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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. There is no win for xbox and you know it, that's why you're trolling so hard right now, because there isn't a single good reason to own an xbox and xbox has nothing going for it.
  2. No you lemmings thought you were onto something when xflop sold better due to ps5 supply problems. You've resorted to Jonb level fakeboying. Thats all lemmings can do because there is no legitimate excuse for xbox, it's a failure on every level. No games, shit software, souless cash grab, dumbed down windows 10 in a box for third world countries.
  3. Month after month you and Ghostz have been bringing up sales figures
  4. Yeah you can see why all the other VR conpanies have been so chill and less aggressive with their products. Facebook wanted market domination so bad but apparantly its too costly even for them.
  5. Yes it is what it is, Xbox is losing in both sales and games and strangely you're trying to turn this into a win... Spoiler alert: it isn't
  6. What does it matter? Ps5 has been hit way harder than xbox with supply problems and in the end it's still ahead. I guess if you're on #teamMS you have to take a win wherever you can find one? End of the day you're still stuck with nothing but Forza every year Forza rehashes and only being outsold by 6 milliom Everything is coming up Xbox
  7. Imagine wanting to pay more for less Ancient games digital at £60 while retail has a physical package for £10
  8. Spoken like a true dumbo retard.
  9. Is this how you were to the bullies at school? "You kicked my ass but you didn't kick it as hard as you expected to! You only gave me one black eye lol owned!"
  10. Yeah they can't say shit now because they will get laughed at, xbox had nothing going for it. One of those cocksuckers (Albert P) comes out on twitter and neogaf/retardera to shill xbox every gen though with lies promising the best multiplats and then disappearing when it doesn't pan out. Moore was a cocksucker too Vile human garbage and a rat faced bastard. I remember RROD after RROD after RROD and this fuck comes out with "you know things break", I don't know what the fuck he's referring to about fixing it because the hardware issues only stopped once the Slim came out and
  11. Imagine the desperation you must feel to pretend PS5 hasn't had supply problems. Still I'm not sure what thw ownage is here exactly? "Only 6m more" "You're only beating us by 6m" Imagine if this was the 400m race at the Olympics, and the bitch who came in second started laughing "You only beat me by 6 seconds owned!!" Yeah well you still lost dumb fuck
  12. I love how they manipulate the value lile that You can probably get Saints Row 2 for $2. Who the fuck hasnt played saints row 2 by now that would actually have an interest in playing it now after all these years just because its on GwG?
  13. The best part will be when JonB does his "WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING?? WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING??! " routine, then makes a thread telling us how much fun he's having with Soda Drinker pro and how good a deal LamePass is
  14. You were creaming your little lemming pants at the thoight of microsoft buying up most of the industry.
  15. You probably think this is some kind of defence but it's just typical Microsoft greed. You used to get free games with Gold, now you get the literal bottom of the barrel until you add a GP subscription to your XBL subscription. This is why Microsoft sucks and I will never support them, they exist only to exploit others - and they have an easy team with all the xretards like you, jenb and all the others with below a average IQ.
  16. All the butthurt ITT I hate to see everyone being bought out but at least it aint Microsoft.
  17. We're at a stalemate then by the time I download it and launch it your pile of shit rustbucket PC might have actually boosted to the main menu
  18. A .7z file would probably have him stumped for ages
  19. Ghostz thinks hes onto a winner here I can tell you this the first 2 years of ps5 are better than most of the 20 year history of xflop.
  20. That's some bottom tier spin in this thread "We never wantwd this anyway...just like we never wanted any of the other kissing features 343 lied about!" Yet when they got their barebones beta back in November or whenever they kept giving us the "just wait until it has everything added" bullshi
  21. You always bitched about PC gaming and "dellkids", now you would rather play on your pc which can barely handle games than your new xflop series L because in your own words, it has no games.
  22. Lemchild who ripped on PC for years now foeced to play his dell because he admits xbox has no games. No need to try and save face Jon, you've already lost.
  23. Of course it doesn't, it's an xbox What the fuck did you expect?
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