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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. So Forza, Halo and multiplats? Imagine my shock.
  2. The server must be overloaded with 2000 pages of jerry-go-round bullshit
  3. I typed out a long reply but once again as I went to hit submit my thumb hit that fucking notifcation button which cancelled the entire post I hid that shit on the menu but the next time I log in its back. @AlphonsePlease remove this garbage
  4. Lol I remember that well, Jerry specifically. Its like how waggle was the future, then it was the touchscreen, now sheep are back to playing fps with fumblesticks and loving it. Funny how it changes in line with whatever new product Nintendo is pushing
  5. This. We were meant to be impressed with some heavily downgraded ports, the sheep went apeshit for Doom. Now they tell us playing it at 720-800p on medium settings is unplayable. Real hypocrites.
  6. What a miserable flop they should just abandon the game at this point. It flops in November and half a year on it will still have major modes missing?
  7. This is actually pretty standard, check the achievements/trophies for most games and you'll see that many dont make it further than the first boss or stage.
  8. Lemmings are lile children learning a naughty word, they repeat it over and over again every chance they get. If you were to look up VRR on google trends it probably skyrockets right around thw time the DF Elden Ring article drops. I really wish we could just shove them all into a furnace, for real.
  9. This is the key to lemshit trickery. They exploit the unknown, if you dont know sales numbers they tell you xbox is definitely ahead. When all their lies fall apart they move onto some other excuse. What an awful faction.
  10. What about countries with insanely high vaccination rates that were suffering higher outbreaks than countries with much lowrr vaccination rates? And no I gave one example, my original point was that a lot of these are bullshit. Many times they dont even specify what is unvaccinated and what is vaccinated, remember the definition kept changing as we went along. We're never going to agree on this. All I will say is that I am generally pro-vaccine but I absolutely draw the line at governments and unethical and deceitful politicians being able to demand you inje
  11. This is quite possibly the most retarded comparison I've ever seen on Systemwars, and remember I've seen hundreds of Lemmings posting over the years.
  12. I've said it before and I'll say it again - The Xbox series L is not a next-gen console.
  13. Lol this, I caught it from vaccinated people too who had only been to vaccinated events. 3rd dose vaccinated I should add. And if you want to talk about endangering, how about forcing people to take a vaccine thats causing some pretty serious side effects? Bloodclots and heart problems etc thats not even touching on the fact that the British Healthcare system is now struggling to cope with the backlog of people claiming for vaccine damage payments i.e. they're claiming after suffering a severe disability due to the covid vaccine.
  14. https://metro.co.uk/2022/01/10/itv-warned-about-reporting-on-covid-vaccine-after-dr-hilary-backlash-15893237/?ico=more_text_links Ok here's one right here. "Doctor" goes on TV and says 90℅ is the unvaccinated, aaaaand it turns out to be a lie Of course the broadcaster only gets a slight warning because when you lie for "the right side" it's ok. Now before you go Jerrying I'm gonna nip this in the bud. I told you it was BS and I gave you an article. I dont care how you try to spin or derail this. You can't believe what you hear om tv because a lot of it is bullshit.
  15. From Shitter "The graphics team has been hard at work on optimizing ELDEN RING for Steam Deck. Fixes for heavy stutter during background streaming of assets will be available in a Proton release next week, but are available to test now on the bleeding-edge branch of Experimental." There are some advantages to running games through an open source compatability layer, especially when the hardware manufacturer is behind it.
  16. "Denazifies" We're almost 80 years on from WW2 and the Nazi boogeymen can still be used to justify anything, in any nation around the world.
  17. Right well link me to where I ripped on the original Switch for not having an OLED? don't paint us all with the sams brush.
  18. Before I leave I will say this. People are deluded if they think Windows is a magic bullet for this device. Case in point - Batman Arkham Asylum doesn't start for Linus. I played Batman AA though Proton last year. I had the same error, it was the only game I had to really tinker with luckily but tinker I did. So maybe it's Proton right? Or maybe the Deck hardware? No, check the steam forums for that game. Many people can't get it to launch on Windows 10. You need to tinker with the game on a modern OS to get it to launch. In fact just
  19. That I would agree on but I'm only basing that on the 68℅ to 90% chart you showed. Having that that remember this thing is aggressively priced compared to similar products.
  20. Ghostz quality bait misintepeting whaf I said about the colouds, and isnt the "all night" thing exactly what I said about you? You do that a lot. Carry on though jerry, I want you to givd this your infamous "HOT" tag. I know you've been waiting for today for a long time The jerry-go-round is going full speed tonight.
  21. And what is switch? With some of its awful, awful ports, full priced games that are only streaming services, its abysmal online service. I'll take the beta with potential thanks. It already has better games than Switch on day one.
  22. I couldn't care less about outside, this isnt resetera where all the autists sit on a bus playing their handhelds. Its hard for me to comment on the colours until I see it in person, just looking at your chart doesn't really mean much without an actual real life comparison. Yes a better screen is alaays nice but I can't imagine it's a deal breaker.
  23. Really? Because you sheep have been pretty feral im every Deck thread since last Summer. Jerry is probably setting up for an 8 hour shift on the forums tonight
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