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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. You gotta admit lemmings, he's got ya there At least when I bought an xflop for some retro games it was the previous gen system so it wasnt counted.
  2. Why do lemmings always create such a shitstorm every sales thread?
  3. Not really. If someone doesn't have a PS4 by now for GoW, Spider-Man or Horizon then they were never going to buy one. they're essentially selling to people who want the PC upgrade or would just never buy a playstation. Sure sony can resell thse on ps5 but people arent going to buy a ps5 for remasters. They will buy the games if they have the console but not the console for the games. Plus its fulpy backeards compat so they dont even need the remasters anymore. I really think this is the idea thats why they wait so long. Whoever is playing GoW for the first time in 2022
  4. I think Saucer summed it up when he said it was tik tok zoomers trying to pay off their college debt. Fucking hard pass Saints Row 2 was the best but they nevwr recaptured that magic.
  5. JERRYHBFR! You can tell he's owned hard because he always goes into hiding when hes caught bullshitting.
  6. You live in such a bubble. If some liverals are finally realizing CNN is full of shit then good for them, maybe there is hope for some. You're paranoid as fuck if you thnk they're full of Republicans though, or if you think those on the right can't see the bullshit in say Fox News. I don't know why you want me to post anything I think you missed the point that there is nothing we can post at this point that you will take as true, and vice versa to a degree. Your media is so split its all faith based at this point. Shit you still have thousands upon thousands of people believing the
  7. There's no anount of proof I could show you that you would accept, your belief is firmly locked into the mainstream media now. That's how America became so divided. As for your studies there are studies showing the opposite, that it's the left whoare misinformed. Again you can show or "prove" anything now, anyone can find an article confirming ehat they want to hear. Your politics has become a belief system now. All I will say is that if you can't view stories from ppaces like CNN and immediately see the lies, omissions and spin then you aren't capable of critical think
  8. TLHBO

    I got a PS5

    Hey I think it's good you finally got a console with some real games instead of relying on Gamepass filler. I just think its time you stopped pretending that every critically acclaimed game on PS sucks or disappoints but every piece of shovelware or filler on xbox is a gem or a banger, it makes you look kind of bias you know? I'm not alone in having things in common with that poster, your obsession with stalking real life profiles to ensure people are only playing your approved list of games is a trait that you and him share.
  9. TLHBO

    I got a PS5

    Not even close you've been using it for a while now. What I find interesting is that you, a Lemming, are talking about PlayStation games. I'm assuming that's because talking about games on Xbox is almost impossible
  10. This is probably the best thing you've ever said Great idea.
  11. They will literally believe anything the mainstream media tells them no matter how many holes are in the story or how many retractions they make. These people are incapable of thinking for themselves.
  12. Everybody knows all about his bullshit but nobody bothers to say anything because they can't be bothered riding the jerry-go-round for 40 pages. That's another bullet point of hypocrisy we can add to the list, he rages about jonb getting personal (which is true) but then I've seen him stalk your Twitter and other peoples profiles too. Asking for someones daughters profile is downright creepy who the fuck does that? this is how I know he's an autist IRL when he's getting so invested he's asking to stalk young girls profiles just to make sure they're playing what they're meant to b
  13. The guy who bitches about piracy all the time steals PC games without remorse Accuses people of saying things they didnt and holds them to it but doesnt think he should be held to account for things he actually said. Cries when people focus on a speckfic word or minor detail in his argument but he focuses in on a typo and goes full grammar Nazi. We should keep a list of all the hypocrite bullshit he does. Sad thing is he isn't even aware enough to understand what a massive hypocrite fgt he is. Oh and he lies about things he has said or do
  14. TLHBO

    I got a PS5

    Lol jonb isnt impressed with a sony game who could have guessed. I'm sorry it doesn't meet his lofty expectations like Crackdown 3, State of decay 2, Voodoo Vince and Sea of Thieves.
  15. Sweetie, there's no backtracking from it. We know exactly what you were trying to say. We know what you were trying to say because you actually said it.
  16. 40+ year old and still can't afmit he was wrong Jerry will never know what the touch of a woman feels like so it all works out in the end
  17. TLHBO

    I got a PS5

    You are SO lucky you just got a PS5 because God knows the xbox wasn't going to cut it
  18. Buddy you lost the argument pages back when you knowingly forfeited by dicktucking and running when asked to prove your bullshit - and that's because you can not do it. 2 pages on and you still can not do it, that's why you sidestep and obfuscate at every opportunity. The only reason we're still going right now is because I'm trying to get to the root of your problems to understand why you are the way that you are because God help you Jerry you can't carry on living this way. Don't you want to get better?
  19. So all your bullshit and nonsense aside... I notice you still ran away from explaining why it "doesn't count" when substatic calls you out when you were wrong You can take something simple I said and analyze it and do some mental gymnastics and explain why I meant something completely different but only you are intelligent enough to see it and everyone else is wrong...but when you're caught in a direct quote saying something false its not a big deal substatic is wrong for dwelling on it and actually you meant something completelt different right? Does your
  20. All the colours a definite sign he's on the spectrum. I bet he's like Chris Chan IRL.
  21. That was clever, I'm impressed. To be fair Microsoft has shit on the lemmings more times than the rest of us combined these past 20 years.
  22. No you said if it launched the same day as PS4 the same thing would have happened - priacy and low sales. I disagreed and said if it launched on PC 4 years ago it would have sold more. This was after I already complained about sony charging £50 for a 4 year old port for a bit of context. I explained what I meant. Remij and Goukosan understood what I meant. You're the only one who took it that way. But whatever...misinterpretation. However then you explicitly state "Spider-Man only sold 66k copies" which is a complete lie.....tell me again the mental gymnasti
  23. Well just to put the idea out there I think we need a final solution for the Lemming problem
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