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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Its been this way since early xbox one. Heck its been this way since the late 360 era if you dont count xbla filler. Fuck all for 9-11 months and then you get the annual Halo and Forza rehash. Lemmings wonder why everyone lost interest in their console
  2. We're retards because what we say right now is true but you think at some point in the distant future we're going to be wrong? Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, you have it all wrong? You've got whipitgoo syndrome my friend
  3. Because I've never had to bookmark 500 pages Because I don't need to do the "just wait You'll see". You scroll down through hundreds? Or do you have them organized by folder? Do I have a folder in your library?
  4. I'm surprised Remijs browser can hold that many bookmarks he must have hundreds by now Just waiting for that day xflop is vindicated. Like whipitgoo waiting on those hypermemorycubes XB1 monster.
  5. This is so deceiving. Halo and Forza right? You mean the same games they released every year to the point they were run into the ground and its part of the problek that xbox had in the first place? Before 2021 they didnt even have Halo. So while you could say "they just had an AAA a few months back" for most years, thats marketing bullshit that ignores the fact that its a fucking Snorza game every year and for 11 months of the year they don't have fuck all. What has mivrosoft offered anyone of quality for the past decade or so that isnt halo or forza? Fuck all thats wha
  6. Over a year in and Series X is still struggling to run next-gen games and Series S is basically a turbo charged Xbox One. The excuses dont fly anymore. Remember MS said multiplats would run better on XBO than PS4, and then launch comes and XB1 was struggling to hold a consistent 30fps at 720p. Microsoft lies their ass off all the time. The company was built on deceipt.
  7. I can just imagine deeno lurking the forums every day, resisting the urge to sign in because he knows hes gonna get roasted, then he sees some fake news about Microsoft and he just has to jump in, he has to correct the facts
  8. Series S (a 2020 console) can't do 1440/30 or 1080/60 Series S shouldnt have been made and Series X was all lies and hype, just like xbox one was. Lemmings got suckered in again.
  9. Twisting the truth again I see. This clown is like a damn vampire. The sun goes down and Jerry goes out on the hunt Trolling and baiting, looling for a victim to take the bait so he can set up his games for the night. Not tonight Jerry I'm busy.
  10. https://www.theverge.com/22985166/xbox-cloud-gaming-steam-deck-microsoft-edge-beta Even third-party publishers like Microsoft are now "jumping in" The only downside is you'll need to install malware/microsoft edge. I heard this already worked via chromium based browsers but microsoft mentions the controls so I'm not sure if you needed an external controller previously or not. I'm not really sure because I dont pay attention to anything xbox (since it has no games).
  11. Maybe, but who the fuck takes neckbeard and soyboy reviewers seriously anyway? Most of them are shills, fanboys or on the payroll. Look at that clown show you posted the other day who gave a £45 game & watch with 3 zelda roms a 9/10
  12. That's some 2002 shit Sheep want to talk about Deck not handling every game or needing low settings...what the fuck is this shit? Extra low settings. This certainly isnt the first game to be butchered like this on Ditch.
  13. Just ignore Jerry. Remij isn't giving him any action tonight so he's trying it on Ghostz, me and now you He's a troll who feeds off attention. Its still funny to see him laugh at indie games and 800p/30fps after what hes been playing since 2017 Jerrys double standards are so bad I'm surprised he isn't rocking a green username.
  14. "What do you do wanna do tonight Jerry?" "The same thing we do every night Lemij, argue for 50 pages!"
  15. With everything twinkie complains about, he picks a harry potter game to hype up?
  16. Here we go, JonB is back to do the same "xbox has all the games! Xbox has all the games!" routine hes been doing since 2013 but when you point out that xbox has in fact no games, he'll sulk, rage, and then plead for everybody to grow up and stop picking on xbox Then leave the forum again in a strop because xflop is a laughing stock
  17. Until Dawn was KGB classic. I might give it another playthrough in memory of Aza
  18. The error being "it's a fantastic console"? At least Ghostz isn't the only fake-sheep hiding behind xbox anymore.
  19. Discounted games? The good games on nintendo systems are mostly Japanese and tend to increase in value or hold their price and its often the junk that ends up discounted. Definitely worth grabbing if you're getting the better games discounted as you can always sell those later if you lose interest for roughly the same price.
  20. Ah yes lets trust the IGN guy who gave Game & Watch a 9/10. You're such a moron Twinkie. Saying "if you only want it for indie games switch is better" is bullshit. Thats only looking at one part of the puzzle, that being that yes most games on Switch "just work" (though some ports can be terrible). It ignores the fact that 1) Steam has a much bigger library, 2) Steam games are cheaper, 3) Steam is more future proof. Switch online will get shutdown just like 3DS, Steam will coninue to exist outside of Steamdeck and whats more you can carry your games over to other devices like a
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