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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. It was down over the weekend too. Its funny how it gets relatively ignored but the world blows up when lsn has issues. Perhaps xbox interest is just that low.
  2. I've never even heard of most of these games. Is it more xbox vaporware?
  3. When you filter out the crud xbox events are basically just "look at all these games that are better on PC/PS events.
  4. Lemmings are a special kind of retarded. They're very shortsighted and don't seem to be able to ubderstand much beyond instant gratification.
  6. Come on remij be reasonable, you know with microsofts track record theres a strong chance this game never materializes
  7. Xbox is the same as it has been for the past decade - multiplats and Halo/Forza. Except now they bought bethesda so throw in a few of their games which are better on PC anyway since they need mods to become worthwhile games. (Nobody enjoys oblivion or skyrim without mods). I dont know why lemmings pretend to care about these shows or future games. We all know even if microsoft showed nothing you would stick with xbox anyway, "just because". Why even pretend?
  8. More vaporware for xflop who could have known? They've had literally nothing but "games on the horizon" for about 7 years now. Oh well back to the yearly Snorza rehash I guess.
  9. Omfg Boring stale rehash that has been rehashed every year for 17 years Multiplat Kojima...no game, just Kojima. Fascinating. I totally look forward to playing "Kojima". Da fuck? Old ass multiplats that everyone else played years ago Da fuck D4.....:| Benedict Flop " that obsidian medieval game". You can tell how excited he is for it when he doesn't even care to remember the name. Obsidian have never made a good game anyway, they just get paid to rush out inferior sequels. Expect bugs
  10. Sounds like people are disappointed that they got no games Its xbox, what did you expect?
  11. Remember when you spent 20 years calling him a hack?
  12. This is it, this is what he comes back for He thinks hes winning here. No games in 11 years but a new banjo and this retard thinks hes onto an AAAe
  13. So even though you know it's so good once you touch it you don't go back, you choose to stick with (the worst) console? Do you see why they call you an idiot?
  14. Pussy jonb wont log in until he gets some negative sony news
  15. If xbox stops relying on dedicated hardware for gaming how are you going to flip consoles for a living? I guess you'll have to go back to flipping burgers instead.
  16. Why do people still act like this is a rare thing for Hermits? Xbox pads have been plug and play for about 17 years now, and I'm not sure when Sonys stopped relying on third party programs drivers but I'm going to say its at least 7 years or so.
  17. I can't believe I'm witnessing a Sheep type this
  18. Is this someone dumb enough to think games available elsewhere on day one is the same as games being ported 3-9 years later long afterthey did their job of selling console hardware?
  19. All these PC ports but still no Rare Replay, Killzone 2/3 or Bloodborne. Smh.
  20. Lets make the game more realistic while Elle sings and dances in front of enemies and they're completely oblivious to her prescence I dont normally complain about realism in games but this game required you to play along and pretend and it was retarded.
  21. Did you actually update your avatar when jehurey updated his? That's dedication. I don't even wanna know what happened between you two.
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