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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. I thought this was going to be about the Ubisoft games Looks interesting.
  2. Because if this game ends up being a disaster like State of decay 2 or Crackdown 3 I can skip it and play other games. On Xflop you don't have that luxury, that's it those disasters are all you get to play until the yearly Snorza rehash comes along. That's why you get dumbos like yourself who come to the forum with so much pent up rage trying to convince others that whatever flop pile of shit Ms put out as Gamepass filler that month is worth the investment.
  3. It's built on GZDoom
  4. GZDoom game inspired by F.e.a.r, what's not to like?
  5. This is the same Albert Pendejo who was on Neogaf in the run up to the XBO/PS4 launch telling everyone how the rumours were bullshit and that XBO games would run much better than PS4 and everyone would see that at launch. Needless to say when both consoles launched and it was games like 1080p ps4, xbox 720p, and ps4 still had the better framerate, this fucker quietly left. He's a dirty lying bastard and an example of the kind of scum that works at Microsoft. He will lie without a second thought if it means he can sucker some idiots into buying an xflop. Lemmings are the
  6. Clearly a bug that will be fixed, ironic its somone from a subscription service complaining about it
  7. When you look at who was defending him here it's not surprising at all that resetera is outraged about this. It's a shitty result though, 10 years is exceptionally harsh and it's just to save face because on the night they have no fucking issue with him. They should have kicked him out on the night.
  8. Lemmings - downplay Ratchet winning a BAFTA for technical achievement whist celebrating having the better peforming version of a 15 year old LEGO port. This just reflects how bad the Xbox truly is.
  9. I don't care enough about this game to read the link so I'll take Ghostz word for it and assume he isn't hiding anything (bad move I know). This is hilarious lemmings finally get the upper hand in a multiplat and it's a port of a Lego game from about 15 years ago In fact so monumental is this news for the lemming faction that JonB has come out of hiding to celebrate it. Xbox is the saddest consope ever made. Its waiting years to pretend to enjoy 6.0 flops and paying monthly for rental services and having downgraded multiplats excwpt for the games that don't matter.
  10. It's a bit of a retarded comparison. They show Deck docked and handheld? But it doesn't change performance like Switch does. They also show PS5 at 30fps and 60fps but their shots are of mostly static scenes. That said Switch is definitely looking dated. With BOTW delayed I'm guessing Nintendo will have a new Switch ready to go.
  11. Are lemij and jerry the greatest double act in systemwars history?
  12. Jimbo was creepy at the best of times. He hasn't been here in a while so hopefully hes in an asylum somewhere getting the help he needs
  13. I'm not sure if I dare to ask what you're getting at I can't say I ever saw him hint at that, but now I'm curious
  14. Fuck no. Every single person I know who has been a habitual weed user has ended up mentally fucked up. Every single one of them. Here it was notable with Jimbo.
  15. Lol you couldn't wait to take that shot could you, defend your side, get us talking about Warren and the Dems. Unfortunately pampers political talk is not permitted here. So point still stands that Microsoft has been softballed for years and coming at them with the "muh toxic masculinity' angle is retarded, especially when lemmings have already posted links that surprisingly it isnt too bad to work for. Shitty management sure but there isn't enough to suggest it has a toxic culture. This is a political woketard trying to score ez points.
  16. The Lemmings bought Halo and you and the rest of the Battlefield players bought Battlefield. And Lemmings will buy the next Halo and you'll buy the next Battlefield. Do you see why they might not give a fuck?
  17. So many problems with tech companies comes from America. It's like you guys just let them do whatever they want once their networth reaches a certain amount.
  18. I read thar ChromeOS was really barebones so Google really had to work to bring Steam and full Proton capabilities over. Last I heard compatability wasn't as good as desktop linux but it IS in Alpha so hopefully they can get that worked out, and I really hope Google contributes back to Proton since it's open source. As bad as Google is they're still better than Microsoft and if we can leverage more hardware numbers we can free PC gaming from the clutches of Microsoft's proprietary bullshit like Winblows or Direct X.
  19. So she doesnt care that a multi-trillion dollar company keeps buying up large publishers, shes only approach this from the "muh toxic culture" angle. What a fucking retard America is such a joke lmao
  20. Fucking Del boy flipping scalped consoles out the back of a van to earn a living
  21. "A mere $50", come on buddy we all know that's a weeks income for you
  22. Everyone but retards like dynaflop saw this coming. It doesnt matter though, the media shilled the 9/10 scores and the lemkids ate it up and it probably sold a few xboxs Now they'll let this one die and begin the hype cycle all over again
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