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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. If it uses windows 10 I would avoid. You normally need beefy i.e gaming hardware to get W10 to run anywhere close to acceptable, then there is the bloat and rot. A new one should come with W11 but I'm not convined performance will be there in the long run based on windows history.
  2. Of course you do Just like your dumb ass thought the shitty perfect dark devs would be an AAAA studio
  3. April Fools! Here's to another 8 years of drought Lemshits
  4. Read the shit they say in the article. They're obviously far left loonies who are hyper-sensitive. It doesn't surprise me at all that we have a shit, talentless development studio known for failures who is now making excuses and seeking attention. Microsoft deserves all of this for cultivating this kind of bullshit and mismanaging all these studios they were buying. This happened under microsoft's watch like every other shitty studio.
  5. This is what you fail to understand with your below average intelligence. None of us care about a streaming service because we're not desperate lemmings. Besides I have 99℅ of all the PS2 games I want anywhere and I can easily burn them to my PC and play them on PCSX2. The few games I dont have were never released here or cost a fortune on ebay, well luckily they're easy to find and free to download. Why the fuck do I need a streaming service? To pay to play games I already own? Sure it would be convenient but it's not worth the asking price.
  6. If you look you'll see that nobody cares about a gaming subscription service other than the faction whose manufacturer has put all their eggs in the subscription service basket and gives them nothing else to play. None of them ever asked for nor cared about a subscription service prior to the said manufacturer announcing one. I wonder why
  7. Rental boy goes scrounging around for the bargin bin XBL deals Ghostz you're clearly a broke bitch. It's nothing to be ashamed of I'll stop poking fun at you if you stop trying to convince us you're living the high life by constantly talking about $300 dinner dates and Apple products. Deal?
  8. Lmao another fgt hypocrite Mr "I hate old games but watch me play a decade old game" Its not just "decades old roms" either, it can go from atari up to PS2 and Gamecube for example. The alternative is paying subscriptions to Nintendo or sony for the convenince of playing games you already own. These clowns would have you believe that's the better alternative.
  9. Sheep are just mad because Deck does it better
  10. Most of these games you can't buy anymore dumbass, emulation is the ONLY way to play many unless you want to buy the games for a fortune on ebay, or dig out your console consoles and play in glorious sub 480i. The few games that are available to play are now moving towards subscription services even if you bought these games multiple times before, because multi-billion dollar companies tend to fuck people over without a care in the world but sure not paying to play Mario bros 3 for the hundreth time makes a hermits the crooks
  11. Emulation station looks great on Deck and now everyone is talking about EMU Deck which integrates your games into Steam Meanwhile Sheep paying for a subscription upgrade to play a handful of N64 roms
  12. It was 20 years ago that Blinx the Time sweeper flopped, feel old yet?
  13. Is this retard actually trying to compare early netflix to xbox gamepass?? Let me take you back to 2007. NOBODY was streaming, youtube was just 2 years old, videos were in 340p and they had only just started their very first ads that year. Nobody other than yuppies and geeks had smartphones and your beloved iphone had only just hit the market. Android phones weren't even a thing. Nintendo had only jist taken their first steps into online and had the laughable friend code system. Playstation network still didnt have a universal gamertag nor trophies. Streaming services
  14. I don't get how this became political but you can see people seperating into two sides, with the same people on each side as they previously have been.
  15. Lmao thinking celebrities would ever be held to account like normal people If anyone else walked on stage, slapped the host, then sat in the audience shouting and swearing at full volume they would have been dragged out and beaten by security. Will Smith wont be going to jail and you can already see a lot of cucks on twatter defending him. This fgt is so far up his own ass. Even if he got sued it would sadly be pocket changw to him.
  16. TLHBO


    I dont remember anyone called Orvtech. As for Linux I made the switch last year, fuck this is 10000000000x better than windows 10. Every time I have to use Winfows on my work PC I'm reminded how clunky, slow and buggy it is and all of the bloat and useless shit Microsoft includes in it. I really think W10 is one of the worst operating systems of all time.
  17. You get air jordans and blessing of saint floyd as power ups Im actually surprised Steam allows this to be honest, I can see all of these games coming back to bite them in the ass down the road
  18. He means X eternity X,. The only person I can think of known for cousin drama, some of you fucks really invaded his personal life
  19. Here comes the "I was just trolling guyz!" backpeddle he uses everytime he owns himself
  20. You all know me I've hated Halo from the very beginning. Overrated trash with some of the worst and most lazy level design ever and this game single handidly set the fps genre back years. But I remember playing Halo 4. That first level, they had kill animations now, a more cinematic approach to the game, and FAR better graphics than what Bungie ever offered. I thought for sure this would be better. Boy was I wrong. They somehow made a worse and less fun game than Bungie's Halo. Fuck Halo 4 was horrific. Never touched 5 after that.
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