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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Well damn I never expected you to buy one I thought it was just bitching. :D I don't see the need to put any of the systems down. As this market grows its cool that there is choice, Steamdeck for the best overrall value, ayaneo air for portabillity, ayaneo pro for premium hardware etc its not that any suck its just picking whats right for you. I'm going to go with Steamdeck but I look forward to seeing what Ayaneo does with their own OS
  2. I figured it can't be that bad there with the explosion of Japanese ports coming to PC starting last gen. Slightly off topic but you can now modify the start up animation for steam deck. https://imgur.com/XvQOnot I want to see one that pops up with "TSHBO"
  3. Not happening. Aside from the fact that Windows 10 is a bloated, slow, bug ridden pile of shit, the fact is that its someone elses operating system. Valve would never have control over the operating system on their own device if they put Windows on there by default and is its not free and open source they can't modify it to better fit the hardware either. Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo all use their own OS on their systems. Apple has ios and Mac for their own hardware. Android and Windows are the odd ones out, but Android is open so it makes sense and windows is only there b
  4. Twinkie is such a hater 1080p is retarded on a handheld like this, and DF has Steamdeck outperforming this, and Steamdeck is just better value. Also Windows fucking blows on low power devices and isn't designed for this, you can't compare that to Valve customizing an OS specifically for a gaming device. Its good that there is choice. I dont get why you're so determined to shit on the Deck. If you prefer Ayaneo then good for you go buy one (you wont).
  5. I was playing Rare replay the other day and my xflop controller started shaking real hard during an explosion and it was honestly the dumbest shit. The n64 rumble pack was a novelty because it REALLY rumbled and added a huge weight to the controller but I think in general rumble these days is a retarded gimmick and I have no idea why its regarded as essential. Having a piece of plastic vibrate in my hands while watching a grenade explosion on screen adds absolutely no immersion to the game. I turn that shit off these days to save battery life.
  6. This was shown yeaes ago. All this time and they only scraped an 8? Oh well probably the best fauxclusive xbox has had in a long time (its usually 6.0) so congrats lemmings, heres a scrap to keep you going. Lets all clap for the lemmings they finally got an AA game.
  7. @CookeIt must be possible because Blizzard just put out an update to fix it. https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/09/blizzard-may-not-support-steam-deck-linux-but-they-still-fix-issues-for-it/ I've never tried to install it so can't help you but as Sugarhigj said try Bottles or then Lutris.
  8. Then don't get a Steamdeck, you don't seem interested in one anyway and that's ok its just not for you. You're not Locked into Steam fwiw, the problem is that other stores force you to use their client, and their client only supports Windows. So you need to workaround to run the client and then the games. It's quite easy as Heroic launcher is excellent and very easy to use. Theres no problem with me playing existing EGS games I own on Linux - but my point is if someone was seriously considering a Steamdeck it makes no point to buy games on storefronts that not only don'
  9. I never used their client Thats why the phone number was our of date. IIRC it was vastly inferior to the steam client, which is expected since Valve has made much more effort and itd been around longer bur it goes back to why force people to use an alternative client if its half assed? Yeah the ID thing is crazy, when I searched online I found a lot of comments by people in the same position who were just as perplexed as I was. Fact is if you're getting a Deck you should really be buying games on Steam from now on. Valve makes so much more effort for Linux gaming tha
  10. Its sad how lemmings keep pushing this lie (because rhey have nothing else). The xbox controllers are junk. The bumpers are awful, the whole pad isnt as comfy due to its odd shape, the sticks are not durable at all and wear down fast, just everything about it is mediocre at best but without anything else to go on, lemshits tend to lie and fall back on "but muh super duper comfy controller," as their excuse for why xbox is better than ps.
  11. I tried to change my phone number because it had an old number on there which is a safety problem (since thst number is probably recycled and belongs to somebody else now). Battle net DEMANDED goverment issued ID before they would permit me to change it. I terminated my account right then and there. Funnily enough they don't require any ID to let you delete an account Even my fucking bank doesn't demand to see and record government issued ID to change a phone number. Activision/Blizzard can go fuck themselves. On a side note I wish all these pub
  12. You're such a pathetic fgt Maybe I should just ignore the point and throw insults like you do. What you said actually happens the media are so one sided. I'd love to see inside this reality of yours, it must take some strong drugs to get there.
  13. I think you can do xbox cloud but not local downloads. Take this as a blessing in disguise. Battle net is pathetic and xbox is no better. Xbox cloud gaming involes installing Edge, which is basically spyware. If you're ok with that then that would be the way to go.
  14. Qanon is a fringe (and less bloodthirsty than the left) whereas the leftist bullshit that started out on neogaf and university campuses ended up infezting mainstream politics. Or I could just do what your kind does and pull the "whataboutism" card. The fact is this shit was a fringe up until around 2014 then it exploded and now its everywhere. It wasnt even questioned that there was 2 genders and now we're expected to believe there has always been 7 billion.
  15. That's whats funny everyone else who carried on as normal were branded "far right extremists", and the ones who were clearly radicalized into an online cult that goes on witch hunts and is prone to violent rampages and emotional outbursts want to tell you that its you who is the brainwashed extremist.
  16. Another epic comeback. Whenyour hit by reality just sling names Typical tactic of the left. You sound unhinged tbh, I give it 12 months before you end up putting a bullet in someone.
  17. You know it's going to be good when comments are disabled. She definitely looks like the type of person who is heavily into Nu-Fallout.
  18. They always play the victim card after being called out for saying sokething stupid sounds like a Cathy Newman moment.
  19. Amazing comeback, really disproved the point This is the thing with you commies you run all these lies that support your agenda and when something comes along that reveals an opposite worldview to your own your brainwashed mind instantly dismisses it. Accuse the other side of exactly what is is you're doing seems to be the tactic of leftist scum like yourself
  20. This is what your Presidents violent rhetoric leads to. Murdered in cold blood. https://www.foxnews.com/us/north-dakota-man-kills-teen-vehicle-political-dispute-victim-republican-extremist If this was on the other foot the leftards here would be screaming, as it stands they'll keep telling you it doesn't exist. PedoHitler needs to be impeached.
  21. Play Dead by daylight or friday 13th and you will change your mind These games are normally poorly made and unbalanced. There are vids of friday 13th where people just gang up on jason and stun him with bats and that player can't move. Dead by daylight had similar problems too where co-ordinated groups of friends can just humiliate any killer.
  22. https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2022/07/14/the-diofield-chronicle-xbox-this-september/ Xbox hyped this
  23. Microsoft shoulf have done the same it might have given them more luck in Japan. I found the perfect mascot for the xbox brand
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