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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. It's obvious that at Microsoft/Xbox, kissing the right ass and lnowing the right people takes you far. This is probably why moral and effort is so low in their studios. They know Phil sucks at his job, they know he killed Xbox to the point of no comeback, yet he still gets to run the show because he's in "the club".
  2. At 15w? Leadbetter seems impressed with it. But I admit, it's no Game & Watch
  3. Oh I checked some of this guys other reviews too because you need to background check reviewers in this day and age. This is what he considers a "9" in a handheld https://www.ign.com/articles/game-and-watch-legend-of-zelda-edition-review $50 gets you: - a handheld designed 40 years ago - Rom of NES Zelda 1 - Rom of NES Zelda 2 (everyone's favourite) - Rom of Gameboy Link's awakening (Not even the GBC DX release) - One screen game & watch title "Vermin" Clearly Valve has their work cut our for them if they are t
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1HuX2_Hhss Meanwhile Deck got a playable version before desktop pc did, and is better than the xflop version and nonexistant switch port Haters gonna hate
  5. If only you knew how right you were
  6. 'Let them just run with it" "Very organized goals" "Creative autonomy"
  7. Yeah, it's not like there is much else to play on xbox
  8. @Remij https://nitter.net/killyourfm/status/1502193053276192768#r Installing Windows just sounds like a shitty experience overrall. You lose the benefits such as display scaling, 30fps limiter, and the ui specifically made for the device, introduce jank to the device features such as brightness controls etc lose about 30GB more space, shirten the battery life....all for no real benefit other than a few anticheat games. Fair play to Microsoft most of the games perform better than expected. Windows must "get out of the way" more than I expected once a
  9. Thinking if they ever put out a finished product it wont be woke-infected You lot get triggered by the slightest mention of that word.
  10. This is Nu-Microsoft, the new Jo needs short blue hair, a nose ring and to gain 250lbs.
  11. "Theres a chip shortage globally right now so it's good that the wealthiest corporations can afford to get the lion's share to put into devices that nobody wants " Who is fucking stupid again? This is what the global elite want. Nobody else can make their products because they cant get the parts so you'll own whatever shit the top percentage of corporations decides to put out because there's literally nothing else. Much like you'll own nothing and be happy with their shitty subscription services.
  12. "No, no guyz we're only meant to discuss the part where xbox has higher numbers " Gtfo. Once you post it the entire article is fair game.
  13. Exactly there's a chip shortage and global supply chain issues meanwhile Microsoft is making tons of junk THAT NOBODY WANTS and its just sitting on sheoves gathering dust. They should ban Microflop from making new consoles as this is greedy, irresponsible and bad for the enviroment. All priority should be going to products THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT.
  14. I would assume thats a stock issue and checking some spanish retailers yes the PS5 is impossible to buy. Whats interesting is that Series S only sold 750 but like everywhere else in the world there is plenty of availability
  15. THLOB? Get the name right pleb The only reason Switch power is being brought up is because you sheep were laughing and saying "who wants to play Doom and Witcher at 720p medium settings", when playing downgraded games was exactly what you sheep had been doing for years. Had you sheep not been hypocrites nobody would be mentioning this.
  16. Yes ignore what I said and twist things like the adult you are. Goodnight Jerry
  17. Spamming that emoji specifically, but then you knew that.
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