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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. There's a long waiting list because as the classic sw saying goes, "it's selling like hot bread". I said before I'll wait until things calm down. I can do all the same stuff on desktop so it's not like I'm missing out on anything in the meantime.
  2. Xbox is such a miserable flop Phil should just plug one in and take it into the bath with him.
  3. Why are sheep so bitter? :D "No you're not allowed to be excited by a device and its potential "
  4. You can now install any distro within Steamos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkkyNA31KOA All that homebrew shit sheep used to do, and Deck blows it out of the water without having to hack your device
  5. It will be interesting to see how Nintendo performs with the next system. They're up and down almost every gen. 100 million+ with Wii, a colossal failure with Wii U, and 100 million+ again with Switch.
  6. Good. Cows don't notice because they're too busy playing games, the only reason lemshits are fucking around on phone apps is because xbox has fuck all else to do
  7. 4 fucking pages goukosan if you're trying to stand in for Jerry you need to use red text and some Emojis
  8. I dont get why you're surprised Microsoft has the worst UI designers in the world. They've been awful since the late 00's. Xbox had been horrible every design after the blades, and windows along with windows phone has sucked balls since they went with that Metro design back in Windows 8. Everything is just coloured blocks. Like lego to keep the lemkids distracted.
  9. Believe me, every British child asks this question at some point And that's pretty much the answer. There's some fluff with her rubber stamping some things, and some charity work but it's all just fluff they're basically old school social media influences before social media influencers were a thing. Oh and Prince Andrew diddles underage girls as a side job
  10. It's a shame you won't be able to read that text on your LCD screen
  11. What the fuck are the lemshits smokimg? xflop series X looks like a fucking bin! Its hideous, just a drab black box, which is fitting for the xflop.
  12. Nah shes been deteriorating for a while and there were rumours she wasn't looling good 2 days ago. It does feel weird. She was made Queen in 1953. That means for anyone born around the 1950's, who are in their 70's now, the only monarch they have ever known was Queen Elizabeth II. She was kind of like a tourist attraction like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the White House, Mount Rushmore you know? Like she just felt she had been around forever and would always be around forever.
  13. Doesnt even have enough reviews for a metacritic score but the ones it does have align with the user score - 7.5 Bang bang Pulled out from under you. You want to play it now you're going yo have to go out and buy it. In fact: "August 31, though, saw 10 games leave the service, which is double the normal amount. But to make it worse, Hades was leading the bunch, and it's considered one of the best games of 2020." Wow sounds like a banger of a service.
  14. I feel like GS is sticking to an 8 just because of the controversy the first time and realize it would look dumb to give the same game anything higher. I feel like if it released for the first time today it would definitely be a 9/10 for GS just on the woke points alone.
  15. I just skimmed through the other thread your dumb ass is trolling in and you're posting twitter screenshots from 9 fucking years ago, Of course you'll never acknowledge being a rampant hypocrite because that would require working past your autism. Notjing wrong with vampire survivors anyway it's certainly better than when you were on the frontlines fighting for the Wii and you ended up playing PSP ports
  16. The fgt who switches subject more than anyone else in systemwars wants to obsessively stay on a very narrow topic now, gee I wonder why. You don't get to critisize how something looks when you're shilling something that looks infinitely worse, no in those cases you get called our for being a hypocrite. You're off topic yourself though Remij is clearly referring to the quality of the video footage due to the capture card he is using. You knew this but you're going to autistically stick to the "lcd screen" narrative now and play retard because again, you think it's a solid win for yo
  17. What the fuck kind of dodgeroll was that? Avoidance 101. Switch games look like shit the screen is irrelevant. Good to know that you watch youtube vids rather than game on the device though, to the surprise of no-one.
  18. He wants to keep focusing on the screen because he thinks he has a win What does the screen matter when you're playing this? Even the best OLED in the world couldn't save this choppy garbage
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