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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Yeah you'll need a cutter and as a beginner you'll need a good i.e. Zippo lighter because trying to get a fat cigar fully lit is like trying to start a campfire. A sample pack of good cigars might not be bad, the only thing you need to watch out for is if they're clearence products they might have dried out. You want a fresh sealed one. They all taste like burnt wood in the end lol but a good cigar is an acceptable burnt wood, the cheap ones are awful tasting burnt wood.
  2. Correct don't draw the smoke into your throat it's far too thick. Ita rare I would use one as they last far too long. You can put them out and relight them I hear but I cba. I used to have one when we went to a local horse racing event, outside open area, beers, and plenty of time. Basically make time for one because they last a long time. I dont see the appeal to them but they aren't terrible but the cheap packs are horrible. I'm no expert but there's a world of difference between the supermarket pack of 5 for £5 and one of the fat dominican republic cigars that was ab
  3. Bingo Here's a large UK retailer Argos Www.argos.co.uk Not sure if the site will work for US visitors, but both series S and series X are in stock. PS5 just says "more details" and when you click it takes you to page that just says out of stock. It has its own unique out of stock page. Its been like that all year. I just checked Game.co.uk too. PS5 out of stock as it has been all year. Xflop X out of stock but S is always available in there. Its practically impossiblw to get hold of a PS5 but shills like Lemshitz know this, they delib
  4. Its not some extreme security product to block stalkers or the NSA lol its to block advertising trackers, and big tech lile Google and Facebook trackers and yes, they actually are after you whether you acknowledge it or not.
  5. If you want Chrome but private and ad blocking go with Brave. It has some crypto features but you can disable all them. DDG is good for tracker blocking but it's not designed for ad blocking. It's more of a temporary/disposable browser lile Firefox focus. I assume you're on Android? Because if you're on IOS then you might as well disregard all that necauae you're getting Safari no matter what browser you choose Also looking forward to seeing what DDG does with their upcoming desktop btowser.
  6. You keep crying about games being unoptimised everytime an xflop version performs worse which seems to be a frequent case these days. Either the xflop hardware ain't all it's cracked up to be which is likely as Microsoft and their fanboys lie like hell, or devs just don't give a shit about a dead brand and see no reason to spend time optomizing it which is also likely. What matters is that neither of those are good for Xbox
  7. The Guardian? Maybe the game really is as woke as Cooke suggests
  8. It's amazing how many here will drop down and shill over a few shitty bargin bin games. If epic and steam switched places you wouldn't be getting any of this.
  9. That's literally you 99.9% of the time on this forum
  10. PC is designed to be free and open, not necessarily getting multiple things from multiple places. Trusting another service with my data, entrusting another service with my game collection for long time support, signing up and splitting my library between 2 clients....all of this is extra work for me. The company needs to justify why I should do that. Gog offered a good service, good deals, and no DRM was a unique and pro-consumer selling point. What did Epic do exactly? pay developers to keep their games off other platforms? amazing, that's really won me over. No I'm sorry but the
  11. We weren't even discussing exclusives. Steam was the OG, they came out with a service that reinvigorated PC gaming. Along comes Gog, what do they offer? they start with mostly classic games which were either lost to time or unplayble, that set them apart. They've since expanded their service, they offered good deals, I haven't used them too much recently but I specifically remember their weekend deals always being worth checking out. Lastly we get to their biggest selling point - No DRM. This firmly sets them apart from Steam and is something worth using the service for
  12. No it's because people know that the free games and free vouchers are only because Epic is desperate , and if Epic was ever put into the dominant position Steam is in all of this would stop and you'd likely see consumers get fucked. There's a real "Microsoft" kind of vibe about Epic. The ubisoft and EA clients are shit too. Shit clients, shit deals, mostly just shit that nobody bothers with. The only good EA did was making refunds normal. Ironically Gog who never forced their client on people was one I would choose to install.
  13. Doubtful, based Japs don't push that kind of garbage. You won't get perma banned for having anime waifus painted on the car either (Well I'm sure you wouldn't if you could paint on the cars)
  14. I was hoping with the GPU prices and shortages developers would hold back on stupid system requirements but yeah it seems some are content to go all out. Ain't nobody buying a 3080 from a scalper just to play dying light at 1080p
  15. I bet you're that guy who puts "pussy slayer" or "snatch destroyer" in your Facebook name
  16. I was walking through the local game store when I saw a pretty young lady, dressed in jeans, a red jacket and a t-shirt branded with the PlayStation logo. She was stood by herself looking bemused at the Xbox games on display. Feeling like this was a good opening, I asked if she was looking for anything specific. She replied to me "I'm looking for an AAA exclusive released within the past 8 years". I burst out into laughter, she burst out laughing too, we laughed Risitas style in the middle of the store obvlivious to all around us. We had instant rapport afte
  17. I'll just take the free games and not buy anything.
  18. I don't think anybody knows or cares about Xbox at this point. It would be like asking if the game is coming to Stadia , who cares?
  19. Twinkie the day Battlefield implements these you'll be bitching but buy them anyway
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