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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Again... You (and you alone) misinterpret me, that means you "caught me". You say something which is actually false and substatic "catches you"......nuh uh doesn't count. You're such a pathetic manchild I can't even begin to imagine the psychological issues that build up over a lifetime to lead to someone who can never under any circumstances admit they're wrong, and will derail, sidestep, backtrack and troll over 10 pages per thread just to avoid ever admitting to being wrong. Like most others on here can agree to disagree or just say " ok I wa
  2. How long have you been with her? On one hand you're talking about marriage but on the other you say nobody yet knows you date her.
  3. Aaaand he switches subject when he has nothing else to say. Sorry skippy but that's not going to work. You actually do all the shit you accuse others of doing
  4. Lol at the barking orders, does the H stand for Hitler?
  5. Hating on a trash rental service filled with shovelware from a company known for spyware. But its everyone else who is the idiot
  6. So Jerry says something that's actually false, substatic calls him out, and Jerry acts like him saying something false is no big deal and substatic shouldnt hold his feet to the fire for it. Meanwhile he misinterprets one thing I say (but nobody else did), but he wants to dwell on it and act like hes won something. Tell me again why you're not a fgt? You're a raging hypocrite and everyone can see it. But so long as you never admit you're wrong it doesn't count right.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMAe9xjoqwc This is what it's like arguing with Jerry "So you're saying..."
  8. He got demolished by multiple people But he thinks if he sticks his fingers in his ears and refuses to acknowledge being wrong, it doesn't count You can feel his desperation "Quick, look the other way!" Jerry cries "If I don't acknowledge them they can't hurt me" - Jerry Look what we made him do He was proven wrong with no way out. Now he's scratching and clawing like a cornered animal. Defeated. Humilated. Owned.
  9. He can't back up any of the bullshit he said to me and substatic, tucks dick and runs away when he's called out, willingly forfeits the argument, but still insists on having the last word to save face I bet me and you could discuss this all night and he will keep replying after to have that last word.
  10. Aaaaaand he's done. Jerry is never able to back up his bullshit. False accusations and lies will not be tolerated on here.
  11. It's interesting you can sit and watch your boy lie night after night after night and say nothing but the moment you see a light-hearted polticial jab that spurs you into action
  12. @Substatice He makes false claims and then dick tucks and runs when he's asked to provide evidence. You can see why he leans the way he does politically
  13. Nope. You don't get to claim people are running away when you're rhe one who makes false accusations then runs away when asked to provide evidence. Go back and show me where I said those things you claimed I said. Show me evidence or you forfeit this argument and throw in the towel. I'm not letting you dicktuck and run away like you do with everyone else. Show me where I said "PC can equal PS4" and where I "beg for day one PC ports".
  14. So you can't prove any of your claims good to know A quick BOP, BOP in the mouth and you're done. Next.
  15. Nope. I clarified what I meant. Remij understood what I meant. Now goukosan is even saying things like "jerry thought" because he can tell you misintrepreted it. Thre is a choice for you here Jerry. You can ask yourself, did you interpret it wrong? Or is everyone else wrong? We already know which option you're going to pick. Now multiple times in here you have accused me of saying things I never said and every time I asked you for proof you dick tucked and ran away. This lets me know that all of this is intentional on your end its no mistake you throw as muc
  16. See what I made him do It's no use trying to run away sweetie this is the topic now
  17. Who is "we"? The voice inside your head? Everyone else understood what I was trying to say it's just you and your invisible friend who misunderstood. Its like you have this argument with the voice inside your head and then you project that voice onto us, it doesn't matter what we type because all you're going to hear is what the voice inside your head says. We might as well give you our account logins so you and your split personality can go at it all night.
  18. Fuck that I'm out, you can'r take the night shift and keep him entertained *wairs for jerry to claim victory about how he made people run away*
  19. Dont want to talk? I literally asked you to show me acting retarded doesnt let you save face. You could have just said "I misunderstood your point, no biggie" like a normal person and moved on.
  20. All I said was it would have sold better if it wasnt a full priced, 4 year late port Now hes got this voice in his head telling all sorts of crazy shit.
  21. Again, words in my mouth. Where do I beg for a day one port? Link, screenshot, show me the words jerry. The voice in your head does not count, the rest of us can not hear it.
  22. When? Show me where exsctly I said that. No I gave you a chance because I tried to believe you were acting in good faith and misunderstood me, because sometimes it seems like you have aspergers or sowmthing but I can see now you intentionally misrepresent people. You create these points in your head you want your "opponent" to argue and then out words in their mouth. You've been doing it for years. You essentially jerry-go-round with the voice im your head...
  23. No that's your autism. Lemij understood what I typed. It's like you make up these arguments in your head so you can come back, prove something wrong and then say "got ya" even though they never said it. Then when they try to clarify what they said you act like they're trying to weasel out of something. You clearly misunderstood what I was saying so now I am clarifying it for you, there is no trickery here. I believe this game would have sold better on PC than it has in the past week if it was released on PC the same day as the original PS4 version back in September 2018.
  24. It makes sense that someone who pays a premium online subscription for 25 year old N64 games thinks late ports should be released at full price
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