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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Why the fuck would you start with that? Probably the dumbest game I've ever played.
  2. Knowing how Microsoft is I wouldn't be surprised if they just abandoned the S. Oh you bought one? Too bad now you got to buy the X.
  3. Xbox isnt ecen worth carrying on with. There are only a handful of companies on earth with enough money to not care and keep a flop project like xbox going for 20 years.
  4. 8 years where any criticism of a woman = right wing incel hatred and misogyny from people like you, but now....its ok we dont just take her word for it. If she had been fired from any other publisher and claimed it was sexism do you think the woketards would have waited for the other side of the story? No retardera and you along with them would have the pitchforks at the ready.
  5. Funny, this time its nothing to do with her being a woman because Nintendos reputation is at stake, but about 5000 events before this, when shitty journalists, celebrities and the like were called out, THEN it was just misogyny. Now its different because Nintendos honour matters more. Kill yourself
  6. What happened to "believe all women"? I'm seeing a lot of misogyny and sexism here.
  7. To be fair thats because sheep gave up begging for ports a long time ago since odds are usually slim to none that they wont get one
  8. Why is it when a PS or Nintendo game flops that's the end of it and said game is treated forever as a joke, but when an xbox or lemming hyped game flops its to be treated as still a good game thats worth playing? In before "our games are just better" bullshit.
  9. Another banger, more mediocrity to play on Lame Pass
  10. You could try Primehack. Play it with a mouse, or try setting it to dual fumblesticks.
  11. Lemmings in a nutshell. Every 6.0 flop they had was a banger in their eyes. I still think Twinkie takes the L here because all the shortcomings of the Ayaneo Air were known before he bought it a little research goes a long way. Funnily enough if he had stuck to low requirement indie games as he originally stated, and was really looking for a device he could travel with, I think this system would have been ok Or at least not as disappointing.
  12. I bought Persona 3 when it was released at the very end of the PS2 era. I kept it sealed because I never have time to play JRPGs. Fast forward 10+ years and I decide to open it and give it a try since I'm not one of those who is OCD about keeping games sealed. It didn't work And the refund period had expired and even if it hadn't theres no way Atlus was going to have any spare copies around for me. True story. I could have sold it as sealed, but then if someone opened it and asked for a refund as it didn't work I probably would have never believed them
  13. He bitches and bitches and bitches about it but xbox is so devoid of games he's going to keep playing it
  14. Maybe thats the point. They wanted a new VA. So they tell her she can have 4G, she can take the peanuts they're offering her or turn down the job, its win/win for Cheaptendo.
  15. Did you watch anything about this device before you purchased it?
  16. It kind of is at a cost, thats one of your selected games to be added to the months sub that you paid for. A better game could have taken its place. I get what you're saying theres no outright purchase price but the trick these subscriptiom services try to fool you with is that "its free".
  17. This is what Lemmings actually believe. "No, this subscription service isn't getting filled with mediocrity like all other streaming services, its games are being deducted points because they're not on PlayStation!"
  18. Twinkie has been living under a rock A month ago you were shitting on the Deck. Now you're swearing off Ayaneo and wanting to try the Deck. Calm it down. You should ask yourself, what would you actually play on the Deck? Or any device. Then check compatability and game performance. I mostly play single player games and co-op games, I don't play competitive mp games which are the ones that have anti cheat so Deck compatability is excellent for me. Also I play 99% of games on Steam, and if not then it would be Gog. Other services were a once in a blue moon t
  19. Where did you hear that? The Nintendo forums? I've never heard anyone have an issue with it - outside of bitter sheep who have never touched one. As I said before its like going from a phone to a tablet. The large grips on the side make it great to hold you dont have to cramp your hands around it like with most handhelds. The buttons and sticks are spaced adequately apart. Nothing feels cramped which is how most handhelds feel. Valve used the space well.
  20. These clowns trying to explain away rusty old Joe's dementia
  21. Theres no perfect device, just a wide range and you pick the one thats best for you. I like Deck because its large, great value, and an attempt to get us out of this Windows dependency hell. If someone wants smaller thats the Ayaneo Air, if they want the most powerful hardware they can pay out the ass for Ayaneo's premium product. Research them well and make your choice. That's your role as the consumer.
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