looked stupid but the more I played the more I found. Videos don't really do this game justice.
  8. I thi k its because their privacy policy is misleading but yeah you're right, if you're using these kinds of app stores and operating systems/devices that require account creation and login you shouldn't be surprised by any of this.
  9. https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2022/11/apple-sued-for-pervasive-and-unlawful-data-tracking GhostzHBFR!
  10. I'm starting to think their ad business is part of it. Microsoft tries to push ads and services on you at every opportunity, having that data in the living room about what you're playing, watching, how much time you spend on xbox, and having it all linked to your windows account must be doing something for them. Add in their desperation to get people to install their mobile app. I'll never use a service from an ad company ever again its fucking awful You're just hombarded with shit at every opportunity.
  11. You can tell they want mobile because xflop is the only one that tries to hard to force you to install their mobile app. I bet a lot of this is data driven too.
  12. Why are they surprised? Xbox One and Xbox One X never had anything either in all the years they were on the market except for Forxa, forza, forza, forza, forza but ecen those ended up best on PC anyway. Xbox abandoned high profile exclusives a decade ago.
  13. But WiiU had a reason to own one, Xbox doesn't which goes back to what I was saying that you would only get an Xbox over a PS/PC if you didn't know any better.
  14. WiiU had games though and reasons to own one. Xbox One/X/Series is just your walmart brand console next to luxury items like PlayStation, except strangely xflop never costs all thst much less.
  15. Lemshits are propagandists for a multi-national corporation, arguably worse and more determinded than what even any dictatorship could muster. It's creepy that people can be this loyal to a corp who has gleefully fucked them in the ass at every opportunity.
  16. I thought it looked dumb too but here I am playing the hell out of it. Its not what I was expecting, its kind of automatic. You'll play it and tjink "this is ok" the first few times maybe but then it will click, the unlocks, the combos, the builds and strategies. There's a lot more under the surface than you would expect.
  17. Xbox is not a system for gamers its jist a soulless cash grab aimed to milk people who dont know any better.
  18. They dragged this shit out for years and in the end it was a completely forgettable flop. MS bought a developer known for RPGs and had them make the most bland pointless shot you could ever imagine. "I bought an xbox to play grounded" - said no-one ever.
  19. Ghostz will dick tuck like always. He isn't sure which system he wants to hide behind.
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