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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. That's literally every Forza thread Your post sums up xbox in a nutshell post 2010
  2. I enjoyed the first but seeing this on Xbox and no other console turns me right off. Think I'll wait and cdkeys this one Publishers must be punished for this sort of action.
  3. Ghostz proves to be a retard again. It was the Lemmings who made it acceptable to have subscription services on a console in the first place. It was the Lemmings who willingly allowed a £40+ paywall to be implemented onto all consoles going forwards.
  4. Lemij runs to teacher because Ghostz was being picked on There's nothing much to say about the topic. Most of Bethesdas games lack any kind of compelling gameplay, Microsoft has been serving up nothing but FLOPS for a decade. Who really expected this game to break out that mould?
  5. What the fuck do you want them to do? They're game developers not miracle workers You can only do so much with that hardware.
  6. Another Ghostz thread massively backfires He's easily the dumbest person on this site.
  7. This sounds more like it's to help consumers, like how Steam gives you 2 hours with a game and you can return it in that time. As games move more digital and more games are rushed and people demand refunds it makes sense that Sony is trying to ease the situation with playable demos.
  8. Yes, when you make your living flipping consoles that's expected to happen. Soon enough you'll be able to upgrade the van you're living in Maybe find a nice spot down by the river to part it too.
  9. I almost feel bad for Ghostz. He had to play the inferior version of Elden Ring, all the while that PS5 sat staring at him, offering him the chance to play the real version of the game....except he can't, because he can't open the PS5 because he needs to flip it as new to wealthier people. If he opens it up it loses its value and when your entire living relies on camping out for hardware to scalp and sell at a higher price to people who couldn't get one, that's the difference between being able to power your trailer for the week.
  10. Think of how much of a sad cuck someone would have to be to get excited when a multi-trillion dollar corporation with a history of anti-consumer practices makes record profits.
  11. Settle down Lemij, I said they have a game that's actually worth a damn. That's actually a positive thing, it's just a shame its about the only game worth a damn they've had in a decade.
  12. The only game Microsoft has that's worth a damn is Rare replay and it's the only game they won't put on PC. Not even just the PD games. Sony has a few bangers on PC but no Bloodborne. Spider-Man or Demons souls would have been better than this trash. Heck even a KZ2/3 remaster. They'll port so much but never the games you want. Sony should support native Linux and Mac too, fuck porting them to PC exclusively for your competitors os. Yes Proton will play them but that's besides the point.
  13. I see. Now that they might no longer be exclusive it's ok to like them.
  14. Aside from the lighting everything is worse on the Switch. You can see the grass and foilage in the original, on Switch it's all just a green blur. As are all the other textures in the game. The roofs on the buildings, the roads in front of you. The draw distance has massively been scaled back and they even had to downgrade the fucking rocks on the Switch port It looks like someone smeared Vaseline all over the screen. That's a 2007 game. Switch is not "running Crysis" in the way people think of running Crysis. I cant comment on DF foundry as it was a bitch to get the video to wor
  15. What he thinks hes getting (right) vs what he's actually getting (left)
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