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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. You just agreed with me racist. My point was she doesnt look lioe part of the pit crew but was apparantly labelled as such you agreed she didnt look like part of the pit crew either. Maybe she is maybe she isnt but I dont care to dive into a far left extremist forum that permits death threats in order to find out. If they arent the pit crew though then what is going on? Who knows who cares, its only another Forza rehasb afterall
  2. Thats because xbox flopped out into irrelevance with no games and everyone else is for the most part pretty chill with each other.
  3. Why do you always act like an ass but then pull this act when xbox/you are being ripped on?
  4. Sounds like you got the ADHD trait
  5. But you can differentiate between the endless Forza rehashes? Fuck outta here
  6. Classic JonnyB rage Your console has been absolutely WORTHLESS for a decade and you got scammed with the XBO the One S, the One X, and now the Series L and you kept upgrading thinking the gamed were coming but they never did so instead you take it out on everyone else. Nobody cares about xbox, nobody cares about endless forza rehashes. It eats you up inside knowing that.
  7. Bahahaha, again you gwt bitchslapped with the truth But you don't want to accept it so you resort to personal attacks. No games you cuck....literally no games but Snorza rehashes. Last AAA exclusive was 9 years ago 9 fucking years without a single exclusive worth a damn
  8. Is that a strong black woman with a huge afro? Since when do you ever see a pit crew like that? Woke trash
  9. Show me where I praised Sony for being anti-consumer And Tell me how exactly they scammed me Or else consider yourself self-raped
  10. They never scammed me retard You're so fucking stupid this is why I rip on you until it sinks in, maybe then you will improve.
  11. This is awful that everyone is being bought up. Vini you're such a fucking retard.
  12. I usually don't rip on people for living in poverty, hard times happen, but this cuck tries so hard to convince everyome he's wealthy that he brings it all on himself. You can tell Ghostz is a poor person who imagines how rich people live - buying Apple products, $300 dinners and branded sneakers and then bragging about them online. Literally no rich person lives like that lol
  13. Yup, and hobos like Ghostz are why these limits exist otherwise people like him will treat it as a rental service....which is exactly what he admitted to doing. This cheapfuck has no shame.
  14. After that little outburst you don't get to accuse anyone of having a meltdown anymore Wait till Jerry sees this
  15. Hey maybe it is but most people didn't notice outside of the workshy Commies and vagabonds like you, who stock up on years of subscription services during firesales using coupons. Maybe you discovered something here Ghostz Get a class action going and it's some new rims for that mobile home of yours You're gonna have the best looking van down by that river.
  16. I understand now why you flip consoles out of the back of your van/home for a living. I am truly sorry Ghostz.
  17. Try again retard And learn to read. I didn't defend anything I said the whole idea of paywall subscriptions is retarded and people like YOU enabled it, AND you're doing it again with Lamepass Fuck you're so stupid it's actually hard to comprehend how dumb you actually are.
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