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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Agreed, this is retarded. Whatever effect Phil has on these people is likely what keeps him in a job, he walks into the room, flashes a big smile, politely introduces himself and the microsoft big wigs are like " I like him, he's a good guy" then Phil finds himself promoted to jobs he is completely unqualified for. He's a sleazeball and a liar. Microsoft has a habit of attracting the used car salesmen types. Fuck all of them.
  2. Sheep retcon history like a liberal editing wikipedia. To address your previous post, I wouldn't say Switch is really a hybrid. It's a suçcessful handheld but a gimped console, so Sheep are forced to approach from the handheld side to save face. Secondly your excuse in this post is bullshit. I remember Sheep - and Jerry specifically - telling us that nobody wanted home console games on a handheld, they wanted different experiences, unique experiences, the kind of games you could only get on DS. That all changed right around....oooh right around the time Nintendo announc
  3. And now it's the Sheep who can't admit it At least with the deck we know its true because a full fledged PC setup is still available. With Switch we had to question every sheep suddenly preferring every game in handheld form the moment Nintendo only offers a handheld. It also depends on a game by game basis. There are some that would be nice on a handheld and some I would not want to play on a handheld.
  4. Firstly, in the case of Xbox it has no exclusives so no. Secondly, people here own multiple systems anyway but still game on console over PC. In fact many of you sheep were playing Doom and Witcher on Switch despite owning either PC/PS4/Xbox One. The excuse was always that you preferred the handheld form factor, that is true for the Steamdeck too. There are are some games or some moments where people might just want to play on a handheld. Lay off the indie bashing too as many people play those on their Switch too.
  5. You could say that about the vast majority of games across Switch, Playstation, Xbox. Anything aside from exclusives really.
  6. PS5 comes back out on top and instantly lemij, substinky and Tardz are all hermits
  7. You defend ms all the time, the only time you 'stop caring" is when you're getting blasted and cant defend them
  8. Lemmings hiding behind PC Mac fanboys hiding behind Winblows Steve Jobs must be rolling in his grave.
  9. Fanboy bs aside you can see the professionalism in how Sony has handled their studios, especially from when they really went all on in their own games and less reliant on third party games in the PS3 era. They have it mastered at this point. You see them take studios with rough edges like Guerilla games and right out of the gate they flopped with KIllzone, but with the guidance of Sony they went on to make gems like KZ2 and Horizon. Likewise NIntendo managed to get Eternal Darkness out of silicon knights, and metroid prime out of retro whose games in development were all looking rough at that
  10. I'd take a baseball game over Snorza anyday At least baseball games can be fun, there is no fun to ever be found in the Snorza brand. "Baseyball dun count bur fortzer is a reel gam3 ;(" STFU
  11. The best part about that is they had no games 2015, 2016, 2017 and lemminga were telling us "they're saving for them the Xbox scorpio,it's going to be a relaunch of the xbox brand" And then they proceeded to have no games for 2018, 2019 and 2020 What a waste of money that was. Now they bought ANOTHER console and STILL have no games.
  12. Another year where Xbox only has Forza, that's what, 6 of the past 9 years? Aside from 2 with Halo and 1 with Gears (all flops btw)
  13. Why do lemmings laugh at baseball games when their only game every year is Snorza? I'd rather watch paint dry.
  14. You really are a retard. You're missing the point because you don't want to listen you just want to post a jpg and have a "gotcha" moment because it's all your adhd twitter generation brain knows at this point. How does posting a top 10 list in anyway relate to what I said? The top 10 games are always going to be like that. You're an idiot, thats why you've always cowered away from any debate on here and always resort to memes, trolling, baiting, or betting.
  15. You're a fucking retard. Everyone I know who owns an xbox only buys Vod, fifa and maybe one or two other sports games or racing game and thats it. I remember first seeing a friends collection in the 360 era and it was literally cod, cod, cod, fifa, fifa, fifa, fifa, F1. With playstation people will buy cod sure but they will also buy other games. Same for switch and pc players.
  16. Remember when Microsoft said first to 10 million wins? Sony has already won in that case.
  17. Neither do you. Xbox is the casuals console here. All xbox "gamers" buy is CoD and Fifa. Fat obnoxious 12 year olds love it too. Everyone that plays more than just 2 games goes to other systems.
  18. It's a shame the xbox will hold back games this gen. Imagine what PC and PS5 could have done if they didn't have go scale games down for series s/x.
  19. Why are you so obsessed with playstation? Don't you have any games to play.....oh wait, you're a lemming Of course you don't.
  20. So you deny it sucks? Despite shitting all over 343 for months and making them out to be completely incompetent for how they handled Halo? Also Ghostz straight up said "Halo sucks" despite championing this as a reason to own an xbox for months. Check his post before the little dick tucker edits it.
  21. So once again Microsoft is lying? Where are the Twitter fakenews censors and fact checkers when you need them.
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